After opening his eyes, the big toad fairy saw Naruto in front of him now, and then said, "Naruto, I called you here because I want you to help!"

After hearing this, Naruto saluted the big toad, and then said respectfully, "Big toad immortal, please say!"

The big toad immortal looked down at him, and then asked, "Chiqi, have you heard of it?"

Naruto nodded after thinking for a while and said, "Last time

Fukasaku Immortal and I said that he was the companion of Fukasaku Immortal" The big toad immortal nodded after hearing this, and said, "That's right, he used to be the most genius existence of Mount Myoki, I recently had a prophecy, he will be your indispensable partner, so I hope you went to see him

" Naruto raised his head in surprise and asked the big toad immortal "I don't know what the big toad immortal prophecy is?"

The big toad shook his head after hearing this, and said, "I can't see it completely, I only see you standing on top of Chiqi's head, facing a clan from outside the sky!"

Naruto nodded, and then said, "Then trouble the big toad immortal to send me there"

The big toad immortal raised his right paw after hearing this, and clicked in the void.

I saw a black vortex appear in the void, Naruto looked at the big toad immortal in surprise and said, "Another small world out of Mount Myoki?" The

big toad immortal smiled and replied, "That's right, this is a small world completely separated from Myoki Mountain, usually attached to the void around Myoki Mountain, only I can open it, Chiki is inside, you go in"

Naruto didn't ask more after hearing this, and then jumped into the whirlpool.

In a whirlwind, Naruto closed his eyes, and when he felt that he had fallen to the ground, he opened his eyes and looked at the world.

Unlike the scenery of the ninja world, there are not many trees, and there are huge stone mountains everywhere, and these stone mountains seem to be toads.

After turning on the perception, Naruto found that there was a huge energy source in the distance, and this energy also carried some dark aura.

Then he hurried towards the energy source, and when he arrived, Naruto was a little surprised by what he saw.

I saw some toad shadows surrounding a huge toad, and those phantoms seemed to be chanting something.

Looking closely, Naruto found that this toad was even bigger than the previous Iwasu Toad, and its entire skin was a strange black purple.

On his back was a huge knife with a handle about three times the length of a single.

At this time, the toad was supporting its head with one paw, looking at the phantoms in front of him.

Seeing this, Naruto left a Flying Thunder God mark in place, and then walked over.

When he got closer, he heard that these phantoms were giving him a lesson in ideological education, and the approximate content was to abandon the darkness in his heart and return to the light.

At this time, these phantoms and the big purple toad also found someone approaching.

Then a phantom shadow floated towards Naruto's side, and after closing his eyes and perceiving it, he looked at Naruto and said, "Is the inheritor of this generation of Myoki Mountain?"

Naruto nodded and said, "That's right, may I ask you?"

The toad reached out and brushed the void beard in the void, and then said, "Did the toad pill let you in?"

Naruto was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "Yes, the big toad fairy asked me to come in and find Chiqi," the

toad nodded after hearing this, and then pointed to the purple-black toad and said, "That's Chiki, you can go over and talk to him, now he is not as irritable as before."

Then the toad floated back to its original position, and Naruto quickly ran over when he saw this.

Chiqi also lowered his head and looked at the only human who walked in in so many years.

Naruto saw Akaki looking at him, then waved his hand at him and said, "Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki" Akaki

snorted after hearing this, and then turned his head to the side.

Seeing this, Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and then looked at the shadow that had just spoken to him.

Seeing this, the phantom floated over and said to Naruto, "Akaki is like this, don't you mind, why did Toad Pill let you in?" "

The Great Toad Fairy told me that he made a prophecy about me, saying that Akaki would be my indispensable companion in the future," Naruto told the Great Toad Fairy to himself.

After hearing this, these phantoms all stopped chanting and turned their heads to look at Naruto in unison.

Chiki also turned his head after hearing this, and looked at Naruto seriously.

Moreover, his pupils also emitted a purple light, and under the gaze of Chiki who was bubbling with purple light in his eyes, Naruto felt as if he had been seen through.

After a moment, the light in Chiqi's eyes began to dissipate, and then he raised his head and let out a roar.

The roar he emitted was not a low moan like a toad, but a roar similar to that of a beast, and then he lowered his head, looked at Naruto and laughed and said, "Hahaha, finally waiting for you, you finally appeared!" "

He has been locked up here for almost eight hundred years, and three years ago the Great Toad Immortal came in once and told him that in the future, someone special would come to him, that person would be his lifelong partner, and he would know more friends because of this person.

Chichi is not much interested in making friends, but he is very interested in this special person in the Great Toad Immortal population.

The purple light that appeared in his eyes just now was emitted by his exclusive pupil technique, which could not only be used for exploration, but also had strong attack power.

Under his investigation, he found that natural energy had been circulating in Naruto's body, and there was no Chakra in his body, and those natural energies had condensed a vortex in his lower abdomen, and that vortex was still swallowing natural energy.

For Chiqi, who had always been obsessed with the immortal mode, he certainly knew what the situation was.

Natural energy is always circulating in the body, which means that it is usually kept in immortal mode.

And once these natural energies are operated, their own strength will be increased.

In Naruto's puzzled gaze, Chiki looked down at him and said, "Naruto, don't worry, there is a place where you can use me in the future, just look for me, and you can also call me Asura Toad!"

Although Naruto was still very puzzled at this time, he still nodded and said to him, "I'll call you Chiki, then please take care of you in the future!"

Chi Qi nodded his head after hearing this, and then said to the shadows around him, "Old men, can you let me go?"

The phantoms nodded after hearing this, and the toad that Naruto was talking to when he came floated above his head and landed on his head, and then said to him, "Chiki, remember, just after the easy break, your talent is the best Myoki Mountain has ever had, and if it weren't for your haste last time, you wouldn't have been stuck here for nearly eight hundred years!"

Chi Qi cut after hearing this, and then said respectfully: "Don't worry, old man, I know what to do!" "

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