Naruto: Except For Me, All Ninjas Are Reborn

Chapter 120 The ChūNin Exam Doesn't Start Until You Arrive At School! (Seeking Subscription)

Jiraiya looked at her teacher in disbelief at this moment.


"what do you mean.……………"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile~: "Yes.

"Exactly what you think."

"Wait after this Chūnin exam is over."

"I will give up the position of Hokage."

"When the time comes, let you do it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed cheerfully.

"Cough cough..."

"Well, let's talk... let's talk"

Hearing this, Jiraiya coughed immediately.

I don't want to be in this Hokage position.

Every day, I will be tied up in the village without saying anything.

I have to deal with the affairs of the village.

How can I have so much free time?

Isn't this delaying my own material collection!

After Jiraiya left here.

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long sigh.

He muttered to himself, "It seems..."

"Jiraiya still doesn't like the position of Hokage..."


"After it's over, let Jiraiya tell him to bring Tsunade back."

"So it seems."


"Only Tsunade is the most suitable candidate."

"As for... Shimura Danzō..."

"Forget it..………"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

If he really gave up Hokage's position to Shimura Danzō.

Then within half a year.

I guess the village is about to be ruined by him.

Leave it to Tsunade!

Chūnin exam.

that day.

In the morning, at eight o'clock.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!

"Hey Hey hey!"


"Get up quickly!"

"Today is the Chūnin exam!"

"Aren't you still in bed?"

At eight o'clock in the morning.

Uchiha Sasuke came to the door of the wooden house in the lower reaches of Minamiga River.

He began to knock on the closed door continuously.

If it is not afraid of Naruto getting angry.

He even thought about breaking in directly.

After waiting for a while.

inside the house.

Only then did Naruto's voice come out.

"Call, call, call..."

"What a fart!"

"Damn Sass!!"

Naruto's muttering voice came.

When Uchiha Sasuke at the door heard this, his face trembled slightly.

"Hurry up!"

"It's already eight o'clock!"

"Our team must arrive at the first examination room before nine o'clock."


"We will lose the qualification for the assessment."

Uchiha Sasuke said firmly.

"I know, I know!"

"Hurry up!!"

"Debt collection, you!"

Inside the room, Naruto got up slowly.

Then he curled his lips.


Glancing aside, Hyūga Hinata had come to life.

And Hyuga Hanabi on the other end.

Naruto was really helpless at this time.

after all

Played too late last night.

Big night.

Naruto is also worried about letting Hyūga Hinata and Hyuga Hanabi go back.

Simply, he stayed here for the night.

It's not the first time anyway.

"Hinata sauce."

"You are resting for a while."

"I'm going to get rid of Erzhuzi first."

Naruto said softly.


Hyūga Hinata, who was hiding under the blanket, blushed and nodded.

Naruto chuckled.

Then left the house.

After washing,

Take the eighth step directly.

Walk towards the door.


Pull the door open directly.

Then he stared and said, "Second Zhuzi."

"Call call a hammer!"

"So loud."

"I don't know, I thought what happened to you.

"Don't be stunned.

"Let's go."

Naruto folded his arms and walked leisurely forward.

Seeing this, Uchiha Sasuke raised his eyebrows.

Obviously I came to wake him up.

Why does it feel like it's my fault?!


Quickly followed behind Naruto.

When we reached the street in the village.

……ask for flowers…

Then I ran into the little Sakura who was waiting.

Then, the seventh class assembled.

Together, they started to move towards the test site not far away.

seventh class.

Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura.

The collection of open classes is completed.


Then came to the door of the classroom.


It's a mess right now.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Why don't you let us in!"

"We have exam certificates!"

"We were called by you Konoha Village to take the Chūnin exam together!!"

Some of the remaining ninjas kept yelling here.

It is clear.

They didn't know why they came here and were stopped by two people from Konoha Village.


"If I say no, I won't!"

"Get out if you are not convinced!"

at this time.

Two young ninjas at the door curled their lips and said.

These two young ninjas.

It's Gang Zitie and Kodzuki Izumo!

The purpose of their coming here.

It's the first batch of candidates!!

The Chūnin exam does not start until you arrive at the exam room.

But it's started now!!!

It's just an illusion here.

Some of these clamoring candidates seemed to have sensed that something was wrong.


Most of the candidates are still making noise.

Didn't find anything wrong at all.

"boring means..."

Uchiha Sasuke came here at this time.

Directly left from the side road.

Seeing this, Naruto smiled.

This Primary illusion.

For the second pillar with Sharingan.

It is indeed a bit boring.

Little Sakura also has a strong talent in illusion.

So I can see the flaws at a glance.

As for Naruto.

Of course it goes without saying.

The three of them left here straight away.

this hand.

Immediately, Gang Zitie and Kodzuki Izumo looked at each other with admiration.

As expected of the class led by Senior Kakashi!


The three of Naruto came to the door of the real assessment teaching building!


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