Naruto: Except For Me, All Ninjas Are Reborn

Chapter 134 One Tail Shouhe Is About To Go Berserk! Naruto: Is Kata So Careless?

At this moment, Gaara fell heavily to the ground.

Both eyes are tightly closed.

The whole person seemed to faint directly.

"It's over!!"

"Gaara was knocked out by that guy?"

After Kankuro on the side saw this scene.

The expression on his face immediately changed.

Originally, he was still worried that Gaara would not be able to control the One Tail Shouhe in his body.

This will cause a runaway.

But right now,

He never thought of it.

Gaara was actually defeated by the opponent!


The terrifying lightning attack just now...

Perhaps only Gaara, who is the One Tail Jinchūriki, can resist it.

If this falls on me and others...

It is estimated that at this time,

His soul has already returned to the pure land.

That Naruto..………….

How could he be so powerful?

He shook his head violently.

Kankuro knew that now was not the time to shock his opponent's strength.


Gaara fell into a coma!

In that case…………

The One Tail Shouhe in his body is very likely to explode!



"Can't wait! 317"

At this time Kankuro said loudly.

The expression on Temari's face at this time is also very dignified.


The two quickly came to Gaara.

Looking at Gaara who has fallen into a coma.

The two were once again shocked by Naruto's strength.

"Quack quack!!"


"So there are times when you meet someone you can't handle!"

"Quack quack quack..."

Within the spiritual space of Gaara.

One Tail Shouhe suddenly burst out laughing.

The sound of laughter is full of pride!

Originally, One Tail Shouhe was always looking for opportunities.

Wants to take Gaara's body for himself.


Over the years, Gaara has stuck to it too.

Insist on not being invaded by One Tail Shouhe.

And right now,

The opportunity has been placed in front of One Tail Shokaku!

It has to be held firmly!!

"Let's riot!"


One Tail Shouhe began to crazily invade the Chakra in his body towards the outside world!

Because at this time Gaara has fallen into a coma.


One Tail Shouhe's riot went even smoother!

It's been smoother than ever before!

"quack quack...(cfcc)"

"My uncle is going to break through the seal soon!"

"By the time!"

"The sky is big and the earth is big! No one can control me anymore!"

"Quack quack quack!!!"

One Tail Shouhe roared crazily in the mental space inside Gaara.

It can be seen that it is at this time.

super excited!!!

"Sealing Techniques!"

"Sand Seal!!"

At this time, Kankuro and Temari quickly came to Gaara's side.

Then, regardless of Naruto and Sasuke on the opposite side.

He took out the sealing scroll directly from the ninja bag.

Set out to suppress the One Tail Shouhe in Gaara!



"You guys!"

"Why do you always stop my uncle from coming out!"

After One Tail Shouhe felt the power of the seal.

Immediately furious!!

Start crazily agitating the One Tail Chakra in your body!!

With Chakra's constant riots.


There was also a rift in the Seal of Sand.


One Tail Shouhe seized this opportunity.

Quickly burst out the Chakra in my body from this rift!!


Kankuro clearly felt it.

There was an extremely obvious crack in the sealing scroll in his hand!

And at the same time.

On the surface of Gaara's body, a crimson Chakra also began to emerge.

It is clear!!

The One Tail Shouhe in his body has started to attack!!

It is bound to want to break out of the seal in a short time!


"If this goes on..."

"We can't control Gaara anymore!"

"what to do?"

Kankuro's brow was dripping with cold sweat!

The same is true for Temari at this time.

The sweat behind her forehead and the sweat on her back had already soaked her underwear.

And this time.

not far away.

Naruto tilted his head, looking at Gaara who was stunned by himself.

After feeling the power of the One Tail beast on the opponent.

He couldn't help clicking his tongue.

"If at this time..."

"If One Tail goes berserk......"


"After all, it's a troublesome thing..."

Naruto scratched his head.

At this time, he was full of helplessness.

He never expected that Gaara would be knocked out by a lightning strike

Anyway, it's also One Tail Jinchūriki


"Be careful."

"There's...something wrong inside that guy."

Uchiha Sasuke quickly dodged in front of Naruto.

The eyes of Two Tomoe Sharingan also began to change.


Suddenly Three Tomoe Sharingan appeared!!

It is clear,

During this period of time, Uchiha Sasuke is also practicing crazily.

Right now, he has activated Three Tomoe Sharingan!

With the words of his own Three Tomoe Sharingan.

Even if One Tail guards the crane and runs away.

You can also control yourself for a while.

As long as it lasts until the other ninjas get here.

Then there won't be much damage.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Two pillars."

"You can!"

"Three Tomoe Sharingan all turned on."

"Tut tsk tsk..."

After seeing the change in Sharingan in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes again, Naruto said in surprise.

He was really surprised.

after all

Among the original works.

But when he and Er Zhuzi were fighting in the Valley of Ending.

Three Tomoe Sharingan that Uchiha Sasuke just opened.

Never thought of it.

It's so much earlier now.

But think about it...

Because of my arrival, I inspired all my companions in the same period.

Compared with the original work, everyone's strength has been greatly improved.

That being said...

They should thank me!

"Be careful!"


"Gaara is going berserk!"

Uchiha Sasuke stared.


Put all your attention on Gaara.

And at this time.

Naruto tilted his head, followed closely.

Take the leap!

In an instant, it fell in front of Gaara.

"What a speed!"

The pupils of Temari and Kankuro shrank fiercely!

this speed.

If you come to attack the two of them.

They have no chance to dodge at all!

How can he be so strong?

"You! What are you doing!"

Temari said with a vigilant look.

"Ah this?" Naruto froze for a moment.

Then, I looked Temari up and down.

She smiled shyly, "This...isn't that good?"

"???" Temari was slightly taken aback, not understanding why the other party showed such an expression.

Immediately afterwards.

Naruto also ignored Temari and Kankuro.

Putting his hands directly on Gaara's stomach.


"I want to kill him, I have already killed him."

Naruto senses the hostility and vigilance of Kankuro and Temari.


"how to say."

"I have an old friend, I just want to catch up with his old friend."

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