Naruto: Except For Me, All Ninjas Are Reborn

Chapter 64 Eight Trigrams Gentle Fist Method Vs Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist! (Seeking Subscript

The middle and lower reaches of Nanhechuan.

by the rushing river,

in the sun.

on the grass.

Naruto and Hyuga Neji just stood there quietly.


Hyuga Neji took a deep breath,

Next, I must teach this nasty Naruto a lesson!!


"Don't be so naive as to think that you are very close to Ms. Hinata recently."

"You can keep doing whatever you want."


Hyuga Neji's eyes flashed a strong light.

"I'll let you see the world clearly."

"let you know."

"The gap between you and the Hyuga clan!!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The atmosphere in the whole venue suddenly became hot!!

"What a strong smell of gunpowder!"

Tiantian said excitedly on the sidelines.

It's been a long time since I've seen such an exciting scene!

I just don't know who will be stronger or weaker in the future!

Naruto and Neji.

I know Hyuga Neji's strength every day,


It can be said that at present,

He is the strongest member of their third team!


At this time, Tian Tian didn't know that Xiao Li still had the special skill of Eight Inner Gates hidden.

If it is not counted as hanging,

Hyuga Neji's combat power is indeed the strongest existence among their members.

"Is there a gap between me and the Hyuga clan?"

Naruto rubbed his chin, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

I just got the "Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist" and compared it with the Gentle Fist method of the Hyuga family.

Who is stronger?


Hyuga Neji continued with a deadpan expression.

"Right now, you don't even know the difference between yourself and our Hyuga clan.

"By lending me down 073 this fight."

"I think……………"

"You should feel something."

After Hyuga Neji finished speaking, he stopped talking.

move your hands slowly,

Gentle Fist's starting move is ready!

All it takes is a command from the Might Guy.


The battle will start immediately!!




Naruto smiled lightly, "There is actually no difference between me and the Hyuga clan.


"Just like what you said before."

"The next battle."

"I'll let you know the gap between you and me."

"Hey hey..."

Naruto has decided,

Just aimed at the expression that his brother-in-law just wanted to be beaten.

Next by myself.

Absolutely can't give him good fruit to eat!

"a ha ha ha!!"

"I already feel it,"

"Your youthful fiery breath is coming!"



"Competition is more about it!"



Might Guy roared excitedly!!

Xiao Li on the side also howled excitedly!



Tian Tian beside him was speechless.

Can Xiao Li and Teacher Guy not even smell gunpowder?


Her eyes were also full of strong curiosity,

Is it Neji who is great, or Naruto who always feels so salty?

If Naruto loses,


Then I'll go up and say good things, and see if I can get some good wine from Naruto's hands.

Thinking back to the last time I drank Naruto's fine wine (cfee),

It's been almost half a month, okay?

But I'm so hungry!

Hyuga Neji After Might Guy finished speaking,

The body is already standing in place, without any change.

At this time he,

In fact, he is also observing Naruto's hand movement.

Just through the actions of the other party,

Hyuga Neji can now judge the approximate strength of the opponent.

after all

What he faced was Naruto,

Nine Tails Jinchūriki!


The corners of Naruto's mouth raised slightly.

The opening gesture of Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist is raised immediately!!

body slightly sideways,

The two hands appeared in front of everyone in a way that no one present had ever seen before!

"What kind of hand gesture is this?"

Hyuga Neji's eyes were filled with astonishment!

This feeling,

The opponent will definitely use some kind of punch!


Why have I never seen this kind of incomparably weird gesture?


Naruto moved!!

so fast!!!

In the sight of Hyuga Neji,

Naruto's figure suddenly looked like a ghost, flickering left and right.

Come with the wind!!

The moment he came to his senses,

Naruto has already arrived in front of him!!

No more hesitation!!

"Gentle Fist Method Eight Trigrams Thirty Two Palms!!!"

Instantly cast the professional fist of the Hyuga clan!!

Incredibly fast!!

Tian Tian, ​​who was watching the battle from the sidelines, immediately stared.

"Did you try your best right from the start?"

"That's what you say."

"Naruto is definitely going to lose."

Tiantian didn't expect that Hyuga Neji would take it so seriously as soon as he came up.

This set of boxing is down.

But few people can resist it.


The Might Guy on the side showed a pensive look,

Stare at Hyuga Neji and Naruto in the field.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes!

"Something's wrong!"

"But, it's okay..."

"Neji's attack..."

"It's all gone!"

The astonishment on Might Guy's face kept rising.

Fist of the Hyuga family,

He naturally has a certain degree of understanding.

In the state that was just so close.

Few can dodge all of Hyuga Neji's palm attacks with such ease!

And in the battle just now,

Naruto's figure is like a ghost!


"It's not a ghost......"

Might Guy thought about it.

It is impossible for ghosts to dodge so quickly!

What kind of terrifying movement is this?

"Naruto-kun is so strong!!"

After Xiao Li saw this scene,

Eyes widened in shock!!

He knows Hyuga Neji's strength.


Being able to fight back and forth with Hyuga Neji at such a close distance!


No matter how you look at it, you can feel that Neji's face has become serious.

Is Naruto-kun so strong?


What Mr. Guy said is the most correct!


"Don't underestimate your opponent!"

This is what Mr. Guy often teaches himself and others!

on the grass.



Hyuga Neji's complexion gradually turned ugly.

What the hell is going on with this Naruto?!

Why every time my palm is going to hit him.

Can he dodge it weirdly?!


Can you take advantage of the trend and fight back against yourself?!

What kind of terrifying body and palm technique is this?!

After seeing that the thirty-two chapters of my Eight Trigrams were fruitless.

Hyuga Neji suddenly jumped,

Get some distance with Naruto!

Since melee attacks can't work.

So, come and try this!!

"Blind eyes!!"

The veins around Hyuga Neji's temples burst out suddenly!

The white eyes have been cast!


Just to see Naruto's attack trajectory clearly!

"The white eyes are all used!"

"Oh My God!"

"Naruto is amazing!!"

Tiantian exclaimed.

To know,

Even in the competition between Xiao Li and Hyuga Neji.

It is rare to see Neji roll his eyes,

It will only be turned on when he competes with Mr. Guy.

And right now,

The fight against Naruto actually started?


Or did it take less than thirty seconds to start?!

"Eight Trigrams‧Empty Palm!!!"

Hyuga Neji took a chance,

The eyes locked onto Naruto's body directly!


Chakra in the right hand explodes directly!!

Because from more than a month ago,

Hyuga Hiashi suddenly lifted all the restrictions on boxing practice in the family.

As long as it is a member of the Hyuga family,

All can unconditionally practice the boxing techniques of all sects!

In the words of Hyuga Hiashi,

That is Zongjia branch house not branch house!


Hyuga Neji also learned many new moves from it!

The Chakra group exploded immediately!!

Go straight for Uzumaki Naruto!!

This if hit.

The battle is basically over!

Your weird body skills may be able to avoid my fist.


It depends on how you avoid this kind of empty palm!!

And right now,

Just when the ball of Chakra was about to hit Naruto's body.

very strange scene,

It's on again!

All he saw was Naruto's body, suddenly turned sideways strangely.

Sideways without warning!

it turns out,

Dodged Hyuga Neji's Eight Trigrams Air Palm with ease!

Not only that,

The steps under Naruto's feet are still extremely messy and weird!

in a flash,


It has arrived in front of Hyuga Neji!

"not good!!"

Hyuga Neji's pupils shrank suddenly!


I only saw Naruto in front of me, with no expression on his face.


The right fist has come straight to his face!

"I flow!!"

A right hook!!

Slamming towards Hyuga Neji's face!


Hyuga Neji's complexion suddenly became shocked!

If this hits,

I will definitely lose my combat power!!


How could I lose here!!

I haven't overturned my destiny yet!

I can't lose!

I can't lose either!!

strong spiritual will,

Let Hyuga Neji display the moves that he has comprehended with his talent in an instant!

"Eight Trigrams‧Revolving Heaven!!"


The Crazy Collision of Fist Style and Revolving Heaven!!

Immediately set off a gust of wind!!

All the surrounding trees and bushes made a "rustling" sound!


An unprecedented matchup!!

Might Guy suddenly clapped his hands!!


"I understand!"

"That weird movement!"

PS: Ask for flower monthly ticket support.

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