Naruto: Except For Me, All Ninjas Are Reborn

Chapter 92 Freezing Moment! Ice Age! Terrible Destructive Power! (Seeking Subscription)

Back to Dazna's house.

Kakashi is reminiscing about Naruto's superb grilled fish!

he can't believe it,

There is such deliciousness in this world!

It's such a shame not to be a cook!!

it seems that

I have to go fishing with Naruto often in the future!

Only in this way can we eat this delicious food again!

For deliciousness!

at all costs!!

Momochi Zabuza and Bai were also shocked!

They lived a life of fugitive for so many years.

I have never tasted such delicious food before!!

This is just awesome, isn't it?

next day,

Naruto's body came to the edge of another stream.

And his Shadow Clone,

It is still fishing in the previous back mountain stream.

Not because of anything else.

Good guy!

Today Naruto planned to test the ability of his Frozen Fruit.


Kakashi, Zabuchi, Shiro, Uchiha Sasuke and little Sakura.

These people all revolve around themselves.

This made him unable to free his hands at all.


In the morning, I pretended to go to the toilet by myself.

Casts Shadow Clone.

Then let Shadow Clone deal with Kakashi and they went.

And his own body.

It came to another place.

Here is a small lake.

In fact, it is not small.

The area is huge!

Surrounded by mountains.

It's just that the country of waves is a country bordering the sea.

So, this piece of lake looks a little smaller!

Naruto walked slowly to the center of the lake.


Gently let out a sigh of relief.

A gust of icy cold air,

It was constantly spitting out from Naruto's mouth.

The temperature of the surrounding air suddenly dropped several degrees!

The ability of Frozen Fruit is constantly being displayed!

"Frozen Hour!!!"


An extremely strong cold air erupted directly from the surface of Naruto's body!!


It started to spread directly towards the lake!

just for a moment,

Fang Yuan's hundreds of meters of lake water will immediately freeze and become a brand new ice surface!

Not only that!

The cold air is still spreading along the ice surface towards the water!!

Ten seconds later.

Ten meters deep underwater.

It is also a completely solidified ice cube!!

In such a crisp autumn weather.

Added a touch of cold temperature!!


The gas that Naruto exhales is icy!

"Power, generalization.

Naruto looked at the power he caused, and then gave a quite satisfactory answer.

after all,

Right now, I haven't fully developed my own Frozen Fruit yet.

Only step by step!

Continuously condense one's own strength, amplitude change is the kingly way!

"Elementalization of Ice!"


Naruto tested the elemental ability of the Logia fruit!


Naruto's body is directly assimilated with the ice element!

this moment,

Naruto can clearly feel that he is ice!

Ice is yourself!!

It's a wonderful feeling.

Can't tell.

It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

It is the current state of Naruto.

After de-elementation.

Naruto looked at only about a tenth of the lake covered by himself.

Then, squint your eyes.

Slowly squatted down.

Slowly put your right hand on the ice surface!

"The strongest power......"

"Ice Age!!!!!!!"

Naruto opens up directly!!

Release all the ice attribute energy in the body crazily at this moment!!


The cold air of Cang White kept bursting out from Naruto's body!!

Then, follow the lake.

It spread in all directions!

"Hoo hoo hoo!!!"

this moment!

The cold air roars out majesticly!!

terribly cold,


Freeze all!!!

Rivers, lakes, even forests on the banks!!

Rocks, Grass!!

All are frozen!!!

The frost is still pouring towards the surroundings!!

Ice Age!

as if,

To turn the world here into an ice age!!

Post Yamanaka of the small town of Namuni.

It is about 30 kilometers away from the lake where Naruto's body is located.

Even at such a great distance.

Kakashi and others also gradually felt this extremely cold breath!!

"Did you feel it?"

"That chill...what's going on?"

Kakashi stopped what he was doing and stood up.

His eyes were a little serious and he looked into the distance.

"What's going on with this cold air?"

"Is it because of the change of seasons?"

Uchiha Sasuke also noticed something wrong in the distant valley at this time.

Then, quickly came to Kakashi's side.

"seasonal changes?"


"It's autumn."

"It's impossible for such a strong cold to appear.

Kakashi analyzed quickly.

And at this time,

Bai seemed to sense something and stood up.

He said in a low voice: "That degree of cold air.

"It can't be a change in natural solar terms."

"It may be... similar to my blood succession boundary."

"Ice escape!"

"Ice escape?!" Kakashi frowned.

Immediately, he took a deep breath.

"Naruto, Sasuke."

"You stay here."

"Zai Buzhan and I will go check it out."

Kakashi thought about it.

Let Sasuke and Naruto stay here to watch Shiro.


Take it with you and don't cut it over.

Watch it by yourself and don't cut it.

Then go over there and investigate what's going on.


Naruto's Shadow Clone and Uchiha Sasuke nodded simultaneously.

No more beheading and nodding to Bai.

Unusual situation over there.

He didn't intend to let Bai follow him there.

"Don't kill Mr. again."

"Please be careful!"

Bai said worriedly.

"Don't worry." Seeing this, Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan smiled.

after all,

He hasn't smiled for a long time.

Right now, it is difficult to complete the act of "smiling".

It's already very difficult.

"En!" Seeing this, Bai immediately nodded excitedly.

Is Mr. No More Smiling?

Definitely smiling!


All going in a good direction!

I hope this is not a dream!


I'd rather not wake up for the rest of my life!

"call out----"

"call out

Momochi Zabuza and Kakashi left here quickly.

Start to go to the place full of strange cold atmosphere.

Thirty kilometers away.

Naruto slowly raised his right hand.

Just this big move.

Naruto also consumed 70% of the power in his body.


Look at your masterpiece.

Naruto nodded very satisfied.

The entire vast lake,

Right now, it has become a whole block of ice!


It's a whole piece!!

Even deep into the deep water layer below the bottom of the lake.

And everything turned into ice inside and out!!

And the jungle, grass, trees, rocks around the lake.

And all of them were frozen by the cold!!

this moment,

The Ice Age is Coming!!

Naruto was very satisfied with the power he displayed.


It consumes a lot of money for myself.


In short, the initial desired result was achieved.


When he cast Ice Age.

I can already feel that this skill still has a lot of room for growth!

What I am displaying now,

But it's just fur!!

You still need to develop more!


"Kakashi and Zabuchi?"

Naruto was very keen and found Kakashi and Zabuchi a few kilometers away.

Then he murmured: "Is it because the movement here is too violent?"

"never mind."

"Slip away..."

Naruto casts Instant Technique!

Instantly disappeared without a trace!!

Just three minutes after Naruto left.

Kakashi slowly landed on a tree trunk that had been frozen into frost.

Just when his right foot landed on the 757 trunk.

"Crack" sound!

An extremely crisp breaking sound sounded!

Kakashi lost his center of gravity and landed on the ground.

"The insides of the trees are frozen like this..."


"So what happened?!"

Kakashi raised his head slowly,

Then, the pupils shrank violently!!

in front of him,

It is a world of ice and snow!!

The entire huge lake has turned into ice!

Everything around.

Everything is frozen!!

"What a terrifying frozen area..."

"It definitely far exceeds Bai's ability!"

Tao Di Zabu Zhan also looked at the frozen world in front of him with horror on his face.

"If it's a force of nature, it's still acceptable..."

"If it's man-made..."

Kakashi muttered to himself at this time.

Man-made power?!

Then how terrifying will this person's strength be?!!


Outside the ninja world, there are people outside people, and there is heaven outside the sky!

After a fruitless query.

Kakashi and Momochi Zabuchi left here.

Naruto has also returned to Uchiha Sasuke's side early.

Find a chance to disarm the Shadow Clone.

Then return to your own body.

No flaws!

Sometimes Shadow Clone is so easy to use!

In the entire ninja world, there are only a handful of ninjas who can distinguish Shadow Clone!


The fishing rod in Naruto's hand moved again.

A fat fish hooked!

Naruto sighed!

My fishing technique is really strong!

After the mission on the country of waves is over, after returning to the village by myself.

It must be a one-time drop to have a good time!


I kind of miss Hinata sauce!

Naruto thought of Hyūga Hinata's warm embrace, and his face was full of intoxication!


After the task is over!

Never go out of the village to perform missions again!

I am buried in the warm embrace of Hinata sauce every day, isn’t she fragrant?!!

PS: Ask for flower support!!.

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