Naruto: Except For Me, All Ninjas Are Reborn

Chapter 94 Remember To Make The Town More Beautiful! I Will Be Back! Return Trip, ChūNin Exam! (Seek

On the bridge of the Land of Waves.

Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke stared at each other,

He stared in disbelief at what had just happened before his eyes.

Originally, they were all on alert.

It was found that Momochi Zabuza and Bai had any abnormalities.

Just attack them!

But this scene right now.

Let them never think of it.


"Bring over what we prepared."

Momochi Zabuzhan saw the Bloodline on the whole bridge, and said in a low voice.


Bai nodded immediately, and then brought two or three buckets from the bridgehead.


In Kakashi's jaw-dropping gaze.

Taodi Zabuzhan and Bai began to wash away all the blood on the entire bridge.


"from now on."


"We're not living the same life we ​​were before!"

At this moment, Taodi's whole body felt an indescribable refreshment.

This feeling,

Unparalleled, unprecedented!

"Yeah!" Bai nodded excitedly.

"This is.………"



White snowflakes fell from the sky.

Also as pure as white.

"Is this, the Snow of Rebirth?"

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan muttered to himself.

“It smells so fresh...”


The heavy snow fell slowly.

Cover up the entire bridge.


In the past when the peach land was never cut, it was all buried in the heavy snow.


this time,

I am with Bai.


Both Bai and himself are not dead!!

This is the ending I want the most!

Taodi Zabuzhan's eyes were full of relief.

"No more cuts."


"What are you going to do with 780?"

Kakashi slowly came to Momochi's side.

He can feel it.

Started with just snow.

That peach field full of murderous aura will completely disappear if it is not cut.

He has let go of everything in his heart.

Let go of everything in the past.

next he,

What kind of life will you choose?

at this point,

Make Kakashi very curious.

Momochi Zabuzhan slowly released his rebellious forehead protector.

Silently came to the side of the bridge.


"I have a request.

"If you don't cut it in the past, it's already dead."


"You must promise me."

After Tao Di Zabu Zhan finished speaking,

He released his right hand.

Then, he dropped the Renegade Forehead Protector in his hand.

"I will judge this mission report based on your answer."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.


"I want to protect the land of waves."

"With Bai."

"We settled here."

"Not going anywhere."

Zabu Zhan looked back at this time, with a smile on his face.

This is…………

A smile full of longing for the future!

Such a smile.

It's a genuine smile from the heart,

There is no smile with any other purpose.


"Okay..." Kakashi was stunned for a moment.


Kakashi said, "Okay."

"On the way."

"If you encounter a Mist Shinobi ghost, you will not be cut again."

"Killed by our team!"

"The body fell into the sea and its whereabouts are unknown!"

"Thank you!" Zai Bu Zhan nodded solemnly.

As long as this news (cfbb) is published.

Then Yuancun will get the news.

Maybe he will withdraw the pursuit of himself.

I want to make peace in this pure country.

live on!!


"let's go."

Zabuzhan raised his right hand and placed it in front of Bai.

And at this time,

Bai's face was full of disbelief.

same time,

Tears also rolled in the eye sockets.

This is the life he has dreamed of for so many years!!


"This is not a dream."

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan seemed to see the worry in Bai's heart.


Directly put the beheading sword behind him in front of Kakashi.

"Here's the big sword for beheading."

"I have decided."

"With Bai."

"Together with me, the person you can't lose in your life!"

"Here, live on!"

"Live quietly!!"

Seeing this, Bai's pupils trembled fiercely!

Don't kill Mr. for me again,

Can he even give up his most beloved beheading sword?


Am I not a tool of Mr. Zabuchi?

Then will he abandon me in the future like he discarded the beheading sword?

Zai Bu Zhan turned his head again and smiled brightly.


"You are not a tool!"


in the sound,

Filled with endless firmness!!!

"Don't kill Mr. again!!"

The tears in the white eyes burst out immediately!!!

He threw himself directly into Taodi Zabuzhan's arms.

Feeling the temperature of Zabuzhan's body.

This is the temperature of happiness.

Kakashi watched the scene in front of him.

He also muttered to himself: "Are you with the person you can't lose the most in your life?"

It seems to be brought back memories.

An imperceptible sadness flashed in Kakashi's eyes.


Pack up Kakashi glanced at the beheading knife in front of him.

"It's very difficult for us to carry such a big thing on the road."

"I'll leave it to you."


"In case something unexpected happens."

"Also use it to protect the most important people in your life."

Taodi didn't cut off hearing the words, and didn't say much else.

"Thank you very much."

"Oh, right." Kakashi took a deep breath.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to Naruto?"

"En!" Zai Buzhan said slowly, "Anyway."

"I really appreciate you guys."

"This kindness, in the future."

"If you encounter any difficulties, you can come here to find me."

"Bai and I have been here all the time."

"Okay." Suddenly.

Naruto's voice came from the bridgehead.

I saw him appearing here leisurely carrying the Sun Wheel Knife.

"Farewell and sensational words,"

"Let's chat less."

"Sounds weird.


"No more cuts."


"It never occurred to me that you actually thought about it."

Naruto smiled, "At first, I thought, if you turn back or something.

"I'll just kill you all."

"Uh..." Both Taodi Zabuzhan and Bai couldn't help swallowing.

"Hey hey!"

"Okay!" Naruto chuckled, "Take care!"


"Remember to make this town beautiful."

"In the future, I will come here to play again!"


"Two pillars!"


"Don't stand still!"

"Little Sakura has been waiting for us for half an hour."

"Let's go, go home!"

Kakashi was startled for a few seconds, and then gave a wry smile.

good guy!!

It turned out that this guy had been watching from the sidelines all along!

at the moment,

Things are over here.


As expected of you!

Momochi Zabuza and Bai held hands tightly.

Watching Naruto and others leave.


"Don't kill Mr. again."

At this moment, Bai suddenly tilted his head and asked in a low voice.

"After Mr. Dazner's previous completion.

"I've been thinking about the name of the bridge for a while."


"He also asked me.

"I would like to ask Mr. Zabuza for his opinion."

"What's the name of this bridge?" Momochi Zabuzhan narrowed his eyes, and then said with a smile, "Then it's Naruto Bridge, of course!"


In the sky, pure white snowflakes are still falling.

Also like Bai's pure white smile.

Inside Konoha Village.

In the Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kakashi's report.

Then he laughed out loud.


“Very nice!”

"I didn't expect Naruto to be so talented!"


"very good!!!"

"very good!!!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is really pregnant at this time!

I have been very busy during this time.

As a result, he didn't have time to supervise Naruto's practice at all.


Judging from the report submitted by Kakashi right now.

Naruto's talent and hard work seem to be no less than anyone else!

and he,

Also become very strong!

This is of course a good thing for me!

after all

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has returned from rebirth, naturally knows the future.

Uzumaki Naruto is the future leader of the entire ninja world!

As long as he is stronger, Konoha Village will be safer!!

This is a win-win situation!


"Continue to supervise Naruto's practice!"

"I believe in him."

"One day, he will surpass the purpose of the Fourth Generation!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a red face.

"Yes! Lord Hokage!"

Kakashi nodded immediately.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen's death in the mission report, he didn't have any doubts.

It is not uncommon to encounter other Ninja Village ninjas during the mission.


"Here's to you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took out three document bags from the drawer.

"This is?"

Kakashi was a little puzzled.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled.

"Given that your team's strength has grown by leaps and bounds.


"I'll make the decision for you in advance."

"Here is the application form for the Chūnin exam."

"With less than two months left, we will be closer to the exhibition in Daye

"This time the Chūnin exam is the most important thing!"


"In this two-month period.

"Let my disciples improve their strength!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said solemnly.

Kakashi took the three application reports.

Then nod immediately!


PS: Please support me with flowers~.

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