The sacrifice of their companions was not in vain. Chiyosa and Chiyo Mirei had taken out all the puppets.

And they had opened a certain distance from Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo remembered the countdown again in his mind, there were still 120 seconds!

Hatake Sakumo arranged his subordinates to check if there were any fish that slipped through the net. Then he chased after Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law.

Chiyosa and Chiyo Mirei each took out 5 puppets, a total of 10.

The style of the puppets was exactly imitating Chiyo's grandmother's Chikamatsu Ten People.

Their ability was not as good as Chiyo's grandmother, so they could only control a puppet with two fingers.

As the masterpiece of the puppet master Bunzaemon, the Chikamatsu Ten People has a variety of operations and powerful functions.

Now Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law have opened up a distance from Hatake Sakumo, and they can finally fight calmly.

It's not that they are trying to die and not running, but that each puppet master leaves his back to Hatake Sakumo, so just wait to be blasted in the ass.

Isn't this a gift!

So they have always believed that the best way to retreat is to fight and retreat, and their main force is not far from here. .

It only takes two minutes, and once the main force arrives.

Surrounded by a terrifying number of puppets, it is not impossible to survive or even turn defeat into victory!

However, fate is so magical. Hatake Sakumo's goal is to get rid of the two people in front of him within 2 minutes.

Chiyosa saw that Hatake Sakumo did not continue to attack, and hurriedly said to his wife Chiyo Mirei: "I doubt his state can last. Look carefully, the eyes on his sword are slowly closing. As long as you hold on, there is a chance! ..."

Just as the two young couples in front of him were slowly communicating, Hatake Sakumo moved again!

Chiyosa and Chiyo Mirei looked at the moving Hatake Sakumo and stopped aiming. They each opened the poison needle launcher of their puppets.

A large number of poison needles were fired at Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo did not use the dog-head earth flow wall that the Hatake family usually used.

Instead, they moved quickly in the rain of poison needles from the young couple. Chiyosa and Chiyo Mirei each arranged two puppets to rush to the side of the poison needles.

The two puppets held sharp long swords with poison and quickly approached Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo was not afraid of the long sword with a highly poisonous venom.

Instead, he calmly took advantage of the gap between dodging the rain of poison needles and cut off the two puppets in front of him.

A large number of parts were broken in front of Hatake Sakumo.

Now! Chiyosa and Chiyo Mirei signaled each other with their eyes.

"Puppet Technique·Three Treasures Absorption!"

The three puppets were superimposed together to form a triangular formation.

Then a violent tornado was generated, sucking Hatake Sakumo who was in the center.

Chiyosa and Chiyo Mirei believed that even Hatake Sakumo could not move quickly in the face of such a terrifying suction force!

Sure enough, Hatake Sakumo was directly sucked in by the terrifying suction force. As long as Hatake Sakumo was absorbed into the middle of the formation, Hatake Sakumo would be completely compressed at that moment, and then Hatake Sakumo's flesh would be shot out from the back of the formation.

The couple was full of excitement. Could it be that they could kill a general of Konoha today?

Soon Chiyosa and Chiyo Mirei became even more excited, because Hatake Sakumo who was about to reach the center of the three treasures absorption collapsed turned into a piece of wood.

In fact, Hatake Sakumo used the substitute technique after chopping the two puppets with swords, taking advantage of the moment when the puppet fragments were covering him.

In other words, after Hatake Sakumo chopped the puppets, there was only a piece of wood standing there.

However, Chiyosha and Chiyo Meiling did not dare to confirm, so they could only use this seemingly good opportunity to launch an attack.

Otherwise, the situation that was finally opened would disappear again.

At this time, there were not many puppets around them, with 10 puppets. Two were chopped to pieces by Hatake Sakumo, and two had previously fired poison needles next to the three treasures to restrict Hatake Sakumo's movement.

Finally, there were three puppets that launched the three treasures.

So they were only protected by three puppets!

In front of Hatake Sakumo's terrifying speed, Chiyosha and Chiyo Meiling had no time to do more operations.

They just had time to surround the three puppets around them.

Broken! The puppet on the right side of Chiyosha was instantly broken, and Chiyo Meiling panicked for a moment.

She moved the protective sand to wrap around her husband Chiyosha, and the only puppet around her also moved around Chiyosha.

This time, Hatake Sakumo changed his target again and slashed at Chiyo Mirei.

Although Chiyosha quickly moved her puppet to Chiyo Mirei's side, Hatake Sakumo's knife still scraped Chiyo Mirei.

ChiyoThe knife wound on Meiling's body extended directly from the chest to the lower abdomen, and a large amount of blood flowed down her chest.

"Meiling!" Chiyosha roared.

Then, regardless of anything, he no longer defended and controlled all his puppets to attack Hatake Sakumo. Faced with this situation, Hatake Sakumo could only distance himself first.

Change to a new angle.

Just a few seconds from the discovery of Hatake Sakumo using the substitute technique to now, he has already lifted the three treasures and gathered all the puppets around him.

A lot of bleeding Chiyo Meiling fell directly to the ground because of a lot of bleeding, but Chiyosha couldn't help his beloved wife.

Chiyo Meiling smiled and said while walking around: "Sha! You must live. Our son is still young! Grandma is not very good at taking care of children. Scorpion is really cute and has red hair!"

"Meiling! Stop it, stop the bleeding quickly!" Chiyosha looked at Chiyo Meiling again while being on guard against Hatake Sakumo.

"It's so cold! So cold!" Chiyo Mirei was silent while she was saying she was cold.

As a ninja, Chiyosha knew that Chiyo Mirei might not be dead yet. When a person loses 20% of blood, he will go into hemorrhagic shock.

However, with this rate of blood loss, he may lose his life completely in 1 or 2 minutes.

However, the Sand Village troops were right next to him, so there was still a slight chance of saving him, as long as Hatake Sakumo didn't continue to kill him!

(The humble author hereby tells you that committing suicide by cutting your wrist is a very painful way of suicide! It is definitely not as peaceful as in TV dramas and movies! So don't commit suicide by cutting your wrist!)

Chiyosha glanced at Hatake Sakumo in front of him again. Just now, the couple were no match for Hatake Sakumo in all their states.

Even less so now, but as the son of Chiyo's mother-in-law, he would never surrender to Konoha!

He secretly made up his mind in his heart.

He said sorry to Chiyo Mirei silently. Since running away would most likely lead to death, he decided to use his life to give Senju Mirei a chance to live.

Hatake Sakumo looked at the suffering couple in front of him and didn't say or do much. In his opinion, ninjas are like this.

The only thing he was thankful for was that he felt that he was killing for the peace of Konoha and for the Will of Fire, which made him feel less guilty.

Of course, this may also be the reason why Hatake Sakumo was so heartbroken and committed suicide when he found that the Will of Fire was not so beautiful.

Hatake Sakumo counted the time again in his mind, there were still about 50 seconds! So he couldn't give the other side any more chances.

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