“It’s ridiculous that this village is actually decaying to this extent!” When he knew about this, Wujian just sneered at the Konoha high-level who made this decision.

The current Konoha is really as decayed as the original, but it has the name of the strongest ninja village, but it does not have the spirit of the strongest ninja village.

However, sneering and sneering, the cultivation of Wuxian is therefore stricter than before, and this matter also makes him understand that there is no reason in this world, and only when he is strong can he control his own destiny, instead of becoming a victim of others.

Under Wujie’s non-stop cultivation, time was fleeting, two and a half years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and Wujian was already six years old.


In the early morning, a figure in a forest in Konoha moved rapidly among the trees at an amazing speed, and finally stopped at the trunk of a large tree, but its body was strangely parallel to the ground, and his feet stood on the trunk as if standing on the ground.


Footsteps sounded, and the figure slowly walked from the tree trunk to the ground, but you could see that this was a teenager about ten years old, and if you looked closely, you could see that the teenager’s face was very immature, obviously he was younger than he looked.

“Time flies really fast, am I already six years old!” The young man stood on the ground, with some emotion in his heart, he was just invincible.

He was lamenting that time passed so quickly, and before he knew it, he had been in this world for six years.

However, under the sigh, a smile also appeared on Wuji’s face, two and a half years after Yun Ren’s time, he finally reached the age of six, not only became stronger physically, but also finally had the power to protect himself.

“Although all the value points I accumulated at the beginning have been consumed, it is still worth it!” Wujian smiled slightly.

Two and a half years is not long, but short is not short, for ordinary children of the same age as Wujie, maybe the laughter and play will pass, but for Wuji, these two and a half years have made him change greatly.

Feeling the Chakra and physical condition running in his body, Wu Yan was very satisfied in his heart, although he was only six years old, but under his perseverance and refining Chakra every day, now his Chakra is no less than forbearance, and his physical fitness is even better than ordinary Xia Ren.

As for ninjutsu, in addition to the original three-body technique, he also completed the cultivation of Chakra’s control such as climbing trees and treading water under the instruction of Xi Rihong.

Even in addition to learning some illusion techniques from Sunset Hong, even the two ninjutsu that he had obtained from Yun Shinobu had already mastered.

Now Wuji’s strength in all aspects is absolutely stable at the level of lower patience, and if it is about real combat power, he has experience in life and death fighting in his previous life, and he is absolutely confident that he will not be weaker than the elite lower endurance, at this time, if Wu Yan fights with that Yun ninja again, he is absolutely sure to easily kill the other party.

However, being able to be able to be six years old and have a strength comparable to the elite ninja naturally has a price, and the original nine hundred and forty value points have long been consumed, and even the value points exchanged after getting some illusions from Sunset Red are not reserved, and all of them are invested in the soup medicine that boils their bodies.

Since experiencing the battle of Yunnin two years ago, after Wu Yan found that his health was still too poor, he exchanged the stronger Tiger Bone Blood Pulp Soup from the Gate of Truth.

And every piece of tiger bone blood pulp soup needs ten value points, and the nine hundred and forty value points of Wuxian are used up after a year without lasting, and even if it is not for the illusion that Sunset Red gave him, he can exchange value points, and even the soup medicine is to stop using.

But even so, now Wuxian has no value point, as if returning to the earliest time.

“You can only cultivate here today, otherwise you will miss the entrance ceremony!”

Although the value points were consumed, but in exchange for today’s strength, Wuxian did not feel a pity, but put the value points aside, moved his hands and feet, with a playful smile on his face, and left here directly.

Today is the entrance ceremony of the new batch of students held by the ninja school, and the six-year-old Wuji is also of the age of enrollment, and like all Konoha’s children, they are going to enter the ninja school.

In front of the square at the gate of the Konoha Ninja School, a large number of young children were gathered at this time, and in front of the children, that is, at the gate of the Ninja School, there was a high platform erected, on which stood an old man in an imperial robes constantly saying something.

“Is this the third generation of Hokage, under the convergence of the momentum, it looks no different from an ordinary old man!” Among the children, Wujian was like an ordinary child, staring at the three generations of Hokage who were speaking on the high platform, and the ape flew to the sun.

At this time, the ninja school held the opening ceremony of each ninja school, and the three generations of Hokage who were Hokage gave speeches, encouraging new students to need ninja cultivation and ninja necessity in the future.

Although he had little interest in the Third Hokage’s speech, his face did not show impatience, but he listened carefully like the other incoming students.

Sarutobi Hinata’s speech didn’t last long, and he left directly after the speech, and as a Hokage, he naturally had to deal with a lot of various things every day, and he would deliberately take time to speak at the ninja school, but it was just because each batch of students who enrolled would become Konoha’s fighting force in the future.

After the speech, it was time to start the class, I don’t know if it was a coincidence, when the class was over, I found that the class I was in happened to be the class where the original characters gathered.

At this time, in a classroom, a group of newly enrolled students sat in their seats, all looking around at the classroom and their future classmates like curious babies.

“Ahaha~! Is this my future class? An idiot-like kid with six beards on his face and blonde hair stood on the podium looking at the classroom, laughing happily.

“Ah! This person is so handsome! At the same time, in one of the seats in the classroom, a handsome child wearing a dress with the Tuan fan logo was sitting grimly in his seat, while five or six little girls next to him were looking at him with a confused look and screaming.

“Click!” In the corner of the classroom, two fat and thin children are also sitting in their seats, but the thin one is lying on the desk and sleeping, while the fat child is constantly eating potato chips.

“It’s really a dance of demons!” In the last row of the classroom, Wujian crossed his fingers, propped himself on his chin, scanned the noisy classroom, and chuckled in his heart.

Standing on the podium like an idiot laughing was the nine-tailed man Uzumaki Naruto, and the one who was still surrounded was Uchiha Sasuke of the Uchiha clan, as for the fat and thin, the fat one was Akimichi Dingji of the Akimichi clan, and the thin one was Nara Shikamaru of the Nara clan.

And in addition to these few people, Wujian also saw a few people who shined in the original work, and it can be said that in addition to the three who are in the first year of Konoha, the other nine are in this class.

“Well?! Where do I seem to have seen that person! While Muji was observing the situation in the classroom, Hinata Hinata, who was timid and shy by nature, inadvertently saw Muji in the last row, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Although the memory of the age of three is relatively vague, the memory of being held hostage by Yunnin two years ago is a deep memory for Hinata Hinata, who has always been timid, but when he saw Wuji, he had a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen each other somewhere.

As if noticing Hinata’s gaze, Mujian suddenly turned his head to look at Hinata Hinata, who was sitting not far away, with a glint in his eyes.

“Does the other party remember himself?!” When Wujian saw Hinata Hinata looking at him, his heart was stunned, two and a half years ago, when the other party was held hostage by Yun Shinobu, it seemed that he was still calling for help.

Seeing Wujie, Hinata Hinata suddenly panicked a little, she was extremely shy, a hint of blush appeared on her small face, and she quickly turned her head, but she forgot even the doubts just now.

“Is it really the same as in the original book, but it’s just so shy when someone looks at it!” Wujian raised his eyebrows, took a deep look at the other party, and withdrew his gaze, although he didn’t know that the other party recognized himself, but presumably with the other party’s shy personality, he should not say it.

The chaos in the classroom did not last long, and soon after a ninja wearing a green vest with a horizontal scar on the bridge of his nose walked in, the classroom quieted, and Naruto Uzumaki, who was originally on the podium, also quickly ran back, apparently he was still relatively honest when he had just enrolled.

Seeing that the students quieted down after they walked in, Iruka was quite satisfied in his heart.

“Dear students, from now on you will be first-year students of the ninja school, and I am also the teacher in charge of this class, you can call me Iruka-sensei!” Walking up to the podium, Iruka looked at his future students and said loudly.

The students did not dare to speak, but they all looked at Iruka with curious eyes, as if they wanted to write down the appearance of their teacher, and Wujie, who was sitting behind, also looked at Iruka calmly, sure enough, this class was in charge of the other party.

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