Last night, the third generation went to watch the assessment on the side of the Shinobu, but after Nara Shikahisa came over, his mind had already been separated from the assessment, for no other reason, the third generation was reported to him by Nara Shikahisa about the situation of the immortal.

Wuji, the third generation has just emerged from Wuji, and he has already paid attention when he applied for graduation in advance, and he also regarded the other party as a talented child like Kakashi at that time.

But the three generations did not expect that from the situation reported by Nara Shikahisa, Wujian would actually perform so amazingly, and even when the three generations learned about it, they were moved.

Originally, the three generations let Wuji participate in the selection, and the intention in his heart was not really to expect Wuji to participate through the selection and participate in the secret war of the Five Kingdoms, after all, Wuji showed that he had a talent that was not inferior to the genius Kakashi who was originally hailed, but the age is there after all, at the age of six, even the original Kakashi has just become a middle ninja, and the strength is the ordinary middle ninja level.

The third generation knew that the squad where Wuji was originally attacked and killed by the rebel ninja, and returned from the dark ninja he sent to investigate, he knew that Wuji had encountered the strength of three rebels.

Combined with Kutono’s report at the beginning, the rebel ninja who attacked them, in addition to his rebel ninja has the strength of the upper ninja level, except for the Wuji side, the other two encountered rebel ninja are all middle ninja, which also means that in this rebellion, it should be an upper ninja as the leader, and the others are middle ninja.

From that time, the three generations knew that the six-year-old Muji had the strength to kill three mid-ninja-level rebels, although this was when he was also seriously injured, but he also showed a strength far beyond his peers, even more than Kakashi did not have at the beginning.

It is precisely because of this understanding that the three generations also pay more attention to the immortal, a genius boy who can kill three Naka Shinobi at the age of six, if he does not pay attention, then he is not worthy of being called Hokage.

It is precisely because of this that the three generations will deliberately let Wuji join the dark part, so that it can avoid the conflict with Hiamihara, and also look forward to how Wuji will behave in the more dangerous and most easy to grow in the dark part.

But the third generation now suddenly found that the things he was expecting came too quickly, and it was also beyond his expectations, and the speed of Wuji’s growth was too fast, and it was too amazing.

In just over a month, Wuji actually had the strength to easily kill the elite Shinobi, and he also stood out in this selection competition and became the candidate to represent Konoha in the Five Kingdoms Secret War.

And the most important thing is that Wuji is actually suspected of developing B-level ninjutsu, which shocked the three generations even more.

B-level ninjutsu, even the upper ninja does not have the ability to develop it on its own, and now the six-year-old Wuji can actually develop it, and when the third generation just found out, he even thought that he had heard it wrong.

In the memory of three generations, from the creation of Konoha to the present, no one has ever been able to compare, as if the so-called genius ninjas in the past have looked so eclipsed in front of Impeccable.

But not only that, but not only that, from Nara Shikahisa’s report, in the process of assessment, Wujian actually declared war on Uchiha Itachi, and three days later, there will be a life-and-death battle in the Valley of the End, which is also what worries the three generations.

“Wuxi, Uchiha Itachi, one is a commoner, but he shows a stunning talent that Konoha has never had in history, the son of the patriarch of Konoha’s most powerful and wealthy Uchiha clan!” Miyo took a puff of his cigarette and slowly exhaled it, allowing his face to be covered in smoke.

“Teacher, do you think that this is so similar to when you fought with Uchiha Madara, one is the genius that appeared in Konoha that you single-handedly created, the other is the descendant of the Uchiha family, and is also known as the best genius in the Uchiha clan, the two of them are too similar to you and Uchiha Madara, they are also so good, and they are also going to fight in the Valley of the End!” In the smoke, the eyes of the three generations are somewhat remembrance, and some reminiscence, but more contemplative.

There are only two people who can be become teachers by three generations, and the first Hokage is also the Senjukuma who created Konoha, the second Hokage, and the Senjukuma, and at this time, what the three generations said is undoubtedly the original Hokage Senjukuma.

“The recent movements of the Uchiha clan are getting worse and worse, and I have been secretly wanting to compete for full strength, maybe this battle will be the beginning or the end, teacher, you have always wanted to live peacefully with the Uchiha clan, maybe you will get the answer in this battle!” Miyo got up from his seat and walked to the window where he often stood, gazing at the bustling Konoha below and muttering in his heart.

In the mansion of the Uchiha clan, the indifferent Uchiha Itachi sat face to face with the contemplative Uchiha Fugaku.

“You mean, a civilian ninja declared war on you during the assessment, and you agreed!” Uchiha Fugaku’s brows furrowed lightly, and he said in a deep voice.

“Yes, his name is Impeccable, but he is not an ordinary civilian ninja, but a person who is only six years old, but he has the strength that is not inferior to mine!” Uchiha said calmly.

“Well?!” Uchiha Fugaku’s eyes were shocked, and he looked at the Uchiha Itachi in front of him incredulously.

“Itachi, are you sure that the other party is only six years old and has a strength that is not inferior to you?!” Uchiha Fugaku said in shock.

“Yes, if my father doesn’t believe it, you can ask Sasuke, because as far as I know, the other party was originally a student in Sasuke’s class, and the other party is also the same dark class, in addition, in terms of strength, through my observation, from the strength of the other party, I am not sure that I can defeat the other party!” When Uchiha said the strength of Wujie, his eyes also showed solemnity, obviously he attached great importance to the battle with Wujie.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the weasel with solemnity in his eyes on the other side, and his heart also sank, he still knows his son well, and he will never deliberately exaggerate, then what happened just now is undoubtedly true.

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