“It’s the elite who forbears!” On the other side, Wu Yan appeared more than ten meters away, his figure suddenly stopped, and he immediately turned his eyes to look at Yun Ren sharply, the killing intent that the other party had just burst out in an instant was definitely after killing. The accumulation of killings shows that it is by no means those who have just graduated from ninja school, at least they have experienced killing. The elite of the slaughter endures.


Without the slightest pause and hesitation, Wu Yan’s eyes showed a murderous aura, the other party wanted to kill himself, how could he sit still, his left hand quickly took out several shurikens that he usually used for cultivation, suddenly twisted his waist, and threw it out vigorously towards the other party.


The shuriken broke through the air and shot at Yunnin like a bullet in a triangular arc, and the cultivation of the immortal was not limited to the body, but also the overdraft technique that a ninja must master.

Knock knock~!

Boom~! Yun Shinobu didn’t seem to expect that Wu Yan would suddenly fight back, and Yun Shinobu, who was in shock, was directly shot by a shuriken, but in an instant, it turned into a piece of wood.

“Avatar!” Wujian’s heart suddenly froze, although he knew that it was absolutely impossible to kill the other party just by shuriken, but seeing the other party’s substitute technique still made his heart awe-inspiring.

“Not good!” Suddenly, the immortal who was on guard, the dangerous instinct accumulated in his career as an Earth killer could make him feel a strong sense of crisis welling up in his heart, his face changed, without the slightest hesitation, the Chakra under his feet erupted, and his figure instantly burst aside.

Laugh at~!

The cutting sound sounded, and I saw that in the position where Wu Wu was standing, Yun Ren, who pierced out Ku Wu, looked at Wu Wu who dodged away again in surprise.

“Something is wrong, this little ghost is by no means an ordinary person!” Sass did not expect that after he blinded the other party with a substitute technique, the attack that secretly attacked the other party would actually be avoided, which surprised Sass and at the same time burst out with strong killing intent in his heart.

Sass had killed a lot of Shinobi with this move, originally thought that the other party was just a little ghost, even if he had some strength, but he would definitely die, but now after seeing that the other party could actually avoid it, he instantly regarded Wuxian in his heart as a genius cultivated by a certain family in Konoha.

“This imp must die!”

Although the Ninja World War has long been over, the battle between the ninja villages of various countries has never stopped, and Yun Shinobu, as the country of thunder, facing a genius of Konoha, naturally implements the idea of strangling the other party in the cradle.


Without the slightest hesitation, Sass now looked at the avoided Wu Wu’s eyes full of killing intent, and his feet moved, and he suddenly burst out with amazing speed, directly holding Ku Wu and rushing out.

Sass is an elite shinobi, far from being comparable to the shinobi who graduated from ninja school just now, and the speed is even faster than the useless of the Chakra Burst Technique.

Wu Wu, who had just avoided it, didn’t even have time to stabilize his figure, suddenly heard the sound of breaking the air behind him, his face changed slightly, and he quickly held Ku Wu and cut out behind him.


The Wu was suddenly blocked by Sas’s Ku Wu, and dazzling sparks burst out between the two Ku Wu colliding.

“Uh-huh!” A muffled snort came out of Wu Yan’s mouth, and he suddenly felt a powerful force coming from the other party’s Ku Wu, and the whole person flew out uncontrollably.

“Oops, is there so much difference in strength!” There was a shock in the center of the Wuxian heart that flew out backwards, although he was an attack that could not be quenched, but the power that came from the opponent’s suffering, even if he attacked with all his strength, he was by no means an opponent.

In the end, Wuxian is only three and a half years old now, even after high-intensity cultivation and the nourishment of soup medicine, there is a physical gap compared to the body Sas, who has been a ninja for many years.

“Die!” Seeing that the other party was shocked out by his own power, Sass showed a sneer on his face, his body jumped up, and several shurikens were thrown out instantly, directly hitting Wu Wu, who was still flying upside down.


A white smoke appeared after being shot by a shuriken, and his body was also turned into a stake, but it was a stand-in.

“Abominable! This little devil has actually learned the double-entry technique?! Sass was shocked, but then furious, although the substitution technique was only one of the three-body techniques in basic ninjutsu, it still made Sass feel angry that Wuji, who looked to be only five or six years old at most, was able to dodge his own attack with the substitute technique.

Of course, if Sass knew that Wuxian was only three and a half years old, I am afraid that he did not know what to think.

Wu Wu, who used the Avatar Technique to avoid the attack, appeared behind a large tree more than ten meters away, and at this time he was quickly opening the door of truth.

“The other party seems to be an elite to endure, and it is by no means an opponent to fight hard with his own strength, and he must rely on other help!” Wuji’s gaze quickly swept over the template that the Gate of Truth had turned into, quickly searched, and then directly locked his gaze on an item.

[Detonation talisman, made of special material, a rune drawn with chakra as energy, once used, can cause an explosion, five value points. 】

Seeing this, Wu Yan did not hesitate at all, and directly exchanged twenty value points for four detonation talismans, and suddenly the detonation talisman appeared in his hand.

“There!” Wuji hid behind a large tree and was soon discovered by Sas, who saw him shooting several shurikens with murderous aura.

Knock knock~!

The shuriken shot itself at the tree and the ground nearby, but Muji had already burst out from behind the tree when the shuriken was fired.


Rushed out of Wu Wu, his eyes looked at each other sharply, his hand moved, almost without the slightest pause, he took out three kunai from the ninja bag and shot directly towards the other party.

“Boring trick, such an attack is simply ridiculous!” Looking at the Ku Wu who shot out, Sass sneered, and the Ku Wu in his hand was directly drawn, and he was about to pull away the other party’s Ku Wu.

“Well?! Detonator?! Suddenly, after Sas’s gaze saw that the Ku Wusu who was shooting was actually still attached to the detonation talisman full of runes, his body shook, and his eyes suddenly showed horror.


Ku Wu, who was labeled with the detonation charm, suddenly exploded three times in a row, the strong explosion even made the ground violently shake, the silent forest was also disrupted by the strong explosion, and the dazzling fire also brightened the black sky.

“Was it successful?” Wu Yan looked at the smoke and flames generated by the explosion in front of him, his eyes narrowed, he had just used the simple Ku Wu throwing technique to make the other party take it lightly, not to dodge, and let the Ku Wu Supreme Detonation Talisman work.

Laugh at~~~!

However, just when Wujian stared and exploded, the sound of breaking the air suddenly appeared in the rear, and Wujian was shocked in his heart, almost did not even have time to think, his feet used the Chakra Explosion Technique, and his figure jumped out.

Almost at the moment of the first shot, as soon as Wujian left, the original ground was shot by several shurikens, and if it was a little slower, these shurikens would probably shoot at Wuji’s body.

“Abominable bastard!” The shuriken shot down, and I saw Sas, who should have been blown up by the detonation charm, burst out from one side, and looked angrily at Wu Yan, who was dodging the attack.

The other party’s alertness was actually so strong, and it was so insidious, if he hadn’t reacted in time to discover the Kusupreme Detonation Talisman and dodge it with a substitute technique, I am afraid that he would have been blown up.

However, Rao was so, Sass was still full of anger in his heart, and this time they came to Konoha under the pretense of forming an alliance with Konoha in order to secretly capture the people of the Hyuga clan and seize the white eye.

In order not to be exposed this time, Yun Shinobu’s side was completely prepared, not only arranged a reception outside the Konoha Enchantment, but also in order not to be seen by Konoha, this time, only one Naka Shinobi and two elite Shinobi including him made a move.

Originally, he had already left Konoha’s residential area, and then he only had to pass through this forest behind Konoha to reach the place where Yunnin arranged to pick up, but where did he think that such a thing would occur.

The movement caused by the explosion just now has definitely made the people of Konoha discover, and even the matter of their capture of the Hyuga clan may have been revealed, if Konoha and the people of the Hyuga clan chase them, it will definitely be difficult for him and other companions who have left to escape here.

For all this, how could Sass be furious, looking at the other side of the impetuous, his face also became hideous.

“Thunder and go!”

Under the rage, Sass was not afraid that the movement caused by the ninjutsu would be discovered by Konoha’s people, and his hands were instantly sealed.

“Not good!” Seeing the other party’s seal, Wujian’s face changed slightly, the other party was going to play ninjutsu.


Just under the frightened heart, countless thin snake-like thunderbolts suddenly appeared under Sas’s feet, fanning almost instantly, and quickly swept towards Wuxian along the ground at an amazing speed.


In an instant, the whole person was surrounded by lightning, and the whole person bloomed with electric light.

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