Naruto: Get Rid Of Dashemaru At The Start

Chapter 217 You Are Not Afraid Of Death

"Have you forgotten? I took the code of the Nether Hall." Hyuga Lanmo replied in a low voice.

A black line fell on Uchiha Itachi's forehead, and he worked hard for two months to investigate it, and it turned out that a handbook had solved it.

Traveling westward, the setting sun gradually disappeared above the sea level. As soon as the two of them sat and stood on the boat, they soon disappeared above the sea.

After the small boat the two took, there were several small boats silently following.

The man on the boat looked at the person next to him and asked, "Are you sure, that boat is the one going to the island of God's Guardianship?"

"Yes, Lord Wu Duan, this time is our chance to be loyal to the evil god, anyway, this time we must destroy the God's Protectorate!"


"Master Cthulhu Hail!"

"Master Cthulhu Hail!"

The people on the boat were very emotional and whispered!

These people are the people who preached in the western part of Yunokuni. When Hyuga Aimo and Uchiha Itachi passed the small town before, Hyuga Aimo gave these people a note, saying that they were threatened by others and became a sacrifice to the gods. Sacrifices, I hope they can save him.

Definitely, this approach is just a strategy of Hyuga Lanmo. There are two churches in a country, and there will definitely be a hostile relationship in some aspects.

Therefore, Hyuga Lanmo bet that those who are of the Cthulhu cult will definitely take action when they hear about the location of the God's Protectorate.

Sure enough, after the other party took his note, he quickly made a countermeasure and followed up secretly.

The traps prepared in advance, invite them into the urn? Then he didn't care about making the trap a little more muddy.

The night was deep, and layers of thick fog appeared above the sea, and above the sea, there was a woman's ethereal singing. They had heard this voice on Nether Island. They belonged to the Nether Hall.

Moving on, passing around a few hidden reefs, and then around a towering island that was blocking, suddenly an island glowing with green light appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is the ghost island?" Hyuga Lanmo asked.

Uchiha Itachi on one side did not speak, and he was also shocked by the sight in front of him.

Although there was thick fog before, everything is clear here, even the full moon in the sky is so bright and bright.

From a distance, the torch on the Ghost Elephant Island was brightly lit, illuminating the entire island, but the flame from the torch turned out to be green, like a ghost fire.

"Hinata Lanmo, you really are not afraid of death!"

On the huge amounts of reef by the sea, a man stood there, wearing a long ponytail, tattoos on his face, green eyes and a smile on his mouth.

And beside him, stood hundreds of people, like the rowing man, all covered in black robes, covering the whole person in darkness.

"If you are not afraid, you have to bite the bullet! I'm sitting at home, and disaster is coming from the sky. I don't know what's going on? Even if you count on me one by one, you always run away. I can’t solve the problem, so it’s better to solve the problem quickly, free up time and have a few drinks with my friend!” After saying that, Hyuga Lanmo patted Uchiha Itachi on one side, looked back at him, and said: “ right?"

There are only two words in Uchiha Itachi's heart: Losing friends!

He smiled and looked at the man on the island.

"Okay, courageous, courageous, please..." The man was not angry, turned around and made a gesture of asking, pointing his arm to the highest peak of the island.

Hyuga Aimo and Uchiha Itachi jumped ashore, and under the full view of the enemy, they followed this so-called partial shrine to the mountain.

At the seaside reef, several Cthulhu ships stopped their actions, because the picture before them at this moment was no longer something they could deal with.

"That person is Hyuga Lanmo? Hurry up and notify Lord Cthulhu that they have arrested Hyuga Lanmo!"

Although they don’t know this legendary character, the fact that there are seven kinds of tail beasts in their bodies will be enough for them to be surprised for half a lifetime. Therefore, they believe that it is definitely not a trivial matter that the guardian caught Hyuga Lanmo. For this kind of thing, Lord Cthulhu must take care of it.


The person on one side wrote the password note, took out the carrier pigeon, tied the superstition to its lap, and let it go...

Here, Hyuga Lanmo and Uchiha Itachi got on the island, and walked all the way up towards the top of the mountain.

Countless people in black robes are standing on both sides of the road, and the singing of women is still spreading in the air, adding a strange atmosphere to this mysterious island.

Unimpeded all the way, the two arrived at the place!

On the top of the mountain, around the huge amounts of open space, a human head and skeleton were picked up on the tall bamboo poles, and the gloomy atmosphere was blowing through the wind.

And those people wearing black robes have surrounded the open space, and the surrounding oil-green torches are spitting out ghost fires.

"Hinata Lanmo, welcome to the God's Guardian." At the top of the open space, a man was sitting on a tall stone chair. He was strong, with green eyes shining through, and the whole person was set against the full moon, and his hair exploded. Like a god who is ready to fight at any time.

And he was standing on his left two months ago, the so-called Nether Hall master that Hyuga Lanmo and the others saw on Nether Island, then this person is their chief teacher, the so-called Kobe master?

"Don't say those polite words, you are obviously a grand feast, you want to kill me?" Hyuga Lanmo stood in the middle of the clearing, looking up at the tall man.

"Yes, people like you are damned. Seven kinds of tail beasts exist in one body. This is simply an existence that shouldn't exist. In order to protect the Ninja World, we protect the heavens and we must destroy your evil spirits!" The man above said with a loud voice.

Uchiha Itachi snorted in his heart when he heard this, and he really went against Akatsuki's plan. No wonder Akatsuki wanted to destroy them. Anyone who blocked his way and knew his plan must die.

"It's really funny. You keep talking for the safety of the Shinobi world. So what are you doing? Killing and setting fire, catching the living as living puppets, and using curse seals to work for you when you die, setting up skeletons around to show how many people you have killed? With such a style, don't label yourself as a good person with a good sounding voice. Speaking of which, you are just a bunch of evil ways!" Hyuga Lanmo sneered and retorted.

Hearing this, the man from the Nether Palace on one side said angrily: "You too, rebelled against Konoha, provokes the five ninja villages, and disrupts the entire Ninja World. You are a monster, a bastard who is punishable by heaven and earth, what's the matter? Right say us?"

"So, fight each other, kill and kill, make a fuss, who is good? Why do you spend so much talk? What protects the Ninja world? What is the rule of God? It's a group of bastards who shook their heads and sold dog meat! "

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