Naruto God-level Career System

Chapter 1350 Free sky

"At least, so far, what Athena and you did is only Athena's "naughty" in the eyes of the heavens for the time being. If you take the initiative to defeat the gods of the underworld, then this matter is only counted in Athena's On the head. After all, in the eyes of the gods, you are just Athena's subordinates and servants. But if it were me, it would be different. It would definitely attract the attention of the gods of the heavens, and even lead to a battle of gods at that time. Zeus, the Three Gods, and the Four Heavenly Emperors will all attack me." Mukuro said.

When the words fell, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Well, although I am not afraid of them. But when the time comes, this world will naturally be over. This, of course, is not what I want. So, for the holy war, I Only limited intervention will not forcefully reverse the original fate. Aaron's fate requires him to be the Master.

As for the direction of jihad, you need to choose by yourself, with your own strength. "

Hearing Mukuro's words, Sisyphus' forehead was also covered with cold sweat.

The gods of the heavens, this was something he had never imagined.

But at this moment, facing Mukuro's words, he felt the huge and heavy burden and the sense of oppression.

If the gods above human beings all oppose Athena and Sanctuary, can they really continue to fight for the goddess, these saints? !

In other words, do they still have a chance to win? The answer is naturally no.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps sounded, and Sasha and Tianma ran up.

Obviously, they all heard the movement upstairs.

Tianma ran up, his eyes searched in the study, his expression was full of eagerness, and then he nervously said to Mukuro, "Brother Mukuro! Aaron, where is Aaron?!" Looking at Mukuro tightly, not just him, Sasha looked at Mukuro the same way, her expression was full of worry.

Faced with their questions, Mukuro replied, "Aaron has left. It is his own choice to fight for the future of mankind and his own. As for you, Sasha, you should understand what I said. ?"

Hearing Mukuro's question, Sasha's expression was startled.

Before, she had searched for Mukuro, hoping to leave the orphanage and go to the sanctuary, as Athena, to guide the humans on the earth. Especially in the present situation when the Gemini God appeared, and the Pluton Army kept waking up.

But at that time, Mukuro did not give her a positive answer.

But now, facing Mukuro's words, Sasha is a little at a loss.

All she wanted to do was to protect the humans on the earth. Help Sanctuary and defeat the Pluton Army. But in her heart, she also hopes that the companions in the orphanage, especially Tianma and her brother Aaron, can live as peaceful and happy as they had originally been. This is why she did not leave directly, but requested Mukuro.

She doesn't know the consequences of her sudden departure. She hopes Mukuro can help her.

At this moment, tears fell from Sasha's eyes, "Brother Mukuro..."

Sasha seemed to want to say something, there was some self-blame in her expression.

However, looking at her, Mukuro just shook his head and said, “You don’t have to blame yourself. Aaron left because he wanted to do it himself, not because of you. As for you, as the goddess Athena. The mission, what I want to say is, what you see all the time is too narrow. Sanctuary, the real enemy, has never been just the Pluton army. Do you understand?"

Mukuro's words fell, and Sasha's body trembled.

She raised her head subconsciously and looked at Mukuro. And Mukuro just said, "What you have to do is to break the imprisoned fate for mankind and gain real, new freedom. This is what Aaron wants to do."

Mukuro said so, he seemed to pick up a painting from the table at random, and he handed it to Sasha.

Seeing Mukuro's movements, Sasha stepped forward subconsciously. At this time, Tianma and Sisyphus also looked towards the painting.

I saw the green grass and the earth on this picture, and many children running on the grass.

On their backs, wings grow out, and they fly to the sky. As they looked at this painting, Mukuro said, "The sky in this painting is free. This is what Aaron hopes to do, the world he wants to see... It's really for his own ideal, so He chose the current, difficult path."

Mukuro's words fell, and Sasha's eyes were filled with tears. She covered her mouth and nodded vigorously, "I understand, I understand."

Looking at Sasha's appearance, Tianma looked tangled.

He had no idea what the painting meant, and what Aaron wanted to do. For his IQ, thinking about these seems a bit difficult.

His expression revealed a rather tangled look, and finally he looked at Mukuro subconsciously and couldn't help asking, "Brother Mukuro, will we see Aaron in the future? Does that guy still know us? "

When his words fell, Mukuro smiled slightly, "Of course. Both. Because Aaron is not a casual person who will be defeated, even if his opponent is the ancient god of darkness, Pluton Hades. "

With that said, Mukuro looked at Sisyphus again, and then he said:

"It's been a long time since I came to this small town in Albany. But it seems that it's time to leave. Sisyphus, can your sanctuary accept this orphanage?"

Hearing Mukuro's words, Sisyphus froze for a moment. For a while, he didn't even react from Mukuro's words before. Hearing Mukuro's words at this moment, he was stunned for a while. He didn't get back to 3.7 for a long time. In the end, he just said in a daze, "Huh?"

"Ha, you are so tall."

Mukuro said silently, "Forget it, if you ask, it's a question of nothing. Let Daddy Yalikili, Eve and Violet and others clean up. Hurry up tomorrow, we will leave Albany and head to Athens, Greece. !"

When Mukuro's words fell, Sisyphus finally came back to his senses. His expression became extremely severe. He looked at Mukuro and subconsciously said, "Are we going to the sanctuary?!"

"Yes." Mukuro replied.

Mukuro's words fell. At this time, Sisufos did not speak, but Tianma couldn't help but said, "Brother Mukuro, why are we going to the sanctuary? Didn't you drive away the Pope and the Golden Saint Seiya before? Is it?!"

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