Chapter 418 true or false

When he carefully felt the components of these flames, he found that these flames did not have any substantial effect on him at all.

“It seems that these tricks you have performed have no substantial effect at all, even my eyebrows have not been received, how can you stop me, I advise you to give up as soon as possible!”

Continuing to fight with me without any substance will only waste our time with each other, and while I know that this waste is good for you, it is bad for me.

Because as long as you stop me, I won’t have enough time to stop the other two members of the organization from capturing the tailed beast, and you can just complete the task.

But there are some things you have to think through, although you are now in the same boat with them, they may not be your confidant friends, sometimes you know people without knowing their hearts.

You have no way of knowing if they are sincere or hypocritical, so I have to remind you of this, lest you regret it at that time, or you won’t even have a chance to regret it at that time.

They’re just using your abilities to get around and do all sorts of tasks, and when all your usefulness is gone, they’ll kick you away.

Although I also understand that you have not seen the situation clearly at all so far, and even got deeper and deeper into this matter, only thinking about helping them complete the Moon Shadow plan, but in fact, this is also a relatively unlucky thing for you.

Because you never know what they’re planning behind the scenes, a plan can’t always have only one plan, and there are even many plans in a plan.

And by now, you’ve only known one of so many plans, which means you’re being used by them, you’re just a pawn of them.

I advise you to let us go honestly, as long as you let me go now, I will definitely be able to stop them at that time, once they detect the scalp.

The real hidden things will also come out at that time, and then you will be able to see clearly and know whether I am cheating now.

But if you are still obsessed, then I can only forcibly capture you directly, since they want to capture those obscenities, then you will definitely not be able to get out of my hands now.

I know that you don’t believe much of what I’m saying now, or even that you only believe what you see, but a lot of what you see may not be true.

Now you can’t listen to what I say to you, but when the time comes for you to see all this happening in front of you, all the truth will come out.

It’s a pity that by that time everything is too late, and you don’t have any chance to regret it at all.

Then again, even if you don’t listen to what I say now, with your current strength and means, you are not our opponent at all, and I advise you to give up early.

Don’t put your life on the line for a simple task, I think this behavior is the most stupid, do you think I’m right?”

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