Naruto Good and Evil

Chapter 340 Frankness

Sasuke opened his eyes when Naruto appeared next to him and said, "There you are, Naruto."

Sasuke's tone was calm and affirmative, as if he had expected Naruto to come to him and was not surprised at all by Naruto's sudden appearance.

Naruto suddenly felt a twitch in his heart at Sasuke's calm and affirmative tone, and thought to himself: "It seems that the diamond dragon did not lie to him. Sasuke is really the reincarnation of his soul, and he also knows that he will come to him. It seems that he will come to him." He also knows that his identity cannot be concealed."

Naruto didn't ask questions immediately, nor did he say anything. He just looked at Sasuke with a smile, and then walked to Sasuke's side as if nothing had happened, as if he was waiting for something, but it didn't seem like there was anything.

Seeing that Naruto didn't ask anything, Sasuke just sat next to him, looking at the surrounding buildings as if nothing had happened.

After the two were silent for a long time, Sasuke was the first to break the silence and said: "Why don't you ask."

Naruto smiled and said, "Because you don't want to say it. Even if I ask you, you won't tell me."

Sasuke replied: "If you didn't ask, how would you know that I wouldn't tell?"

Naruto smiled and said, "Will you tell me if I ask you?"

Sasuke sighed and then said: "I didn't mean to lie to you, but it was only recently that I slowly remembered that I am not from this world, or that I am the Uchiha Sasuke of this world. But my soul is not of this world.”

Naruto looked at Sasuke and smiled: "Well, what next?"

Sasuke looked at Naruto and saw that he didn't look angry before he felt relieved and said, "Let me tell you a story."

Naruto nodded and said: "Well, you go ahead and I'm listening. After you finish speaking, I will tell you a story. Although you may have already doubted or even confirmed the story I told you. , but I also think I should talk to you properly."

After hearing Naruto's words, Sasuke smiled and said, "Okay, I'm also about to hear the story you told me, but let me tell you now."

Naruto nodded and gestured, and then Sasuke slowly said: "In this universe, there is a planet called Blue Star. There is only one continent on Blue Star, which is very similar to this world. But the difference is that there were not so many hostile forces in that world, there was only one country. It was not as chaotic as this world."

Naruto said in surprise: "Oh, I didn't expect that the world has been unified. This is really amazing."

Sasuke seemed to be deep in thought, but also seemed to be recalling: "It's amazing. Lekas ​​Roland is indeed an amazing emperor. With his strong methods and wisdom, he ended the thousands of years of disputes on the continent and let that The world has truly gained peace. He is a good emperor, but he is not a good father. Although he loves his third child very much, when his third prince truly shows his extraordinary talents and abilities At that time, he was afraid of himself, the child he had loved for more than 20 years."

Speaking of this, Naruto clearly felt some changes in Sasuke's mood, as if he was disappointed, helpless, and even more sad.

Sasuke continued: "The third prince, Cides Lorraine, is the child of Emperor Rekas and the Queen. He is also the most beloved child of Emperor Lekas. Shortly after Cides Lorraine was born, the queen died because of He died of illness. Emperor Lekas ​​transferred all his love for his wife to his child, who was less than a year old. When Cides Lorraine was five years old, Emperor Lekas ​​made the most prosperous child on the continent. A piece of territory was given to his third prince, and the best teacher in the world was prepared for him to teach him to become a talent."

Sasuke showed a wry smile and said: "The third prince, Hides Lorraine, has been very naive and sensible since he was a child. He wants to make his great and kind father proud of him, so he has been very hardworking and very sensible since he was a child. He patiently completed all kinds of studies. On the day when Hides Roland came of age at the age of sixteen, he had become one of the few Holy Emperors on the road at that time. The Holy Emperor had already seen the power of the rules of the world. A title for a magician who can reach the level of the Holy Emperor. Basically, he can defeat millions of armies with one person. And Hides Lorraine has already reached this level when he was only sixteen years old. Heights that others will never reach in their lifetime.”

Naruto was stunned for a moment and then said: "Is it possible that when Hides Roland thought that he could make Emperor Lekas ​​proud of him after reaching the level of Saint Emperor, he was greeted by Emperor Lekas? Deep suspicion and defensiveness?"

Sasuke was stunned for a moment and then looked at Naruto and said: "You are right Naruto, what Hindes Lorraine received was not praise and praise, but deep suspicion and defensiveness. The dissatisfaction of Emperor Rekas was at that time Hides Roland didn't understand. He thought that his great and kind father was not very satisfied with his achievements, so he slowed down his training and devoted himself to the military. He spent seven years in the military. , led the army of the Emperor Dragon Empire to defeat the invasion from the bottom of the sea, swept away all the forces in the underwater world that dared to invade the Emperor Dragon Empire, and even captured alive the king of the underwater world, the Undersea Emperor Bo who had also achieved the cultivation of the Holy Emperor. Terrible."

Sasuke paused and continued: "In order to catch Porter, Hides Lorraine risked serious injuries and exchanged injuries for injuries, and he managed to capture Porter alive who was in the same cultivation level as him. But what Hides Roland never expected was that when he returned to the imperial capital, what he would receive was not praise or recognition, but ruthless killing."

Sasuke seemed very excited when he said this. Naruto patted Sasuke's shoulder. After a while, Sasuke's emotions slowly calmed down. He turned his head and looked at Naruto and said, "I'm fine. Let's continue the story." ."

Seeing that Sasuke had calmed down, Naruto let go of Sasuke's shoulder and motioned for him to continue.

Sasuke continued: "When Hides Lorraine returned to the imperial capital, he found that his father had kidnapped his beloved wife and children for treason. At that time Hides Lorraine was stunned. At that moment when Hides Lorraine was stunned, the captain of the guard who had been with him for seven years suddenly burst out and stabbed his body with a poisonous dagger. Although Hides Lorraine The vital point was avoided in time, but the poison also caused Hides Lorraine's cultivation to fall to the level of the Holy Emperor."

Sasuke's face showed hatred when he said this: "At this time, his great and kind father appeared on the gate tower of the imperial capital and killed Hides Lorraine in front of him with an incredible expression. Wife and son. The death of his wife and son made Hides Lorraine suddenly confused. At this moment, countless palace guards rushed up and surrounded Hides Lorraine's army, carrying out a brutal massacre. Seeing the brothers who had followed him through life and death fall beside him one by one to protect him, at that moment, Hides Lorraine simply saw the darkest face in the world."

Naruto asked: "Did Hindes die in the end?"

Sasuke smiled miserably and said: "Haha, no, Hides Lorraine is not dead. He escaped from the imperial capital with the help of his six brothers and sisters who were sworn to Jinlan, but his six best brothers died in In the hands of his great and kind father, hahahaha, what an irony this is. The father actually wants to kill his own son, just because this son is too good and threatens his status, haha Haha, that's so ironic."

Naruto sighed slightly and said, "I hope I will never be reborn in an emperor's house in the next life!"

Sasuke was slightly stunned and said: "I wish I would never be born again in the emperor's home. Hahahaha, I wish I would never be born again in the emperor's home. That's right. What would have happened if Hides Lorraine heard this at that time. Okay, then I won’t end up in a situation where my family is broken up and my wife is separated. It’s all the fault of this imperial family.”

Naruto asked: "What happened next? What happened to Hindes after he escaped from the imperial capital? Judging from his situation at the time, he should have wanted revenge."

Sasuke nodded and said: "Yes, he wanted to take revenge. He fled back to his territory. With the help of the defenses he had deployed before and the troops in his territory, he blocked the attack from the imperial capital. At the same time, he invited his teacher to help sit down. Territory to prevent strong men from raiding. And Hides Lorraine hid in the castle to recover his cultivation. The fall in realm and the injuries on his body took Hides Lorraine three years to recover. , and then he spent another three years cultivating the ancient secret technique he obtained in the underwater world, Blood Puppet."

Naruto wondered: "Blood puppet? What is that?"

Sasuke smiled cruelly and said: "Blood puppet, that is a kind of evil magic from ancient times, which has the power to destroy the world. Haha, it is a kind of puppet technology that sacrifices living people, and can forcibly transform living people. It turns into a crazy, bloodthirsty and immortal creature, but it will make the person who is converted lose their humanity, and this puppet technique is very scary. As long as the person being converted takes a bite, the person who is bitten will also be transformed by the puppet technique. Immortal, insane and bloodthirsty."

Naruto was slightly stunned and thought to himself: "Holy shit, isn't this a zombie?"

Sasuke continued: "Hides Lorraine used the Blood Puppet Technique to convert all his troops into this kind of immortal monster. He led the army directly to the Imperial Capital, and everywhere he went was infected by his Blood Puppet Technique. , those armies in the imperial capital all became Hides's army. When Hides's army reached the imperial capital, the only troops that the imperial capital could use were pitifully less than 100,000 people, hahaha. And his The great and merciful father is no longer a match for him."

Naruto asked, "Hides killed his father?"

Sasuke replied: "No, no, he did not kill his father. Hides Lorraine fought with Emperor Rekas for three days, and finally Rekas was defeated and captured. Hides Loland Lan used a forbidden spell to permanently freeze him in penitence at the tomb of Hinds Lorraine's wife and son, forever."

Naruto asked, "What happened to Hinds in the end."

Sasuke replied: "Looking at the desolate imperial capital and the bloodthirsty and crazy monsters all over his body, Hides Lorraine's heart was filled with emptiness. At this time, his teacher came to him and asked, "Is this what you want?" ? Hides Lorraine shook his head and replied, this is not what he wanted, but he will not regret it. He will solve the mistakes he made by himself. After that, his teacher left, and the next In two days, the entire imperial capital was completely destroyed by countless thunderbolts, and the bloodthirsty and crazy monsters also disappeared together."

Naruto asked, "What did Sides do?"

Sasuke nodded and said: "Yes, the only way to solve the blood puppet technique is by those who use the blood puppet technique. Hides Lorraine used the blood puppet disintegration technique and ended it all with his own life, but fate tricks people. , his soul did not die because of this, but escaped into the void in the thunder and came to this world and was reincarnated. However, due to the lack of soul, he fell into a deep sleep and only recently woke up. This is the story I want to say."

Naruto nodded and said, "You must be the protagonist of the story."

Sasuke nodded and said, "Yes, I am Hides Lorraine."

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