Naruto Good and Evil

Chapter 368 Thanatos’s back-up plan

"Ah, the Five Kage Conference is really exciting. This may be the beginning of world peace. It may be a good start for this world that has been war-torn for countless years." Naruto and Gaara stood at the station Watching the sunset on the city wall, he spoke slowly.

Gaara looked at Naruto with some surprise. Naruto turned to look at Gaara and smiled: "I'm a little looking forward to tomorrow. Although this meeting is mainly to prevent the invasion of demons, maybe it can Maybe we can take this as an opportunity to promote the connection between the five major countries. If the alliance can really succeed, maybe it will make indelible progress in the peace of this world." After saying this, Naruto said to me, "I love you." Luo showed a sincere smile.

Looking at Naruto's sincere smile, which contained no trace of hypocrisy or concealment, Gaara was stunned for a moment and then showed the same smile and said: "Well, Naruto, maybe he will really say what you said. Not sure, I’m also looking forward to it.”

Naruto turned his head and looked at the setting sun and smiled: "Maybe there will be many ups and downs in this process, but I still firmly believe that peace will definitely come to this world, because there is still love and light in this world, as long as we have hope , I believe that no matter what kind of difficulties we face, we will overcome them until there is true peace in this world."

Gaara looked at Naruto's confident and cheerful expression and was immediately infected and said: "In the past, I only knew how to complete tasks and kill people. My existence was to kill people, for the Sand Ninja Village, and for the tasks assigned by the village. Until I met After meeting you, I gradually realized that Jinchuuriki can also make friends and get the love of others. Although this process is difficult, you succeeded, and I also learned a lot from you. Now I also I am already Kazekage, thank you Naruto, you gave me hope and gave me a new life, thank you very much."

Naruto turned his head and smiled: "You don't need to say thank you if you are a friend, because you got it through hard work. To be honest, I am really surprised that you can become the Fifth Kazekage, and I am very happy for you. Gaara, let's Let’s work for peace in this world.”

Gaara seemed very happy, as if because of what Naruto said, Gaara nodded heavily and said: "Well, let's work hard together."

One day, all the ninjas of the five great ninja villages and the shadows of each village gathered in the capital of the Iron Country. Under the leadership of the Iron Country general Mifune, they entered the meeting place of the Five Shadows. The Iron Country was also accompanied by Princess Tamahime and Sa. Prince Shiro.

When entering the venue, Sashirō watched Mifune's movements throughout. After seeing Mifune take out a crystal ball, he placed the crystal ball in the middle of a formation, and then the crystal ball shot out a light, which hit the knot. On the world, the barrier suddenly cracked, and everyone hurriedly followed Mifune into the venue.

After entering the venue, Mifune said: "This Five Kage Talks will be provided by the Iron Kingdom, which we have always maintained neutrality. This Five Kage Talks will also be witnessed by General Mifune."

After seeing everyone seated, Mifune said: "Then let me take the lead in talking about it. The main content of this Five Shadows Talk is about the demon clan. Everyone can put forward their own opinions and see if they decide to form a group. alliance."

Tsunade smiled and said: "Haha, this meeting of the Five Shadows was first proposed by our village. I hope that the five ninja villages can unite. After all, the opponent is the demon clan. Although it is not yet known how many people they will send, but We should still take precautions before things happen. After all, the opponent is the legendary demon clan, and no amount of preparation is too much, so I think it is more appropriate to join forces."

The Fourth Mizukage smiled and said: "Haha, Fifth Hokage, I personally think it's better to find out how many people the demons have sent before deciding whether to form an alliance."

At this time Gaara said: "I also think it is better to unite. Although I don't know how many people there are in the Demon Clan, I think the Fifth Hokage is right. We can't wait until we are sure of the Demon Clan's intentions before making plans." , then we will be very passive, and if we are not careful, it is very likely that the world will face destruction."

Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage, said contemptuously: "Sure enough, today's young people just can't keep calm. They are too impulsive to do things. They don't understand how strong the enemy is and don't think much about it. They just speak out of passion. , He really has a hairless mouth and is weak in his work."

"What did you say?" The Third Tsuchikage's words angered Kankuro who was behind Gaara, and Kankuro yelled at the Third Tsuchikage angrily.

The third Tsuchikage turned a blind eye to Kankuro's anger and smiled and said: "Why, boy, you can't stand these few words. I'm really worried about the future of Suna Ninja Village. Suna Ninja Village is in the hands of you young boys. I’m worried about my hands.”

Kankuro couldn't stand it anymore and was about to have a big fight with the Third Tsuchikage. Gaara saw that the momentum was not right and waved his hand to signal Kankuro to retreat first. Kankuro suppressed his anger and dissatisfaction this time and retreated. .

After seeing Kankuro retreat, Gaara said: "Maybe I am still very young and have insufficient experience in doing things, but what I want to ask is, is it really okay to allow demons to run rampant in our world? Is it right? You’re old, so old that you have no blood at all, do you only care about gains and losses when doing things?”

The Third Tsuchikage sneered: "Haha, kid, that's because you don't know anything about this at all. You are fearless because of your ignorance."

At this time, the Fourth Raikage, who had the most explosive temper, said: "Okay, are you here to attend the Five Shadows Conference or are you quarreling? If anyone quarrels again, I don't mind sending him out, huh."

The third Tsuchikage was interrupted by the fourth Raikage and stopped caring. He just said: "Okay, okay, I just want to ask, if we form an alliance, what benefits will our Iwagakure Village get?"

Gaara couldn't help but retorted: "Is there any benefit from rushing to prepare before we have even concluded an alliance? It's really rotten."

After that, the two began to quarrel again. The third Tsuchikage disliked Gaara for being too young, while Gaara thought that the third Tsuchikage was too pedantic and stubborn.

While Gaara and the Third Tsuchikage were arguing, a figure slowly emerged from the ground at Akatsuki's base far away in the Land of Rain.

Black Zetsu paid attention to his surroundings and said with a smile: "It seems that Nagato and the others have already set off for the Kingdom of Iron. Now is the best time."

Bai Jue smiled and said: "You are really too careful. Haven't you been here before?"

Hei Jue smiled and said: "Be careful with the Wannian Ship. Judging from the information in the God-killing Pearl, the formation should be underground in the Daming Mansion of the Country of Rain. Everyone is out now. , it’s the best time for us to act. Let’s go.”

Bai Jue said with some uneasiness: "Hey, Black Jue, do we really have to do what Thanatos said? I always feel something is wrong?"

Hei Jue replied: "I know what you are worried about. In fact, to be honest, I don't have any confidence in my heart. But now we have no other choice but to believe in him. We can only take a gamble."

Jue kept sinking, sinking, and soon he came to a huge underground cave. Bai Jue said, "We're here."

Jue walked slowly in the huge cave and observed slowly. Bai Jue asked doubtfully: "Do you think this Thanatos has any special hobbies? Why is it that every time something related to him is... It's underground, and it's all in a cave. Is this guy sick? And how did he find this place? There's also the place where the God-killing Pearl was placed before. This is hundreds of meters deep underground. He How did you find it? How strange is it? Hey, do you think he is?"

Hei Jue replied calmly: "You are too noisy, can you be quieter?"

Bai Jue suddenly felt that he was abandoned. At this time, a strange formation appeared in front of them. Jue walked over and Black Jue said: "I found it. It is here. This is the summoning formation that Thanatos mentioned."

Bai Jue asked doubtfully: "Is the summoning array a psychic technique?"

Hei Jue replied: "The principle should be the same, except that the summoning array summons a very far away place, most likely a different space and a different world. To put it simply, the summoning array should be an advanced version of the psychic technique."

Bai Jue asked: "What should we do? Who should we summon?"

Hei Jue shook his head and said, "I don't know. Thanatos didn't say anything. He just said he was a demon with demon blood and god blood."

Bai Jue wondered: "What is that?"

Black Jue replied: "I don't know. The words left by Thanatos said that his father was a god and his mother was a demon. Nothing else was said."

Black Jue placed the God-killing Pearl in the groove in the middle of the summoning array, and then the God-killing Pearl emitted a dazzling light, and the summoning array also emitted light. Then Jue felt an extremely terrifying pressure coming from the summoning array. Come.

A figure appeared on the summoning array.

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