The country of wind, the temporary residence of the family members led by Hyuga Sakura.

At this time, Sakura Hyuga was listening to the replies of the people who went to the Chiyo clan to report in the afternoon to the Chiyo clan.

"The above is the reply of the Chiyos. Please also Sakura-sama to decide."

"Well, if that's the case, then we will set off early tomorrow morning. Today, we will replenish our energy. Tomorrow we will wait for the Chiyo clan to attack, we will go to the back of the Yeyue clan, and we will not wait for the Senju clan to take action. The speed smashed the flank of the Yeyue clan, and then reunited with the Chiyo clan, and quickly retreated in the blank space reflected by the Senju clan. Only with such a slow delay can we have the opportunity to wait for the reinforcements of Lord Tennin. Do you understand? "

Sakura Hyuga gave orders after hesitating for a while.

"Yes, Lord Sakura."

And at this moment, when Hyuga Sakura was about to tell her subordinates to retreat, she suddenly felt her eyelids beating, and she felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. However, before she could feel it carefully, she suddenly felt her own There was a cool air flow on his forehead, and the position represented the iconic curse of the branch house of the Hyuga clan. This feeling surprised Sakura Hyuga.

"Sakura, Lord Sakura, your curse seal?"

A member of the Hyuga clan said suddenly.

Because it’s time for a night meeting, and Hyuga Sakura, who thinks he’s sufficiently concealed, didn’t wear the forehead protector with the family crest that usually covers the ugly curse on his forehead, so everyone in the room looked at the sound instantly. Was attracted by the curse on Sakura Hyuga's forehead.

"What? What's the matter?"

Hyuga Sakura also faintly felt something, but still asked pretendingly.

"Master Sakura, your Curse Mark: Caged Bird is disappearing slowly."

One of the people said in surprise.

"Disappear? This, Byakugan, open."

Sakura Hyuga heard that the Hyuga tribe said that her curse mark was disappearing, she immediately opened Kei Byakugan, and saw Sakura Hyuga's eyes suddenly protruding meridians, and then Sakura Hyuga saw a 360-degree perspective, and she knew herself instantly. Curse Mark: Caged Bird should have been relieved by someone, and the most likely person is her grandfather Hikari Hantian. After all, Huga Hantian had a conversation with her before leaving. From that conversation, Hyuga Hantian slightly expressed to her the family's apology for the unfair treatment of her and her mother for so many years, and revealed her intention to make her the heir of the clan. She didn't care much at the time. After all, Hyuga Tennin was even more concerned about it. Hyuga sun inflammation.

But today's event revealed a strangeness, why at this time Hyuga Hanten would lift his curse for no reason at this time, which made Sakura Hinata puzzled.

"Sakura-sama, Hantian-sama also said to us that as long as one day Sakura-sama’s Curse Mark: Caged Bird is lifted, then you will be the next generation of Hyuga family head.”

At this time, the 200-person leader Hyugagawa looked at the slightly confused Sakura Hyuga, and said loudly to Sakura Hyuga.

"No, something must have happened to the family. Otherwise, even if Grandpa wants me to inherit the clan, he won't be able to lift the curse at this time. He will be in front of everyone directly before we set out or after we return to the family. The effect of removing the curse seal will be much better, so something must have happened in the family now, grandpa must have something wrong."(Read more @

The more Sakura Hyuga thought about it, the more wrong it became. Then he thought of such a result. From this point of view, I have to admire Sakura's flexible mind.

And after listening to Sakura's explanation, Hyugagawa asked with a change of expression:

"Master Sakura, are you saying that someone in the clan has made trouble or a foreigner has attacked the clan? So do we need help back now?"

"No, no, it should be too late to return the aid now, so we can't return to the family for the time being. Instead, we have to wait in the Kingdom of the Wind until the family troop led by Lord Tian Ren arrives. If we recklessly return to the family like this, this is our point. People will definitely not have good results."

Hyuga Sakura instantly analyzed the best plan and said slowly.

In fact, Sakura Hinata is also very anxious. Not only is he worried about Hyuga Hanten and the family, but also worried about the mother who is still in the family. However, it is useless to be anxious now. Sakura Hinata must first calm herself down. , And Sakura Hyuga had an unclear feeling, as if some conspiracy had been shrouded in her head.

"Yes, Lord Sakura, since Lord Han Tian has removed your Curse Mark: Caged Bird, from now on, we will only be loyal to you."

Hyugagawa also expressed his position instantly.


At this time, the country of fire, a forest only two days away from the border of the country of wind, was also stationed in a large camp. In the camp, Tenninh Hyuga was looking at a map of the world of Ninja, and he was secretly in his heart. What is planned.

Just when Hyuga Tennin was in deep thought, there was a rush of footsteps outside the tent.

"Master Tian Ren, the highest level urgent item in the family!"

Tian Renrui Hyuga was interrupted in meditation, and asked impatiently:

"what's up?"

"Master Tian Ren, something is wrong, there is news from the family, Master Han Tian seems to be in danger."

When Hyuga Tianren heard such news, he grumbled in his heart, and then said anxiously:

"What? Father is in danger? What is going on."

The people outside were shocked by the news before, but now they have to bite the bullet and say:

"Master Tian Ren, that's the case. Just 20 minutes ago, a family ninja, who claimed to be Master Han Tian, ​​rushed into the big camp with blood all over, shouting to see Master Tian Ren, and said Master Han Tian had been killed. "

With a sound of "wow", the figure of Hyuga Tennin instantly appeared in front of the visitor, looking at the visitor with a gloomy expression and asked:

"What about that person? How many others know the news?"

"Kei reports to Master Tian Ren, that person has been arranged by his subordinates in the replenishment camp. As for the number of people who have heard the news before, after all, it is not too early, except for a few night watchmen. Only subordinates know."

The visitor said respectfully.

"Take me there quickly."

Hyuga Tianren said that he took the lead out of the camp.


The person who followed closely followed in the footsteps of Hinata Tennin and said.


Just when Hyuga Tianren heard the news that his son Hyuga Hiyan and the great elder Hyuga Galaxy had joined forces to kill his father, Hyuga Hanten, regardless of what Hyuga Tennin was reflecting, Yuzan also received the same news. .


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