With a familiar tone and a familiar face, after the handsome and evil-looking man got off the car, a bad premonition rose in Sheila's heart.

This feeling was already there after the appearance of the purple-haired woman who made him also familiar, but Sheila just couldn't remember where she had seen the one that made her look very possessive. A woman, but the appearance of that man at this moment made him feel like a world away, and the memory hidden deep in the subconscious mind also appeared like a tide...

And at this moment, Yan Xin's arrogant words were transmitted into Sheila's ears, who was in the ‘Bad Memories’, and immediately caused the corners of his mouth to twitch...

"Damn it, Yan Xin and Kosmia are two idiots. It seems that I usually condone them too much. Didn't they find that something was wrong!"

Although Sheila kept scolding and complaining about Yan Xin and Kosmia in his heart, he didn't want to have such a situation. Isn't it because he always relied on his status as the son of the Minister of State to act unscrupulously and unscrupulously. The consequences, and Yan Xin and others also often listen to him brag about how he is doing...

It was too late when Sheila wanted to speak out for ‘recovery’.

After Yan Xin and Kosmia spoke, they were immediately berated by Yuuki and Cornelia!

"Bold! You thieves are punishable by everyone. You don't know how to repent, but you dare to speak badly!"

Because Yuzan’s trip was very low-key, and they were only in the imperial capital. With the strength of Yuuki and others, it is impossible for Yuzan to think of anything unexpected, not to mention that he himself was there but didn’t want to encounter this. Circumstances, and when Yuzan discovered that the evildoer was Sheila, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind... so Yuuki and others did not report their identity.

"Oooh, xiaoniu has a good temper, Sir Sheila, please order it, this kind of superb quality is something you can meet but you can't ask for it!"

"Yanxin, shut up!"

To the surprise of everyone in WildHunt, Sheila not only failed to give support to Yan Xin’s proposal this time, she even yelled at Yan Xin, followed by three points of fear, three points of helplessness, and four points in her eyes. Calmly looked at Yuzan and said:(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"It's really unlucky, I didn't expect this young master to meet you as soon as he returned to the imperial capital!"

Sheila's opening immediately made everyone in WildHunt stare at him. In their impression, Sheila always looked like the boss, his second child, and his third child were arrogant and domineering.

When did Sheila greet people with such a polite manner, even seeing that there was such a trace of'fear' in his eyes, this is an anecdote, and in their perception, as the Minister of State Ou Nestor’s son, Sheila is walking sideways in the empire. Since these people followed Sheila to the empire, the prefects, generals and others in those places did not flatter them like dogs , But now...

"Oh, is the memory of Sheila's'sir' finally'awakened'? I am really honored to be an old friend, the existence of'great' like Sheila's'sama' will remember me as a small person! Sheela, "My lord", why do you think that meeting me is bad luck? Don't you think we are very "destined"? We met in the same scene as now, you see, now we meet again It's the same after that..."

Although Yuzan's answer was to constantly'flatter' Sheila, and the dialogue between him and Sheila was really like an old friend who hadn't seen him for a long time, this was all under the premise that everything had not happened before, but at this moment. , Yuzan's words, this smiling face, are all'ridicule' at Sheila.

"I admit that even if I was wrong in this matter today, you still have to know that you were the one who provoked me before, and I didn't know it was you before, so this time we even got even, you If you leave with your people, you should take care of my affairs and you will not interfere with each other!"

After groaning for a while, Sheila actually said soft words under the surprised gazes of everyone in WildHunt, which also made them secretly guess the origin and identity of Yuzan and his party, even before. Little Guy Li's persistent Champ has suspended the fight with Borus and came to Sheila's side and watched Yuzan and his party on guard!

"Aha!? Unexpectedly, after so many years of absence, our "great" Sheila "Master" has also learned to swallow!? Unbelievable, unbelievable! Well, originally, I didn't want to offend you too much, after all The dog depends on the owner's face, but your dog offended me again. As for me, I am a person of identity in this empire. This is just... Sheila, you should understand what I mean! "

Yuzan seemed to have heard some joke, chuckled lightly, then hovered over Sheila and WildHunt and smiled.

"What! You fellow, don't take too much of an inch! Lord Sheila speaks to you so loudly that you are worthy of you, but don't give you shame, you are shameless!"

I heard that Yuzan obviously didn't want to just let it go. Everyone in WildHunt showed anger on their faces, although everyone had already guessed Yuzan's identity...

Yan Xin, who couldn't hold his breath, threatened Yuzan even more loudly.

"Huh! I knew you were looking for faults on purpose! The reason why I told you I was not afraid of you, if it weren't for my father Lao Tzu..."

Sheila has always been unscrupulous. At this time, Yuzan was told in front of her that she was the dog of Ornest. This made Sheila who looked so important and unacceptable. At this time, he also gave it up!

The reason why he was "dreaded" Yuzan was only because of Yuzan's power and the fact that the other party and his father Ornest had not yet torn apart. If he disrupted Ornest's plan because of himself, this is not what Sheila wants to see. Yes, because at that time Ornest will definitely clean up himself!

"Bingo! That's right. I just found the fault on purpose. Sheila, did you see it? So what do you want? Sheila "sir"! Yuuki, except for Sheila and the guy called Yanxin. Whether it’s life or death! Let these rude outsiders know that my emperor can't be wild!"

With a ‘pop’, Yuzan snapped his fingers, still having that smile on his face, ‘sarcastically’ at Sheila and motioned to Yuuki and the others next to him!


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