Ornest's expression has changed slightly since Yuzan said that there are still a few people hiding in the dark.

He also wondered in his heart whether Yuzan deliberately deceived him or really had such strength, or whether there was someone beside him betraying him!

Just before he was sure, Yuzan’s threatening words came again, and with the inaction of the Jaegers in the box at this time, Ornest knew that he had been driven to a dead end, regardless of whether the other party was deceiving himself. I have to let the lurking people take action. Otherwise, as Yuzan said, everyone in Jaegers doesn’t do anything. Then at least the one in the box that I know is the guard next to Yuzan, and the other ordinary guards are even. It’s also a food delivery!

"Okay, Your Majesty, you won. Although I don't know if it is as you said, but at least I know that you are indeed prepared! Come out, you have all been discovered!"

With that, Ornest clapped his hands.


Several figures also appeared beside Ornest at the same time after he spoke and protected both Ornest and the little emperor.

"Oh, I didn't expect it, Gozzi, it's been a long time!"

Six figures appeared later, and four of them were the instructor Gozzi who had instructed the red pupils and others, and Guy, Green and Pony who grew up with the red pupils and others! As for the other two, they are two kind-hearted monks who seem to be very young in their twenties.

And while Yuzan spoke with Gozzi and others in his words, his gaze did not leave the two monks for a moment!

Yuzan can clearly perceive that these two monks seem to be young, but the essence of each other’s soul is to tell him that these two guys are at least a hundred-year-old ghosts, and their strength is by no means what he has encountered before in this world. Except for the original "Great Kings of the Arctic Icefield", it can be compared to any opponent!

"Donor, you have to be forgiven and forgive. Now that the donor has power over the world, why bother to regenerate that position! Stop it!"

From Yuzan’s eyes, the two monks already knew that the other party had discovered their strength, but the other party just ignored them. This made the two men who have been in high positions also warm in their hearts, but they were nurturing. not bad.

"Ah, this master, you're wrong! Why am I going to be charcoal for that position? I am saving people! Look at what the current empire has become. If I don't stand up, Then the people of the empire... and the two masters, you may not be too wide in charge. This is the internal affairs of my royal family. When will the royal family's internal affairs be the turn of Huangquan Temple! Besides, why don't you two? Speaking of the revolutionary army in the south, didn't they split the empire and plunge the empire into turmoil!

Two masters, you should not do to others what you don't want to do to others. I would advise you two to retreat. Huangquan Temple can also be regarded as an ancient temple of the empire. It would be no good if it was destroyed by war! And I have heard that Huangquan Temple occupies a huge area and does not have to pay taxes. The wealth accumulated in it is coveted by many people! "

It seems that Yuzan is persuading, but in fact it is ironic.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Bold! You kid don't know good or bad, my brother is talking to you well, but you have such an attitude, even threatening us, and even more... the flat monk wants to see what you can do to speak up!"

The monk who had just spoken before the other monk immediately changed his face and shouted angrily.

The Colosseum was completely chaotic at this time!

Esthers alone pressed the prestigious four ghosts of the Rakshasa in the Huangquan Temple, and it was only a moment before the four ghosts of the Kung Fu Rakshasa were in a state of failure.

And the battle between Bud and Yuuki has shaken the entire arena. The thunder flashes and the fire is everywhere. The two-player battle is inextricably difficult to distinguish, but Yuuki's strength is still stronger than Bud. Before going to Bude, he had already consumed it. Although he won't lose in such an instant, it won't last long!

The change at this moment made the Night Raid still awake dumbfounded for a while.

"Good opportunity, everyone, let's go quickly!"

At this time, the sky dimmed slightly, and only a huge flying dangerous species with an eagle head and four claws fell from the sky, and the voice of Na Jie Xitan from the upload made the NightRaid everyone slightly shocked!

Yes, people with a discerning eye can now see that the legendary regent is going to seize power and usurp the throne at this juncture. It is obviously unwise for them to stay in this place of right and wrong!

"Sorry, people of NightRaid, you can't go anywhere!"

But at this moment, several figures came out of the shadow again, it was Cornelia, Tsukushi and Taeko!

At this time, Cornelia and Tsukushi were walking towards the NightRaid people, but Taeko stopped Sheila and Dotya who were about to get out!

"Damn it, did the regent want to kill NightRaid and Ornest? But as far as these two people are concerned, Aka Hitomi and Susano should be able to block it, although Aka Hitomi said that they did not last time. Do your best, but Susanoo, who is in the state of manifesting evil spirits, should be able to resist or even defeat them!"

She thought so in her heart, but Na Jessie had no expression on her face and didn't let anyone see her thoughts.

Looking at Cornelia and Tsukushi, she said in a deep voice:

"Don't you think you can wipe out our NightRaid army with the two of you? Does your regent believe in your strength too much or underestimate our NightRaid!"

"No, no, I think you will be wrong, General Najiexitan, the two of us are not arrogant, and it's not that your Highness is underestimating you! We didn't say that we were just two of us! Well, Chi Tong, Your Highness has already told me that you can be a Chūnin in the enemy's camp for these years. It is indeed worthy of your Highness's trust, and we all misunderstand you, but now Black Eye she still needs to attack the inner city gate, so I can't come to meet you in person, but she is really happy when she learns the truth!"

"Red pupil!"

"Red pupil?"

"No, it's impossible!"


This remark is indeed no less than a thunder for the people of NightRaid. Tazmi, Main, and Leonai and Lubbock who have woken up are even more incredibly looking at the red pupil and screaming. stand up.

And Najie Xitan was also shocked, but she had experienced strong winds and waves after all. Although she doubted whether this was the enemy's divorce, she showed a trace of vigilance in the depths of her eyes!

"I...I'm sorry, everyone, this is my duty...I..."


Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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