The'junior brother' saw the long sword burning with billowing black flames slashing towards him, he had already begun to dodge!

But what he didn't expect was that the energy sword on the opposite side suddenly became illusory in his eyes, as if it hadn't been cut yet, as if it was already close at hand...

Evasion is useless. Although he doesn't know why he has such an ‘illusion’, he knows that it must be the other party playing a ghost, but his intuition makes him feel extremely dangerous.

The energy of the whole body burst out suddenly, and he immediately bombarded the long stick in his hand. This was due to his years of combat experience!

It was precisely because of his decisiveness that his long stick did encounter obstacles after it was shot out, and even a huge force came from the long stick, and he flew upside down!

But just when he thought he was evading a fatal blow by being seriously injured, a sound of flesh and blood being pierced sounded, and immediately afterwards, he already felt a sharp pain, and at the same time, the burning sensation made him a roar of death. stand up!

Suddenly saw that his'junior brother' was pierced in the chest by the long sword burning with black flames under the other party's unknown means, looking at the painful appearance of the junior brother, and watching the blood flowing from the wounds of the junior brother. He was immediately burned and evaporated by the black flame, watching the black flame spread all over his junior and younger brother!

The brain power of ‘senior brother’ went into a void at this moment.

I still remember when the two were orphans more than a hundred years ago, he and his younger brother were begging together...

I still remember the joy that the two suddenly rescued a severely injured monk one day, and were later accepted as apprentices by the monk...

I still remember that the two were being taken to Huangquan Temple by the master, and the two little ghosts looked at the hesitation in the tall temple...

I still remember the days when the two were learning arts with their masters in the temple...

I still remember the master's expectation of the two when they were born...

I still remember that when the two went out of the temple to practice, they always protected themselves by rushing forward in front of them...

I still remember the master’s promise to me to take good care of my younger brother before he passed away...

still remember……

Thinking of the ‘senior brother’ here, his eyes were already wet, and the tears in his eyes surged like a fountain, but he didn’t make any sound.

At this moment, he had already followed his heart because of the death of his'junior brother', but, while crying so silently, he looked at Yuzan who was wrapped in the blood crystal with indifferent eyes at the same time!

"I will make you pay!"

"I am waiting!"(Read more @

Although there is no verbal communication between the two of them, both sides can understand the meaning expressed in each other's eyes!


The whole body's muscles and bones kept making a'cracking' sound. After seeing the horror of his junior and disciple, the'senior brother' immediately withdrew and flew back, and on the way back, the sound in the body continued, but on the way he was whole However, his aura is even stronger. Every time the muscles and bones in his body slam, more blood emerges from his body, and the whole person seems to be a blood man!

In fact, the blood is nothing but sweat, but after he saw his junior brother was killed, he immediately used the secret method to enhance his own strength while evaporating the blood in the body and the sweat was evaporated!

"Oh! The whole person's body is a big circle? Using this secret method should also have great drawbacks and limitations! Is it worth it?"

There was also a hint of surprise in Yuzan's shockless eyes, and he did not expect that this monk would use this secret method that harms others and himself without hesitation!

According to his conjecture, this secret method will leave a hidden danger to his body even if he can gain a powerful strength in an instant. The opponent will still have a desperate posture when he sees that he has killed his junior. It is concluded that the relationship between the other two should be excellent!

"As long as I can kill you, everything is worth it, whether it is the sacrifice of the junior brother or my sacrifice! Death!"

From the beginning of the battle, a kind-looking monk has also completely become the angry King Kong, and the evaporation of blood throughout his body has accelerated again, but the power he has gained in this period of time is also unparalleled!

"call out…"


The monk's speed and strength have obviously undergone a qualitative change. At this time, the opponent's pure speed and strength are almost the same as Yuzan's current strength!

Even at the moment when the monk attacked, Yuzan was slightly surprised by the oppression that came from heaven and earth.

He has blocked and frozen the space, and this monk is able to faintly break the blockade and communicate naturally!

"Fortunately, it's not fighting on the ground, otherwise I would be a bit troubled judging by the fit between the monk and the earth!"

With a secret cry of luck, Yuzan discovered that there was a crack on his Susanoo, and Yuzan made a change in an instant!

"Om... Om... Om..."

I saw that the blood-colored giant began to retreat under the fierce attack of the opponent, and at the same time the entire huge body began to shrink slowly, and finally formed a layer of solid blood-colored armor completely formed by blood-colored energy on Yuzan's body!


A strong electric glow flashed on the blood-colored armor again, and the long sword burning with black flames had also disappeared at the same time. Yuzan knew that using that kind of attack would be of little use to the opponent at this time, even if the'Elapsed Thousand Year Acceleration' was used again. The reaction and perception of the opponent at this time can also resist one or two, so Yuzan does not intend to waste that energy!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The opponent's speed is fast. At this time, Susanoo is just wrapped around Yuzan and his speed is not imprisoned. In addition, Yuzan's ability to communicate is naturally stronger than the opponent's continuous combat effectiveness, and he is not lost in speed and power!

I tried a few tricks, the palms of my fists were blasted, and the huge waves and pressure made the battle on the ground affected by the slightest!

"Does the body surface actually have a layer of body protection energy? So..."

I saw a bone blade appearing in Yuzan's hands and emerging from the palm of his hand. The strong dark aura emitted from the gray bone blade made the monk's heart tremble...

"call out…"

Without the slightest nonsense, Yuzan came to the monk once again, and the bone blade of his right hand smashed down!


"Huh? Corrosion!?"

Although the speed of the two sides is the same, Yuzan is still stronger than the opponent in terms of combat experience. This time he is sure that the opponent will dodge the first time, but at the same time Yuzan's left hand bone blade did not stop attacking, but this time Although the attack on the monk was also blocked, the energy on his body surface began to dissipate like a cocoon, causing the monk's heart to sink slightly...


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