The war under Baoshuiguan City was informed of the upcoming news of the imperial capital's enemy reinforcements, which made the revolutionary army's original tepid attack infinitely intensified. Now it has been fighting for two days and two nights.

In the past two days, the revolutionary army launched a total of four large-scale offensives, during which small-scale sneak attacks and other offensives continued uninterrupted.

Although the number of defenders at Baoshuiguan was not as good as the opponents, the morale of the defenders at Baoshuiguan was so low that the imperial capital’s “coup d’état” and the news that the general Bude had died in the imperial capital were so low that the imperial capital’s last The barrier' was once invaded by the enemy, but after all, thanks to the help and effective command from Yuuki, Esthers and others, the enemy's four attacks all failed miserably at the last minute!

In the past two days, the revolutionary army has suffered as many as 30,000 casualties, and the defenders at Boshuiguan have also suffered more than 10,000 casualties. The war has gradually entered a fever pitch.

One of the biggest problems facing the defenders of Baoshuiguan is that with the enemy's fierce attack, they may not be able to hold on to the arrival of reinforcements. Even with the help of powerful men like Yuuki and Asdes, Revolving Heaven is weak!

The corpses were everywhere in the wilderness, with stumps and arms everywhere, blood stained the land outside Boshuiguan, hundreds of carts and ladders collapsed in the wilderness, they were like warriors who died in battle, watching Bo in despair. The imperial flag still flying on the head of Shuiguan city.

Before dawn, thick white fog is shrouded inside and outside Baoshuiguan. This is the weather that often occurs close to winter, and it is the same as the wind and sand in northern autumn, but the fog will not last long and will dissipate after the dawn.

The war has stopped for a while, and the remaining 10,000 defenders in the city are padded with sheepskins and covered with thick blankets, curled up against the wall and fell asleep. They have spent two consecutive times in this high-intensity battle before. Both days and nights, both physically and mentally, I was extremely exhausted. If it were not for Yuuki, considering that the enemy is also engaged in the same high-intensity battle, I am afraid that he would not order the soldiers to have this short rest period, although the number of enemies is more than they are. Much more, but the force invested by the enemy every time it launches an siege is also several times its own force!

The war has progressed to such an extent, and now both sides are fighting for the willpower of the soldiers on both sides. Whoever can persevere can win this war!

Suddenly, a violent shock caused the soldiers to wake up from their dreams, and the alarm bell above the city rang.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The harsh bells awakened all the soldiers in an instant. They heard a lot of this sound in the past two days. Almost every time the enemy took advantage of the fog or night to launch a sneak attack, the rotation of soldiers resting under the city was also fast. Rush up to the head of the city and enter their respective combat readiness positions.

The thick fog filled the inside and outside of the city walls, and there was nothing to be seen from dozens of meters away, only the rumbling sound was heard. The soldiers talked a lot, but everyone was full of doubts and vigilance and a trace of anxiety!

In the heavy fog, the flag on the command tower lost its effect, and only relying on the order, the current supreme officer Yuuki in Banshuiguan, who commanded the entire battle, also quickly came to the outside of the tower and shouted:

"The enemy's sneak attack, everyone is ready to meet the enemy, and the Musketeers will be concealed first!"(Read more @

Because of the heavy fog, the 500 Ace Musketeers among the defenders have no room to play, so they can only use the trebuchets, large bed crossbows and other defensive equipment in the city when the opponent is not close. The voice fought back.

In the sound of the command, the trebuchets began to creak and wring, and the long arms slammed up, shooting blocks of boulders out, and shot them into the vast fog. For an instant, the screams came from the fog. It was heard that from the location of the screams, the imperial soldiers lifted their spirits and drew their bows and released arrows. Pieces of arrow rain shot towards the outside of the city. Almost at the same time, overwhelming arrows flew out of the fog, hundreds of The imperial soldiers were caught off guard and were shot down screaming.

In a whistling sound, hundreds of boulders also flew from below the city, and slammed on the top of the city with a "boom". One boulder smashed the battlements, smashed dozens of imperial soldiers out, and another boulder hit the city. After hitting a trebuchet, the trebuchet fell apart, and the huge wood hit the top of the imperial soldiers, screaming constantly.

Maybe it's too exhausted, maybe it's because the will has reached its limit, maybe the number of one's side has dropped too much, maybe it's because I have seen too many comrades die in the past two days, but I can't do anything about it. In short, this time the revolutionary army is launching. After the attack, it was discovered in vain that the enemy's resistance did not seem to be as sharp as before!

This discovery also shocked Warner, the commander-in-chief of the war, who was listening to the battle reports from the front in the main line outside the city. After repeatedly confirming the correctness of the intelligence, Warner immediately confronted the other twelve revolutions beside him. The real high-level army said:

"Everyone, judging from the report of our offensive this time, the enemy should have reached the limit, so I suggest that after the fog passes, our entire army will be pressed down and attack Boshui Pass at all costs!"


After discussing in a low voice, one of the middle-aged people among the twelve nodded towards Warner:

"Warner, since this is your judgment, then we also believe you. Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, so we will give you full power in this war!"

It turns out that the reason why the revolutionary army’s offensive is so fierce these days is not only because they learned that the reinforcements from the imperial capital have been on the road, but also because the command of the current war has also been granted to Warner by the "parliament". After all, he was the former deputy military officer of the empire. Minister, his military talent is still very good!

The two-day offensive also illustrates this point. The revolutionary army seems to have suffered heavy losses, but all of them know that if they don’t take the Baoshui Pass as soon as possible and wait until the other side’s reinforcements arrive, then they will lose. They, therefore, this loss is nothing at all, and Warner is not blindly letting the revolutionary army rush forward.

The reason why the Revolutionary Army can continue to attack is also because of the orderly dispatching. Often the second team will join as soon as the team that has been beaten back from the front line returns. He is not only killing the opponent's personnel, but also killing the opponent. Willpower...

As Warner's proposal was approved by the other twelve people, orders were conveyed from them. In an instant, all the troops of the Revolutionary Army's attack, except for some auxiliary arms, began to mobilize the whole army!

Nearly two hundred trebuchets have been put into the battlefield. The trebuchets of the Revolutionary Army are smaller than the empire and are launched by manpower. A trebuchet requires hundreds of people to pull and has a range of up to 300 meters. Under the cover of heavy fog, They had reached three hundred meters away and launched a fierce attack on Boshui Pass.

After two days of fierce battle, the revolutionary army gradually discovered some of the imperial army’s defensive loopholes. The imperial army’s trebuchets mostly had a range of about 450 meters, and the shortest was 350 meters. The longest is no more than 100 meters. Then there is a gap between 100 meters and 450 meters. A crossbow arrow can be used to make up for it from 100 meters away, but between 200 meters and 300 meters is the empire. The weakest link of military strike force.

And now this link has been infinitely amplified, after all, the defenders of Boshui Pass are dead one at a time!

Under the protection of the heavy fog, the defense of the Imperial Army lost its power, and the two hundred trebuchets of the Revolutionary Army began to show off. Blocks of boulders hit the city wall heavily, breaking the city bricks and denting the walls. The soldiers defended the city. A large number of casualties occurred in the impact of the boulder, and trebuchets of the Imperial Army were hit and destroyed continuously at the head of the city.

Both Yuuki and Esters have appeared on the front of the castle to watch the battle. Their gazes are stern, and their eyes are full of worry. This attack is the enemy's most threatening siege in the past two days. In addition to using the fog as a cover, the number of people In addition to the advantages of the above, the subtle changes in the morale and defensive strength of the Boshui Gate guards also made Yuuki and Esters feel a kind of invisible pressure.

The people of the Revolutionary Army have always been a group of "clay legs" and "barbarians". This kind of thinking is the mainstream thought in the empire. Although Yuuki and Esders did not see this under the influence of Yuzan, they still subconsciously Think so.

In this battle with the revolutionary army, although one's own side is absolutely weak in morale and quantity, the strong offensive power shown by the enemy also exceeded the two's expectations.

How can a soldier with such a high morale, and the blind worship, desire and surging fighting spirit in the eyes of the soldiers, be called ‘mud-legged’ or ‘barbarians’? So what kind of "barbarians" can bring out such "good" soldiers, although there is still a gap with the soldiers of Yuzan in the north and the west, but at least better than the other imperial soldiers they have fought over the years. Many!

This can only show that because the empire is becoming more and more decayed under the'leadership' of the people of Ornest, a large number of the original'regular army' and the people and even the original imperial generals or the'nobles' would rather rebel, as long as they can In the southern, eastern and other places of the empire, who would be willing to bear the charge of'rebellion'? It is really too ugly for Ornest and others to eat...


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