The offensive and defensive battle of Jelock continued. Although Anning Road had a quantitative advantage, after all, due to the combination of the number of masters and the individual quality of the soldiers, the Imperial Army still attacked the city. He was following the masters headed by Yuuki, Esthers, etc. towards the city, and the battle at the city gate was even more intense.

But what surprised An Ningdao’s defending general was that it was not difficult to win the gate with the strength of many masters such as Yuuki and Esders at a small price, but they did not do it like this, instead. It is directly rushing towards the city regardless of it!

And just as the front-line commander Locke on Anning Road was able to breathe a sigh of relief after receiving the information, a black streamer in the sky like a sharp sword pierced the sky and rushed towards the gate of Jerlock City at an extremely fast speed. Come!


At the moment when everyone hadn't reacted, this black sword-like streamer cut through the void, forming visible ripples of energy in the space and rushing straight to the gates of Jelock City!

"not good!"

The strongest Locke on the Anning Road at the frontline at this time is only capable of reaching level 6 strength. If his strength is considered a master in the entire empire, and his main talent is not his own personal strength. It was used for battlefield command and military operations. Although the streamer in the sky was also noticed by him, he suddenly felt as if he had entered an ice cellar, and his whole heart was cold.

Before Locke gave the next step, I saw that the streamer in the sky had already hit the city gate, and the huge roar was intertwined with the spatial ripples formed by the shock wave visible to the naked eye and spread towards the city... (the reason for the shock wave It only spreads towards the city because of the control of the owner who dominates the black streamer)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There are no exceptions, even if the gate of Jerooc City has been continuously reinforced several times before, it still shattered directly under the incomparable impact of this stream of light.

The debris of the city gate plus the shock wave visible to the naked eye accompanied the collapsed city wall tens of meters around the city gate due to excessive impact. The rubble blasted toward the city like a cannonball fired from a trebuchet or a stone cannon. .

Suddenly, soldiers on Anning Road near the city gate were directly bombarded by the shock wave, or hit by gravel and smashed into flesh, or were seriously injured and fell into a coma, or...

For a time, the entire city gate and the small fragment of the collapsed city wall were buried in Anning Road soldiers, at least nearly 5,000 casualties in the attack of the city gate being shattered, even though such casualties were a large part of it. The reason is because there are too many soldiers on the Anning Road side, and there are a large number of defenders at the city gate, but the power of the shock wave still makes Locke shudder...

As for the imperial army, although they were well prepared, their previous attack on the city gate was not too fierce. However, some soldiers who were close by were still affected a bit and still caused nearly 300 casualties. It's worth it!

"Damn it, come guy, quickly gather my troops. Now that the city gate is broken, we must resist, at least until the regent is surrendered by the four masters, or even if we win in the end, I'm afraid..."

Locke is already a little incoherent now, and he has an ominous premonition in his heart. After all, he has guessed about the black streamer...


At the city gate, after the smoke and dust dissipated, the previous location of the city gate finally appeared in the eyes of the soldiers on both sides again, but at this time there was no city gate at all, only a little shadow of the city wall was left, a huge pit. The hole appeared in the eyes of everyone, and in the hole, a black'war horse' with a single horn on its forehead several times larger than a normal horse stood majestic in the center of the hole.


A neigh came from the snout of the black ‘war horse’, and then I saw a black glow coming out of its whole body again, and a layer of black flame-like energy emerged on its body surface and swayed continuously.

"Swish..."(Read more @

In the blink of an eye, the black "war horse" had disappeared, but at the same time, the soldiers on An Ning Road seemed to have been in a fixation technique, but if you look closely, you will find that the original clear eyes of these soldiers have begun to continue. It became muddy, and the skin all over his body began to dry up, as if all were countless times older in an instant.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Following the first fallen Anning Road soldier, and then like dominoes, I saw all the soldiers with gray faces and muddy eyes fell one by one. At the same time as they fell, the last light in their eyes was also The whole person disappears gradually, as if the soul has been taken away...

"This... the devil!"

"No, that is Lord Midnight, the mount of His Royal Highness, this must be arranged by His Royal Highness!"

"Yes, I have seen Lord Midnight!"

"The empire will win!"

Seeing this weird scene, even if one's own side is okay, the imperial army still dare not move, but some of them have recognized Midnight. Now that you know Midnight's identity, you can guess that these are Yuzan's arrangements...

For a time, the morale of the entire Imperial Army rose again!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the city.


In front of a huge ice sculpture, Asides looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, as well as the peaceful road soldiers who looked at him like a tiger not far away. Her cold face also showed a sickness again. Smile:

"Hey, since you have betrayed the empire, then you weak people must bear the punishment of betrayal, now, freeze it all for me!"


Another battlefield.

The corpses around Naha Xiu had piled up like a mountain.

Maybe his strength is not as strong as Yuuki and Asdes, but as the strongest among Yuzan's masters besides Yuuki and Asdes, he usually feels arrogant, indifferent, and A trace of calmness unlike human beings.


"You devil, you, don't come over!"

"Damn it, brothers, it's all dead, it's a big deal, even if this guy wants to kill us, he will have to pay the price!"

"Yes, he has killed so many of our brothers before, I don't believe how much stamina he still has!"


Although Nahasiu's murder method after following Yuuki and Esders into the city was not as big as the previous two, he was absolutely frozen, or completely smashed into scum!

But his way seemed even more shocking to these ordinary soldiers on Anning Road. Just watching him harvest the lives of Anningdao soldiers with one sword, just watching him shuttle through the crowd as graceful. The nobles danced with gorgeous dance steps, but while killing people, they were not contaminated with the blood of the enemy. So far, their bodies are still spotless.

Just looking at the hill-like corpses that had piled up behind Naha Xiu, all Anningdao soldiers were desperate.

But the desire of human beings to survive also allowed these peaceful soldiers to briefly overcome their fears. They kept reminding themselves that there was only one person on the other side, and that the other side had little physical strength left...


Nahasiu is a very proud person. His arrogance can be said to be from his bones. After seeing a group of Anningdao soldiers who looked like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in his own eyes, they briefly defeated their fear and wanted to pull themselves to death. A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

It was also at this time that a roar from a distance came, and he keenly sensed the powerful energy fluctuation at midnight, and then he was silent for a while before slowly speaking.

Then I saw that the weird-looking short sword in his hand began to flash with blue-violet light...


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