After knowing each other for several months, Huang Quan vaguely knew that this pitch-black long sword seemed to contain Luo Ming's past.

She had been very curious about this for a long time, but it was not convenient for her to speak up before. But now that the two of them had been through hardships together, she should not be rejected.

Sure enough, in Huang Quan's expectant eyes, Luo Ming hesitated for only a moment before handing over the long sword in his hand.

Huang Quan took the long sword with both hands.

Her right hand slowly slid along the scabbard to the handle.

The moment the handle touched, a majestic power of nothingness and a vast amount of memories surged in like a tide, almost causing Huang Quan to lose her mind and sink into it....

After a while,

Huang Quan opened his eyes and looked at Luo Ming with a look that seemed to have some complicated meanings.

"Do you often recall the past?"

Huang Quan returned the knife to Luo Ming, and noticed a detail that he had not noticed before.

When Luo Ming held the knife, he rarely held the handle. Even when they first met, he only used the scabbard to kill the two evil gods.

"No." Luo Ming's answer was very brief.

Huang Quan looked down at the [Ming] hanging on his waist. It was only a broken handle left.

"Can the Void Star God really be killed?"

"Even if the Void Star God can be killed, does that mean that Void no longer exists?"

Huang Quan asked again, looking at him without moving his eyes.

"I don't know." Luo Ming shook his head,"But if no one does this, the curse of nothingness will definitely not disappear."......

After a night's rest, Huang Quan left. All life will go to death, but before that, on the way to the end, there are still many things that can be done. Living itself is not a goal, but a prerequisite for achieving the goal.

The people of Izumo rebelled against the gods and eventually turned themselves into evil spirits.

Even if the way to save the world does not exist and there is no trace of tomorrow, Huang Quan must do what he should do before the destruction comes.

Luo Ming looked at Huang Quan's back as he left, and suddenly a doubt arose in his heart.

Compared to Huang Quan, who took a firm step even though he knew the ending. He only knew how to perceive the nothingness all day long and tried to kill the nothingness. It seems that he is going further and further on the path of self-destruction.

But even if he understood this, he was powerless to walk out of this dark vortex.

In addition to the long sword in his hand and the belief in killing gods, he didn't know what else could make him truly practice the path of existence.

After a long time, Luo Ming raised his head and looked at the dark sun that was always silent.

Knowing that he was about to reach the edge of the black hole......

【After that day, Huang Quan would come back every once in a while. She looked more and more exhausted, and her white clothes were soaked with dark red blood again and again.】

【Every time she came back, she would bring Luo Ming a peach, then sleep quietly by the campfire for a night. When she woke up, she would pick up the Zhao Dao with only the handle left and walk towards the Izumo that had been occupied by the evil spirit.】

【The fierce ghosts were fighting and screaming. The home she was trying her best to protect was gradually becoming the next Takama-ga-hara, and the next eight million gods to invade Izumo. This cycle would repeat itself, a tragic cycle that would never end.】

【Now, what Huang Quan has to do is to personally end it all, even if it means carrying the weight of destroying two worlds.】......

Continuous blood-red rain fell from the sky.

On the wasteland.

Luo Ming saw Huang Quan weakly walking from the end of the sky, holding a pure white knife in her hand.

There seemed to be countless black ghost claws behind her, trying to drag her into the endless abyss, and then they were all torn apart by the sudden lightning.

"All the twelve Zhao swords were broken, and I killed all the evil spirits."

Huang Quan dragged her bloodstained body, and every time she took a step, a bloody footprint would appear under her feet, just like her mood at the moment, which was filled with tragic blood.

Luo Ming raised his sight and looked at the former neon metropolis. There, there was a huge sword that reached the sky, like a bridge between two worlds, and its name was [End].

With a plop.

Huang Quan fell beside the campfire, and the warm firelight illuminated her pale cheeks, looking like a porcelain that was about to break.

Luo Ming stepped forward to help Huang Quan up, took the steaming medicine soup from the campfire, and slowly fed it into her mouth.

She seemed to have experienced countless battles.

There were tiny wounds all over her body, and blood was constantly oozing out, dyeing her clothes into a thrilling blood color. She was so weak that she seemed to fall into a long sleep at any time.

Even so, the pure white long sword in her hand was still held tightly in her hand.

The wild souls were clamoring, and the black sun was shining.

In this empty world where the evil spirits were slaughtered, Izumo broke twelve swords and finally forged the sword that could defeat the world.......Two names.

One is [beginning], the other is [end]]

[[Beginning] and [End] can only let the world down, but cannot save it, symbolizing the two tragic worlds of Izumo and Takama-ga-hara that are in an endless round.

Luo Ming laid Huang Quan down, took off her bloody clothes, took out the wound medicine, and gently applied it on the broken wounds.

Every time Huang Quan came back, she would have various injuries on her body.

Luo Ming got used to picking some herbs, making wound medicine, and helping her treat her wounds.

After doing all this, Luo Ming looked up at the sky. The bloody drizzle was still falling, and it seemed to have no end, as if it was crying for the two lost worlds.......

The next morning,

Huang Quan woke up from his coma, and the first thing he saw was Luo Ming sitting quietly by the campfire not far away.

""Thank you."

Huang Quan thanked him out of habit, and without thinking about Luo Ming's answer, he propped up his weak body, picked up the medicine soup in front of him, and drank it all despite the boiling heat.

Warmth gradually spread from his cold body, and his body seemed to finally come alive again. His blocked nose smelled the smell of burnt wood burning in the campfire again.

The river water had been stained by blood rain and could not be drunk or bathed directly.

Huang Quan took a lot of effort to get a basin of clean hot water. He tore off a piece of clean clothes and used it as a towel to carefully wipe the dirty blood on his body.

The shocking wounds yesterday had all disappeared at this time, as if they had never appeared.

Only Huang Quan himself knew.

How unforgettable and tragic was the battle that broke the Zhaodao not long ago......

After enjoying the rare peace for half a day.

Huang Quan tightly grasped the white long sword, looking at the [End] in the distance that seemed to connect the two worlds, without looking back, she whispered:"I am going to cut that sword and completely end the reincarnation of the two worlds, but I am not absolutely sure. Can you go with me?"

Huang Quan did not mean to let Luo Ming help.

After all, this is a matter belonging to the two worlds of Izumo and Takama-ga-hara.

She just wanted him to accompany her on this trip.

Just like when she faced the endless evil spirits in the world before, no matter how tragic the process was, how many sacrifices were made, and how many wounds were incurred.

There has always been a bonfire in her heart, which allows her to unload everything and seek the only remaining warmth.


Luo Ming nodded and agreed.

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