"Ah! It's that robin! I can't believe I'm here!"

Sanyueqi obviously really likes this singer. His face flushed with excitement. He wanted to take out a pen and ask for an autographed photo right now.

"It is my honor to meet you all."

The robin stroked his chest with one hand and responded in a gentle voice, giving people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze, and the distance between them was shortened unknowingly.

Walter asked politely:"Are you a member of the Pinocchio family like that gentleman?"

The robin hesitated, but still replied:"To be honest, I am a guest like all of you. Pinocchio is my hometown, but I left here when I grew up. This time I was fortunate to be invited to come back and sing a song for the Harmonious Music Ceremony."

"The Sunday you mentioned is my brother, one of the local leaders of Pinocchio and the organizer of this Harmony Festival. He heard that you were in trouble and brought me here to help."

"Unfortunately, we are still a little late. I am really sorry for the bad experience you have had."

The robin spoke softly, full of apology, and it was obviously not fake.

After speaking, his eyes fell on Luo Ming, who had not said a word since just now. There was some hesitation in his eyes, and I don't know what he was thinking.

At this time.

Sunday came over and said with a hearty smile:"Please rest assured, I have asked Miss Ellie to solve the system failure as soon as possible, and then upgrade the room type for you as compensation. The hotel will arrange a suitable room later."

He kept silent about Luo Ming's previous guarantee with Screw Gumm.

It was obvious that he must let Sha Jin"give up" his room.

Luo Ming pulled the corner of his mouth, and was too lazy to say anything.

At worst, he would change rooms with Xing after entering the hotel.

After speaking, he explained:"Mr. Sha Jin has an appointment with the Oak family and checked in first. I apologize to everyone in the Starry Sky Train on his behalf, and look forward to working with you in the future."

Walter thanked him:"Thank you for your willingness to mediate, but is it inappropriate to upgrade the room type for us alone? As far as I know, there should be quite a few guests from different factions who received the invitation together, right?"

"Don't worry, the family will be responsible for communicating. As the actual manager, we should help you solve your problems when you come to Pinoconi."

After saying that, Sunday thought of something and said goodbye,"I'm sorry to take up your precious time. We won't bother you anymore. If you need anything at Pinoconi, the family is always at your service."

"May you all have a wonderful time in your dreams."

Sunday and the robin said goodbye and left.

March 7th let out a breath, put his hands on his waist and said,"It's really a series of twists and turns. Since this Sunday......Mr. Sunday has given us a guarantee, so we can finally move in normally, right?"

Xingze was a little curious:"Are all family names so strange?"

"That's just a nickname." Luo Ming said, pointing to March Seven:"For example, Little March, normal people don't use dates as names."

March Seven gritted his teeth, feeling that Luo Ming was teasing him, but he had no evidence

"This should be some kind of rule of Pinocchio or the family."

Jizi attracted everyone's attention and arranged:"Okay, let's go find Miss Ellie and prepare to move in."......

Sunday came out.

The check-in formalities were quickly completed.

Everyone received a dream passport, which was not only the room card of the hotel room, but also integrated all the functions and information needed in the Daydream Hotel, and had certain intelligent assistance.

Luo Ming looked through the dream entry instructions above.

In short: You must wear clothes when you dream!......

Since the family took Pinocchio from the company, they transformed the dreamland into a magnificent metropolis.

Under the guidance of the receptionist, a group of people took the elevator to the VIP lounge of the Daydream Hotel.

It looked like a gorgeous party stage, with a bright red carpet, melodious music, and an exquisite bar. It seemed to be the same, but it was actually a luxurious booth lounge area with exquisite taste.

At this time, there were already many guests here. Each of them was a top-level existence on their own planet. They were gathered in twos and threes, laughing and chatting.

"There will be a party here later."

Sanyueqi saw the display on the crystal screen and said excitedly,"Shall we come over and play later?"

Jizi shook her head helplessly,"Put the luggage back in the room first."

"" Okay!"

Sanyueqi and Xing nodded.

Then they all looked at Luo Ming.

Luo Ming raised his hand and two full suitcases appeared out of thin air.

Sanyueqi opened her own suitcase and checked it. She was very satisfied and said,"Good, you didn't mess with my luggage. It seems that my reminder is still very useful."

Luo Ming raised his hand and slapped her on the head.

He said unhappily,"Your suitcase is full of stinky clothes. Why should I rummage through it?"

"How can it smell bad? It smells good!"

Sanyueqi retorted subconsciously.

Then her face turned red for no reason, and she couldn't help but glared at Luo Ming. She picked up her luggage and went to her room angrily.

Xing followed slowly.

Seeing this scene, Ji Zi smiled.......

In a secluded booth,

Ji Zi tasted a glass of Pinocchio's specialty Fenleda.

She carefully told Luo Ming and Walter the following contents of the invitation letter:

‘See the impossible things in the dream, find the legacy of Pinocchio's father, the watchmaker, and then answer: why does life fall asleep. '

Walter wondered:"I don't remember such a paragraph in the invitation letter, you mean, there is a secret code in it?"

Jizi nodded:"This is the intriguing part. The invitation letter sent by the family is a music box. When the spring is turned, it will make sounds accompanied by harmonious music."

"But the one that was delivered to us was a little strange. The music it played was mixed with some discordant sounds."

"I transcribed these noises, which matched the gravitational waves of the train jump perfectly, and using the space curvature of the train engine as the key - I got the above passage."

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