Arriving at the Hyuga clan's territory, Uzumaki Mito did not wait for the head of the family and the elders to express their thoughts. She just came to inform them and sat there quietly tasting the cakes and tea brought by the servants. The high-ranking members of the Hyuga clan were all confused and did not dare to disturb them. This person was a heavyweight. They all felt the evil power in Uzumaki Mito's body at the same time, which made people feel terrified.

Uzumaki Mito had long been accustomed to this situation. She still turned a blind eye and drank tea quietly, waiting for Hyuga Shinichi.

"I am leaving this room that has been with me for three years. I miss it a little bit."

Hinata Shinichi stood in the middle of the room and stared at everything in the room in a daze. In fact, he had very few things and had packed them long ago. Except for some clothes and the gifts he received on his birthday, there was nothing else.

"Shinichi, have you become the disciple of Master Uzumaki Mito?"

Hinata Shinichi heard a familiar voice coming from the door and turned to look.

"Ah, it's Hiashi-nii and Hiashi-nii. I'm sorry I forgot to say goodbye to you. Hiashi-nii, I have indeed become Mito-san's apprentice."

"Will you come back then?"

"If I'm not busy, I'll come back to see you two."

Hinata Shinichi replied to Hinata Hiashi, and Hinata Hiashi, who had been standing aside and had not spoken, spoke up at this time.

"That must be very hard. Although she is the wife of the first Hokage, we can all sense that her chakra is very strong. Shinichi, you don't have to tire yourself out like this. You are only three years old.……"

Shinichi Hinata looked at the worried expressions of the two brothers in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, Hiashi brother, Mito grandma is a very nice person, it's okay, but you have to pay more attention to yourself, don't let me pull away from you."

Hinata Shinichi lowered his head and hugged the two brothers

"Thank you."

Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi looked at each other. It was rare for their cousin to be so enthusiastic. He was not frank at ordinary times. They smiled and hugged Hyuga Shinichi.

The two brothers helped to carry the luggage. He picked up the breastplate given by sister Tsunade, took a last look at the room and went downstairs to the hall.

"Grandma Mito, I have prepared all my luggage."

"Well, let's go."

Hinata Shinichi hesitated for a moment, and finally bowed to all the Hyuga clan members in the hall.

"I have troubled you for the past three years, the head of the family, the elders, the elders, the guard brother, and Brother Rizu and Brother Rishi. I am sorry for the last time. I was impulsive."

The elder who wanted to preach to me said

"It's okay, it's normal for young people to be aggressive."

The others and the guard whom he called brother didn't say anything, just smiled and shook his head.

It was during the previous meeting that he unconsciously used his white eyes to intimidate them, and he never found a chance to apologize.

He stood up and was about to leave with Mito's grandmother, when the head of the family, Hyuga Himan, spoke.

"Wait, Shinichi, there is something I haven't given you yet."

Hinata Himan took out a bracelet strung with a red string and fixed with a white jade bead from his sleeve.

"This is the gift your parents intended to give you on your third birthday. They should have given it to you yesterday."

(The author personally thinks that the third birthday of the Hyuga main family is a very important day, and it is also the day when the fate of the peers of the branch family is determined.)

Hinata Shinichi stood there in a daze, his eyes fixed on the bracelet in Hinata Himan's palm.

"This bracelet was made by your father when your parents went to the Fire Temple to get the jade stone when you were pregnant. As for the red string, it was made by your mother herself. They hope that this bracelet can protect you."

Hinata Shinichi stood there unable to come back to his senses. His heart was already in chaos.

He used to think that his parents had left him an inheritance that he could not spend, just like in his previous life. But as their child, it was normal for him to inherit the family property.

In fact, he knew very well that this was just his one-sided view.

He felt that his parents did not give him"love", but he did not dare to think that if they did not have"love" for him, would he have been born?

It was just that they passed away before they had the chance to show him their"love".

In fact, he did not resent them for leaving him alone. Because he always felt that he had not received"love", so he still longed for"love". He was afraid that if he resented them, they would not come to look after him.

In his previous life, no one cared about him. Now no one cares about him in the family, but the people in the family... People have never treated me badly. I thought that this was enough. At least I am not alone now and have my own tribe and companions.

But when I saw the bracelet and knew its meaning, my heart still trembled. I could feel my parents' protection and unreserved"love" for me.

My vision gradually blurred, and I could feel a warmth flowing down my cheeks. Was it tears? It was really embarrassing to cry in front of so many people.

But I just couldn't stop crying. I could only close my eyes and continue crying. (You can refer to the way Sasuke cried when he learned the truth about Itachi)

Everyone present was overwhelmed by this scene. Only Uzumaki Mito could feel that Hinata Shinichi was longing for"love" in her heart.

Just like when she became the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, as long as she was full of"love", the Jinchuriki could live happily. It was Hashirama who gave her"love", and now it was Hinata Shinichi who felt the"love" of his parents.

Uzumaki Mito walked up and hugged Hinata Shinichi

"Grandma turns parents have always loved...loved me, and I am not...alone...left them..."

"Well, you have always been loved by your parents, and there are also me and Nawaki, you are not alone."

Hinata Himanya walked up and touched Hinata Shinichi's head, and gave him the bracelet.

"Taihe and Xun have always been looking forward to your birth, and often told me that they would be happy when you were born. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned.

I am sorry, Shinichi, for not feeling your emotions. I should have given it to you earlier, instead of waiting until you were three years old.

After crying for a while, Hinata Shinichi recovered, took the bracelet, held it tightly against his forehead, and cried again.

But this time, he cried with a smile on his face.


After saying goodbye to his family members, Hinata Shinichi carried his luggage and followed Uzumaki Mito on the road to the Senju clan, with his free left hand raised high. He was wearing the bracelet on his left wrist, and the white jade bead looked like another moon under the moonlight.

The red rope that strung the white jade beads together showed that it was carefully woven, and the knots on it were very complicated but not without delicate beauty.

Hinata Shinichi's smile never fell as he looked at the bracelet, because this was the first time he felt the"love" from his parents.

Uzumaki Mito, who was standing next to him, looked at Hinata Shinichi and couldn't help thinking, this child usually plays with Nawaki and others, always looks heartless and mean, it turns out that he just hides his desire for"love" very deeply so that no one can find out.

Then, seeing that Hinata Shinichi had the hairpin she had given him before inserted in his bun, and the gifts given by Nawaki and others were also placed on his back, Uzumaki Mito smiled knowingly.

This child has always cherished everything around him.

…… ps: Please generate electricity with love for free, and please leave more comments, thank you.

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