Slow and silent footsteps came from outside the door to the Dream Pool.

Luo Ming felt his cheek being touched, his earlobe being pinched, and a smooth finger landing on his collarbone, about to slide down little by little.

"No way, is it possible that fireworks are......"

Luo Ming was a little surprised. He recognized the person through the perception of the memory user and it was Hua Huo.

But he didn't expect that she would do this to the robin's 'corpse'?

Why did it feel a little exciting?

The fingertips slowly stopped sliding.

Luo Ming felt the sweet and soft breath coming from the front of him, but the voice sounded like a naughty female ghost,"Tsk tsk, you are really cruel, the body is almost pierced, if the chicken wing boy sees it, he will be sad and cry."

After teasing.

Hua Huo seemed to be sure that the robin had been sent to the deep dream. She jumped around the room, as if looking for something, and soon left.

Luo Ming opened his eyes and changed back to his own appearance.

At the same time, he controlled the memory domain and condensed a robin fake body in the dream pool.

The memory domain is essentially a space formed by the condensation of memory matter. The power of the memory user in the dream is like a fish in water.

Only the [mysterious] fate walker who can control the memory domain meme can compete with it.

Earlier on the train, Luo Ming learned from Ji Zi that the large hole that caused the memory to leak was actually dug by the [mysterious] star god at the border between the universe and the memory domain.

This is also one of the reasons why Pinoconi was born thousands of years ago.......

The Dream Hotel was under renovation, and there were many memory memes wandering around.

However, none of these could affect Luo Ming.

Just as he was thinking about who to find first, a message alert sounded from his body. He picked it up and saw it, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.......

Golden moment.

Classic cake restaurant, secluded small box.

Luo Ming pushed open the door, looked at the girl who was concentrating on eating cake at the table, and pretended to be angry and said:"Well, you didn't wait for me and ate here alone?"

The girl raised her head, licked the cream at the corner of her lips with her clove tongue, and said innocently:"I'm hungry, I haven't eaten for several days."

"If you are greedy, just say so. There is no feeling of hunger in the dream world."

Luo Ming came to sit next to Liuying and couldn't help but reach out to touch her head.

Liuying picked up a piece of cake with a fork and put it in front of Luo Ming with a smile:"Do you want to eat it?" Luo Ming shook his head:"You have used this fork before, I think it is dirty.

" Liuying opened her eyes wide, stuffed the cake into her mouth angrily, turned her face away angrily, and didn't want to pay attention to him.

But the next second.

Luo Ming pinched her chin, turned her puffed little face around, his eyes fiery:"I want you to feed me with your own mouth.

" After that, he lowered his head and kissed the little red lips stained with cream cake.


Liuying shuddered and closed her eyes shyly.......

A full half hour later.

The two of them finally finished the cake.

They left the restaurant.

The two of them walked side by side, each holding a drink in their hands, like a couple in love, wandering on the busy street.

In several simulations, Liuying gave him the strongest girlfriend feeling, always reminding him of the passionate youth time on campus.

So he couldn't help but take advantage of her, looking at her flushed face and shy look, he had a very strong sense of satisfaction in his heart. They walked aimlessly for a distance.

Luo Ming found that they came to the park where they first played. Thinking of something in his mind, he took Liuying's hand and eagerly went into the grove of the park.

Liuying saw him pulling her into the depths of the woods. She couldn't help showing shyness in her eyes, but she didn't refuse at all, and let him lead her very obediently.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and she missed Luo Ming very much. Even if he wanted to do something awkward, she had to let him do it.......

Deep in the park.

After making sure that no one would disturb him easily, Luo Ming stopped and turned to look at Liu Ying behind him.

But he found that she had closed her eyes, her face was tense, her eyelashes were trembling, and she looked very nervous, but she would not refuse.

Luo Ming's breathing suddenly became heavier.

He had not thought of this at first, but he could not help but hold Liu Ying's soft body in his arms and take good care of her.............

After a while,

Luo Ming sat on the stone bench, licked the wet corners of his lips, forcibly cut off the ripples in his heart, and said to Liuying, whose face was as red as blood, seriously:"It's time to talk about business."

Liuying opened her eyes and looked at him with a little doubt.

Wasn't what he did just now a business?

"I may have a way to cure your deentropy."

Liuying looked at him for a while, then shook her head:"Luo Ming, you don't have to comfort me like this."

She has tried countless ways to cure deentropy, but all ended in failure.

Even after joining the Star Core Hunters, she just lay in the medical cabin all day, sleeping to alleviate the worsening of the symptoms.

It can even be said that she has given up curing deentropy.

The so-called legacy of the watchmaker is nothing more than a beautiful imagination of flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, and there is no much hope at all.

For Liuying, it is a very happy thing to see her dear brother again before she passes away. When she gives all her precious things to Luo Ming without reservation, she can leave with peace of mind.


Luo Ming taught her a lesson in annoyance:"When have I comforted you with empty words?"

Liuying covered her sore butt. She turned her little face away in a huff:"Why not? That time, you said you would be back soon, but......"

As she spoke, Liuying's eyes turned red, and she bit Luo Ming's shoulder fiercely in revenge.

Luo Ming softened.

He reached out and stroked Liuying's soft hair.

After waiting for a moment, he saw that she was gradually quieting down, and then he raised his hand. A ray of silver light with rich vitality, strands of it,���Palm Condensation

"What is this?"

The firefly looked like a living silver glow, and my heartbeat accelerated for some reason.

"This is pure power of abundance, obtained by chance."

Luo Ming gathered the silver light into a dazzling ball of light and said to Liu Ying,"Open your mouth."

Liu Ying opened her mouth very obediently.

She watched Luo Ming feed the silver ball of light into her mouth.

"Feel it and see if this power can cure your entropy loss."

Luo Ming's voice was also filled with a hint of nervous anticipation.

The Moon of Plenty obtained in the simulation reward was not what Hua had comprehended from Yao Qing's miracle of abundance.

He suspected that it came directly from the Abundance Deity.

If there is any destiny in the universe that is best at eliminating disasters and curing diseases, it must be abundance!

After swallowing the silver light ball,

Liuying felt a warm feeling coming from her body, and the life force that was so rich that it was unimaginable began to flow along her limbs and bones to every corner of her body.

Gradually, she felt as if her body was given new life and came alive little by little.

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