"Tick-tock, tick-tock! Follow up, follow up, my gray friend!

"Misha is in danger! He is there, I will take you there!"

The clock boy seemed to be really anxious, and turned around and ran in one direction.

Xing cast a questioning look at Luo Ming.

After seeing Luo Ming nod, he stopped hesitating and immediately followed the clock boy's footsteps.......

After turning a long street and walking a few hundred meters,

Xing stopped and saw several gang members in black clothes in front of him, surrounding a figure with purple clothes and purple hair and carrying a knife.

"There were so many people there, it seemed like something really happened."

Liu Ying now really believed that there really was an invisible cartoon character asking Xing for help.

"You don't know the rules, wait and see how I deal with you!"

A boss-like man crossed his arms and stared coldly at the purple-haired woman in front of him.

A dozen of his younger brothers raised their fists to show their power, and the momentum was quite huge.

The purple-haired woman frowned slightly, as if she was hesitating whether to fight in the street.

"It is Huang Quan indeed."

Luo Ming stopped and looked around Huang Quan, but he could only sense a faint breath and could not really see Misha.

"Should we drive these people away?"

Liuying asked Luo Ming for advice. A few gang members were not enough for her to fight alone.

"Don't be so violent. Don't forget that you are an illegal immigrant. If you make a lot of noise, it will attract hounds."

The Pinocchio family is mainly divided into three races.

They are the Sky Rings, the Pipisi, and the Omnics.

The Sunday Robin brother and sister are from the Sky Rings.

They are characterized by their dignified appearance and moving voices.

Their gorgeous halos and ear feathers embellish their holiness.

They are born to be noticed and respected by other races and are easy to become idolized stars.

They are also good at scheming and politics.

Few people can see through their elegant and mysterious smiles.

The light frequency of the Sky Rings on their heads can convey each other's thoughts and achieve telepathy.

Now in Oak The family and the Iris family took on important responsibilities, and Sunday even took the position of head of the Oak family. Shu Weng, the bartender in the Dream Daydream Hotel, is also a member of the Sky Ring tribe. He is the second person in the Iris family, second only to the head of the family, Maeve.

The Pipisi are an intelligent ethnic group that loves knowledge and wealth and has a high talent in the business field.

They look small and cute, but they are decisive, quick and ruthless in doing business. Now in Pinoconi, they are busy with the economic activities of the Clover family and the construction work of the Hidden Thrush family.

The intelligent machine originated from the The species in the mechanical life zone, their bodies are made of machines, their minds are run by programs, most of them are kind, fashionable, polite, and respectful and curious about organic life. The representative figure is the king of the screw star, screwgoom.

The intelligent machines in Pinoconi mainly become dream builders in the Hidden Thrush family, using the wisdom of inorganic life to build dreams.

In addition to the Oak family responsible for politics, the Clover family responsible for economy, the Iris family responsible for culture, and the Hidden Thrush family responsible for architecture.

The last of the five major families is the Hound family, Mainly responsible for maintaining the security of the dreamland.

In the early days of Prison Star, the leader of the Hound family was the strong Hanunu, who was also the initiator of breaking the cage.

But because he was hit by the company's shrinking device, he lost his advantage of being strong and could only win by wits.

After the watchmaker disappeared, Hanunu, as a loyal supporter, quickly disappeared in Pinocchio, and now the family members are the most diverse.

At this time,

Xing has learned the magical clock tricks from the clock boy.

He swaggered to the gang boss.

""Little girl, get out of the way and don't get in the way! I'm going to make that woman realize that she has messed with the wrong person!"

The gang leader looked ferocious.

Xing said nothing and silently performed the clock trick.

Almost in the next second.

The gang leader's face trembled obviously, as if he was enduring something, and finally he couldn't hold it back anymore, and laughed out loud, his moody look scared the younger brothers around him.

"Oh, hi, everyone! Please forgive my offense, and welcome to the dreamland of Pinocchio!"

""Young men, line up! Welcome our distinguished guests!"

After hearing the boss's order, the younger brothers didn't understand at all, but they still had to obey.

So the gang members who were so arrogant just now stood in a row neatly, and under the boss's order, they shouted loudly:"Welcome to the dream land of Pinocchio!" On the street, many pedestrians saw this scene and pointed and talked.

The gang brothers felt that their faces were about to burn red, but the boss still looked like he was laughing.

Xing coughed lightly, nodded slightly with a posture,"Well, no need to be polite, stand up."

Liuying glanced at her silently, surprisingly didn't think it was too strange, as if he had seen her despicable look a long time ago.

"It's all up to you! You are our most distinguished guest——"

The gang leader raised his hand.

The younger brothers immediately shouted in unison again:"You! Just be happy!"

Luo Ming saw the effect of the clock trick with his own eyes.

It was just like turning on the modifier when playing a game. He couldn't help but feel a little envious.

He no longer cared about Xing who was experimenting with new toys.

Luo Ming took a few steps forward, came in front of Huang Quan, and said with a smile:"What's the matter, can a few minions cause you trouble?"

Huang Quan saw him, and his eyes softened a little.

He shook his head and said:"I don't want to cause trouble for no reason. I just heard that a group of masked fools were making trouble on the streets and disrupting the order. I passed by here and was checked. Some things happened in the process.......Misunderstand"

"A group of masked fools?"

Luo Ming subconsciously looked at the street and found that order had been restored there.

It turned out that the masked fools who rushed to Pinocchio were not just Hanabi and Sambo.

I guess the same is true for other factions. If these people attack together, the family will definitely not be able to withstand it if it does not summon the Harmony.

"Luo Ming, do you know this lady?"

Liu Ying came to the side, looked at Huang Quan, who had a slender figure and a cold and unworldly face, blinked her eyes, and asked curiously.

Luo Ming coughed lightly and was about to introduce Huang Quan's identity.

He saw Xing pointing at an empty space not far away and asked in confusion:"You, can't you see that there is someone standing here too?"

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