"I'm back."

Uzumaki Mito shouted as he entered the house, and kept looking at Hinata Shinichi. When he heard Hinata Shinichi also shout"I'm back", Uzumaki Mito smiled kindly and touched Hinata Shinichi's head.

"Welcome back, grandma. Why did you come back so late today? Eh? Isn't this Shinichi? Why did you take a leave of absence from school today?"

It was Nawaki who came out to greet her. Tsunade had gone out of the village to carry out a mission again.

"Well, I accept Shinichi as my apprentice, and from now on Shinichi will live with us."

""Hmm? Hmm! Ah?"

Seeing Nawaki's puzzled expression, then surprised, and finally puzzled expression, Hinata Shinichi also immediately started to act funny, pretending to be hurt.

"Shengshu, what's that expression on your face? Do you dislike me living in your house? Okay, I don't want to affect the atmosphere of this family because of me. I'm leaving now, woo woo woo"

"Hey? What are you talking about? Come back soon."

When Nawaki heard Hinata Shinichi's words and the way he turned around to leave, he could not tell whether it was fake or real, so he immediately ran up and grabbed Hinata Shinichi to stop him from leaving.

"Okay, both of you stop making noise and don’t disturb the neighbors. Is it okay for Shinichi Nawaki to sleep with you tonight?"

"No problem, I've wanted them to stay the night to play with me for a long time. This is the first time I sleep with my friends, I'm excited just thinking about it."

Before, no one wanted to cause trouble to Shengshu's family, so they never stayed at his house.

"Well, Shinichi, it's okay, I'll ask someone to clean your room tomorrow. It's too late today."

"No problem, I can do it."

"Everyone should wash up and go to bed early, don't play too late. Shinichi needs to get up early tomorrow morning and start training from tomorrow."

"Grandma, can I come with you?"

"You can talk when you can get up."

Sheng Shu was unhappy when he heard this and put his arm around Hinata Shinichi's shoulders.

"As long as Shinichi is here, I can definitely get up, right Shinichi?"

"I don't know."

Hinata Shinichi said as he broke free from the rope tree and walked into the house to put his luggage away.

"Hey, Shinichi, don't go. By the way, let's take a bath together."


The days went by like this. I went to school during the day, and went home to train with Grandma Mito with Nawaki. However, the training focus was still on Hinata Shinichi, and Nawaki was just ordinary training.

Time passed in a flash, and four years later.

It is now the 32nd year of Konoha. Hinata Shinichi is seven years old. His height has reached 1.3 meters, which is much taller than his peers. He wears a green robe and has black shoulder-length hair, which is piled up high with a hairpin, and a few strands of hair are left in front. His appearance has also changed from being immature to handsome and handsome. The overall appearance is very elegant and has a hint of nobility.

At this moment, Hinata Shinichi took off his green robe to his waist and stood on the water with his back to the waterfall with his eyes closed. In his right hand, he held the chakra sword that he had made a few years ago.

The appearance of the chakra sword is the same as the Tai Chi sword in his previous life. He drew the general shape according to his memory and made it after showing it to the craftsman.

This sword is not a soft sword, but a hard sword. The entire piece of chakra metal has been used up. Hinata Shinichi named it"Tingfeng Sword".

Suddenly, Hinata Shinichi opened his eyes, revealing his snow-white eyes, turned around and swung his sword.

"Wind Sword Technique: Wind Slash!"

A green slash formed by wind attribute chakra flew towards the waterfall.


The wind slash cut the waterfall directly, and the slash continued to move forward, cutting the rock wall behind the waterfall, leaving a shallow cut mark.

If there were careful people present, they would have noticed that when the waterfall was cut, there were many cut marks on the rock wall.

"Phew, the power of the strike can be increased.

Just as he was about to put away his sword, put on his clothes and leave, a yellow-haired kid came out from the bushes nearby.


Seeing Hinata Shinichi looking at him, the yellow-haired kid also realized that he seemed to have disturbed others' practice.

"Excuse me, my name is Minato Namikaze. I was so distracted by your powerful move that I didn't mean to disturb you."

Hinata Shinichi had guessed the name of this yellow-haired kid when he saw it, and when he said his name, he confirmed that it was Minato Namikaze.

In his previous life, Hinata Shinichi liked this character very much, and he didn't expect to meet him here.

Minato Namikaze was born in the 27th year of Konoha, so he is only about five years old now. Because of his love for him in his previous life, Hinata Shinichi also spoke to him in a soft tone.

"My name is Hinata Shinichi. It’s time for school now, why are you here alone?"

""Ah? Are you the Shinichi Hinata who entered the Ninja School when he was less than three years old, graduated from the Ninja School when he was four years old, passed the Chunin Exam at the age of five and became a Chunin, and recently there are rumors that he will become a Special Jonin at the age of seven?"

(The Book of Soldiers mentioned that the levels of ninjas from childhood to adulthood are: Ninja School students, Genin, Chunin, Special Jonin, and Jonin, and Jonin is promoted after the selection of Special Jonin.)

Because Shinichi Hinata graduated early at the age of four, the generation of Minato Namikaze basically entered school at the age of four. At that time, Shinichi Hinata was six years old. Because he became a Chunin at the age of five, he went out to do missions with others early, resulting in that those who entered school later had never seen Shinichi Hinata, but they had heard about his deeds that had been circulating in the school.

In fact, Shinichi Hinata didn't like others talking about his deeds. Although these were all facts, he would feel so ashamed that he would dig out a three-bedroom apartment with his toes.

Seeing Minato Namikaze looking at him with admiration, Shinichi Hinata didn't want to break the tall image in his mind. After a shiver, he put his hands on his hips and said

"Yeah, that's right, it's me"


"Well, that's it. You haven't answered my question yet. Don't you have to go to school today? Why are you here alone?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm a little too excited. I'm not in a good mood today, so I asked for leave to relax."

Then the two of them sat by the waterfall, and Namikaze Minato told Hinata Shinichi the reason why he was in a bad mood.

It turned out that Namikaze Minato's parents were ordinary people doing small businesses. Not long ago, they wanted to follow the team to the outside of the village to see if there were any goods that could be purchased and sold in the village. On the way, they were attacked by rebel ninja bandits with the strength of a senior ninja and other bandits.

The several middle ninjas who protected the team were naturally no match for the senior ninjas, and they were easily suppressed and killed.

Later, it was still a senior ninja who led a team to do the task of encircling the bandits, and discovered what they had done. After completing the task, the intelligence was sent back to the village. Those villagers who were waiting for their families to return like Minato learned that their families had been killed by the bandits and were heartbroken. Namikaze Minato also became an orphan.

(Here is an original story about Minato's life. Because Minato was a genius who stood out among the civilian ninjas, his parents were also civilians of Konoha.)

After telling his own situation, Namikaze Minato looked at the waterfall in the distance. Although he wanted to keep a good image in front of his admirers, tears still flowed down his face uncontrollably. Shinichi

Hyuga, who also lost his parents at a young age, understood this feeling very well. Although he had not experienced family affection like Minato Namikaze, he could feel the pain brought by the departure of his relatives even more. Shinichi Hyuga stretched out his hand to touch the head of Minato Namikaze, who was already crying with his knees hugged, and told his own experience. Minato Namikaze listened and raised his head to look at Shinichi Hyuga.

"So, your parents definitely don't want you to be so sad. You have to live a good life and become a ninja who can protect what they cherish. If you don't mind, just recognize me as your brother. We get along well."

Hinata Shinichi didn't want to take advantage of the future"Yellow Flash" and"Fourth Hokage". For so many years, he didn't treat the people in this world as virtual characters in comics. They are all living people.

He also exists in this world and has long been a part of this world.

Hinata Shinichi just felt that Namikaze Minato and himself were connected by the same fate, so he wanted to give him the warmth of"home" again.

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