"Haven't you realized it yet? The so-called dreamland is actually the result of the family's careful maintenance by some unknown means. It is a well-designed dream......."

"Chaos, danger, mystery, and the ever-changing maze inhabited by the beast of memory, this is what dreams are supposed to look like."

As soon as Luo Ming arrived at the gathering place of the Liehe Group, he heard that elegant and familiar voice.

"Hey, you finally came over here."

March Seven was sitting relatively far away, and was the first to see Luo Ming coming over here, and she blurted out a complaint.

Just as she was about to walk over, a figure arrived in front of Luo Ming before her.

"I heard that you met Hanabi? How is it, are you not hurt?"

Black Swan's gentle tone was full of concern.

During the few days she came to Pinocchio in advance, she also encountered the powerful Masked Fool, who could not only make people fall into hallucinations, but also trigger the power of Pinocchio itself. It was quite difficult to deal with.

Luo Ming smiled and said,"Of course not, she tried to have fun with me, but accidentally flipped over, and now she has been imprisoned by me."

"If you are interested, you can come back to the guest room with me now, and we can discuss how to deal with her."

At this time,

Ji Zi came over, with a hint of curiosity in her tone:"Do you know each other?"

Luo Ming nodded:"This is my sister, we are very close." He silently added in his heart, close enough to sleep in the same bed

"What sister?"

Sanyueqi put his hands on his waist and said:"You are clearly......Wuwu~"

She was halfway through her words when Luo Ming's hand covered her back, staring at her:"I spent my credit points on you for nothing! ?"

Xiao Sanyue struggled to shake off Luo Ming's stinky hand, held her head high and said:"Don't think of bribing me with this matter, it's just a few of your stinky credit points, a mere......District......"

"Just what?"

Luo Ming looked at Sanyueqi with a half-smile.

Sanyueqi wanted to say, just 100 million credit points, I will return it to you!

But her net worth is less than 10,000 credit points.

Sanyueqi, who can even treasure the first-level staff card that can only open the toilet of the space station, really has no confidence to play the role of the crooked-mouthed dragon king.

"Okay, let's get down to business first."

The train crew's 'parent' Ji Zi brought the topic back to the topic.

"Since Miss Black Swan and Luo Ming have a close relationship, then they are like a family with the train crew, so there is no need to hide some things."

Ji Zi straightened her face and said,"As Miss Black Swan said, something is happening in Pinocchio that the family is trying hard to conceal."

"Do you remember what you saw when you fell asleep?"

Xing raised her hand and answered,"The deep sea!"

When it came to business, Sanyueqi stopped making noises and said with a sigh,"So everyone saw the same thing? I remember......Then there is a guest room, and then through the mirror to a long corridor......"

"The Corridor of Thoughts." Walter adjusted the frame of his glasses:"That's what the hotel staff called it."

Jizi nodded:"I don't think these scenes are far from the Pinocchio in my dream.......But is it very similar to the dream I saw before?"

Earlier, Ji Zi accidentally entered the junction of Pinoconi and the original dream because of investigating the three pioneers. She happened to meet Black Swan who also came to investigate the truth of Pinoconi. Knowing the identity of Luo Ming's train team, she took action to bring Ji Zi back.

"Also, I learned from some regular customers that the first stop after entering the dream was originally the hotel in the dream, but due to some accidents, the hotel is currently under renovation."

Hearing Ji Zi say this, Xing thought about it and found that when he first entered the dream, the door of the room could not be opened, and he could only enter the corridor of thoughts through the mirror.

Black Swan smiled and asked:"Then, everyone, under what circumstances does a building need to be repaired?"

Luo Ming knew the answer, but just listened quietly to the gentle and intellectual voice of Black Swan.

Ji Zi, Xing, and Walter all fell into deep thought with this sentence.

"In fact, the answer is already obvious."Black Swan's eyes swept across the luxurious and elegant reception hall:"Pinocone's dream is sinking and returning to its original appearance.......Falling into the deep sea."

After hearing the answer,

Sanyueqi's mind flashed with the scene of himself falling into the deep sea and being unable to breathe, and he shuddered uncontrollably.

"You mean, the dream world is collapsing?"

Walter fell into deep thought. This news was too shocking. After all, they had just come out of Pinocchio, where there were flowers blooming everywhere, but there was no sign of disaster.

Black Swan nodded slowly:"What happened to the Dream Hotel is a sign."

The train crew finally understood.

Based on this information, the sense of disharmony in the family's words can be explained.

If the news that Pinocchio is about to sink into the deep sea is known to the outside world, no matter how safe the guests are, the reputation of the Star of the Festival will be affected. The

Harmony Ceremony is coming, and the family has to hide this matter

"The safety of the guests cannot be guaranteed."

Seeing that the train crew seemed to still have a glimmer of hope, Black Swan said in a serious tone:"The ones wandering in the Dream Hotel now are the Memory Domain Memes."

She glanced at Luo Ming beside her, and obviously thought of the scenes in the previous life when the planet was submerged by the Memory Domain.

"How could a meme that alludes to death and murder appear in a dream that the family claims is absolutely safe? In Pinocchio, everyone can lie, perhaps including the family itself?"

Jizi and Walter fell silent, with a thoughtful gleam in their eyes.

Sanyueqi and Xing also pretended to ponder, but soon broke down, their eyes kept roaming around Jizi, Black Swan, and Luo Ming, trying to skip thinking and get the result directly.

"That's all for now.��

Luo Ming attracted the attention of several people."Take advantage of the fact that the crisis of Pinocchio has not really reached the critical point. Let's have a good rest for a night. What is coming to us next must be a tough battle, and we must have enough energy to deal with it."

The train crew wanted to investigate the three passengers who got off at Pinocchio that year.

They were guard Tieran, mechanic Ragwock, and surveyor Lazarina.

In the rumors of Pinocchio, the watchmaker has a completely different identity and appearance. Sometimes he is a kind old man, sometimes an elegant lady, and sometimes a gentleman who is a hundred feet tall.

It just corresponds to the image of the three members who got off the train.

So the so-called watchmaker is probably a pseudonym, which has a great connection with the three predecessors of the train.

Then the Star Dome Train and the Pinocchio family forces are probably in a hostile relationship. Now that it is exposed, it will definitely be affected and hindered the most.

It is better to conserve energy temporarily, and wait for the company and the family to intensify the contradictions little by little, and the attention on the body will be reduced, and then start the real action.

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