With Luo Ming and Black Swan here, there is no need to lie in the dream pool.

The three of them entered the bedroom and closed the door. The noise inside soon disappeared.

Retracting his gaze.

March Seven stood in the middle of the living room with his hands on his hips, his eyes sparkling, looking back and forth, as if he had already regarded Luo Ming's trust and entrustment as the most important thing to do.

‘With a whoosh, a silver sword hovered in front of San Yue Qi, looking at her curiously like a child.

"Hey, isn't this the sword that Luo Ming always carries with him?"

March Seven also stretched out her fingers curiously, as if she wanted to touch the unique spiritual sword of Xianzhou.

To her surprise, this spiritual flying sword did not dodge, allowing her fingers to touch the hilt, sending out waves of cool and sharp touch.


The silver sword suddenly trembled, scaring March Seven so much that she shivered and retracted her little hand as if she had been electrocuted.

"It seems to be talking to you."

The robin walked slowly towards us, and her luxurious dress made her noble and refined temperament more dignified and elegant.

"Talk? What are you talking about?"

March Seven asked curiously.

The robin looked at the silver sword, and a faint light appeared in his eyes. After a moment, he said:"It said that there is a familiar smell on you, you are one of us."

"Familiar smell?"

March Seven sniffed her shoulders in confusion:"What smell? Why didn't I feel it?"

The robin reminded with a smile:"Whose sword is this?"

March Seven was stunned for a moment, then snorted:"So that's what happened. I must have been too close to that guy and was contaminated by him. I must keep my distance from him in the future. I have to wash my body inside and out a hundred times!"

Looking at March Seven's confident look with her fists clenched, the robin suddenly envied her and sighed softly in his heart.......

The layout of the Dream Hotel is almost the same as that of a real hotel, except for the teacups floating on the table and the glowing memory bubbles.

"Let's go meet up with Ji Zi first. This place has been invaded by the memory domain meme, and it's easy to get into danger."

Luo Ming briefly checked the room and found no clues, so he made arrangements immediately.

Black Swan and Robin certainly wouldn't say anything.

They followed Luo Ming's steps, left the guest room, and walked along the long corridor towards the direction where Ji Zi left the message.......

"Hey, where are you taking me?"

Xing's hands and feet were tied with red ropes, and he was carried on someone's shoulders. Following someone's cheerful jumping steps, he was bouncing towards a certain direction.

Hearing the complaints.

Huahuo stopped, turned his head to look at Xing, and said with a smile:"Of course, it's a place that's exciting and fun."

Xing pulled a long face:"I say, I don't seem to have offended you? Why do you want to do something bad to me?"

"You really didn't provoke me."

Hua Huo nodded in agreement:"But Luo Ming did provoke me, he spanked me and took away my most precious thing, I couldn't beat him, I couldn't take revenge, so I had to find you, the weakest guy, to vent my anger!"

"The most precious thing?"Even in danger, Xing still couldn't stop the burning fire of gossip, and her eyes were circling around Hua Huo's body.

Only then did she realize that Hua Huo actually had a good figure, small, soft, and white. It must be very comfortable to hold her.

"If you keep looking around, I'll dig your eyes out!"

Hua Huo made a gesture of digging out her eyes, then tied a red string around Xing's mouth and continued to hum a little tune as she walked forward.......

"You two, the Dreamland Hotel has stopped opening to tourists. I don't know how you got in, but since you are from the Starry Sky Train, I will leave now and pretend that I didn't meet you."

Walter looked at these family members and frowned slightly.

"Several of us, one of our companions was......"

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Walter had just said half of his words.

Several members of the hound family said something without thinking, and then seemed to be looking at something, their eyes followed it, all the way to the end of the corridor, and then left without looking back.


Ji Zi seemed to think of something, and looked back, and indeed saw a familiar figure, with a hint of understanding in her eyes.

"How is it, have you found the clue of Xing?"

Luo Ming walked forward and asked Ji Zi.

The strange behavior of the hounds just now was actually because he used the power of the memory to create an illusion of Ji Zi and Walter leaving in front of them.

If you have the power of"mystery", you don't have to go through so much trouble. You can directly change other people's cognition in dreams.

Just like Gallagher, he changed the cognition of puppies and made them think of him as their superior.

"We only found this."

Ji Zi shook her head and took out a baseball bat, which was the weapon Xing often used.

"After we entered the dream, we saw it left on the floor of the room, very conspicuous, as if someone had put it there on purpose."

Luo Ming took the baseball bat and confirmed that it was Xing's. Just as he was about to speak, Black Swan came over and said,"Let me see it."

Black Swan put his palm on it, closed his eyes and sensed it for a moment, then opened his eyes and said,"Based on this personal item, I vaguely sensed her current location, but I'm afraid it was a trap set by the Masked Fool on purpose."

"I am not afraid of her setting a trap, I am afraid she will not show up."

Luo Ming made a prompt decision,"Follow this clue immediately. There is a star core in the star body, which is too complicated. If Huo Huoxin is a little evil and makes trouble on it, the star will be in real trouble."

The origin and power of the star core are very mysterious. Even the Black Tower, the envoy of the Intellectual Order, cannot conduct in-depth research. Legend has it that it has a highly close connection with the Star God.

Sha Jin and others frequently contacted the star and wanted to pull the train into their own camp, which was also related to the star core.

With the star core, in the chaos of the other faction of Pinoconi, there is capital to overturn the table.

"No problem."

Ji Zi was the first to nod in agreement, and then looked at Walter:"We are enough here, you should return to reality, the family members may have come, and you just need to put pressure on them."


Walter nodded, without saying anything more, he stepped directly into the transmission channel opened by Luo Ming and returned to the real world.

After Xing was abducted by Hua Huo, her body also disappeared.

Just like in the normal plot, when falling into the dream of a child, the body in the real world strangely disappears.

Luo Ming was not worried that Hua Huo would dare to attack Xing, but he was afraid that she would be so naughty that she had to touch the star cores.

""Sister, thank you for your help."

Luo Ming looked at Black Swan.

His ability as a memory keeper was far inferior to that of Black Swan, a senior memory keeper. Naturally, he had to ask his sister for help in this matter.

Black Swan nodded gently, and did not waste time saying anything more. He closed his eyes and sensed for a moment, and opened a vortex portal in front of him.

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