When Luo Ming came to the living room, he found that Black Swan and Ji Zi had already gathered here.

Seeing him coming,

Ji Zi glanced outside the door and said,"The family representative just came and gave us a document with a lot of useful information. At the same time, he hoped that we could start the investigation as soon as possible."

"The family can't wait any longer?"

Luo Ming took the information from Ji Zi and flipped through it.

"The Harmony Ceremony is approaching, the family is short-handed, and such a big thing has happened, so naturally they want the truth to come to light as soon as possible."

Black Swan had just finished speaking.

The bedroom door opened and Huang Quan walked out of the room.

Three eyes looked at the same time.

Xingcha was so surprised that he bit his tongue. If he remembered correctly, Luo Ming also came out of this room just now, right?

The lazy smile on the corner of Black Swan's lips gradually disappeared.

Ji Zi couldn't help shaking her head.

Luo Ming was impeccable in appearance, strength, temperament, character, and responsibility, but there was one thing, that was he was too philanthropic. He happened to provoke the top women with outstanding talents in various fields.

Each of them had the strength to stir up the wind and clouds.

I don't know if the train will be implicated by him one day.

Being stared at by three people with different eyes.

Huang Quan's face remained calm, as if nothing had happened. He came to the tea table by himself, poured a cup of tea and drank it.

This indifferent look made Black Swan and Ji Zi, who were already confident, doubt their previous judgment.

Only Xing stared at Huang Quan, who poured another cup of tea and seemed very thirsty.

As if discovering a new continent, a violent storm was set off in his mind.......

Luo Ming invoked the power of nothingness, allowing himself to enter a semi-self-destructor state. The slight guilt on his face instantly turned into a calm and sophisticated face.

He said calmly and seriously:"The gold dust has probably taken action. Let's prepare as well. After all, this show needs to be concluded by our Starry Sky Train."

Ji Zi quickly got into the state, nodded and said:"Then let's go to the Dream Border first. The sheriff in charge of this case in the family is there, and we can get more information."

The few of them quickly reached a consensus, left the hotel suite, and walked towards the Dream Border.

On the way.

Luo Ming thought of the watchmaker's legacy. In addition to the company, almost all other forces are participating in the fight for this mysterious legacy.

In other words, if you want to get this legacy, even the train will face enemies everywhere.

Unless the legacy is taken directly before all forces react.

Dream Border.

Compared with the previous lively scene, this place has been blocked by the Hound Family at this time, and it looks heavily guarded.

Passing through the circular park, several people were stopped by members of the Hound Family.

"Everyone, please excuse me. The Hound family is investigating ahead. No one is allowed in."

Looking at the Hound members who were on alert with their arms crossed,

Jizi said,"Sir, we have the documents granted by the family and will assist you in the investigation. Can you please let us meet the sheriff?" The five Pinocchio families were not harmonious.

Even with the documents given by the family representatives, some senior officials still did not want the train to intervene too much in this scandal.

"No, the boss said, this is a matter of family reputation, no one can let it go."

Ji Zi frowned slightly, and was about to continue speaking.

Luo Ming stopped her, stepped forward, and gestured to Xing with his chin:"Look at her baseball bat, say it again, will you get out of the way."

Xing held her head high, shouldered the baseball bat, glanced at the members of the hound family, and looked like a big sister in society. The members of the hound family groaned and said helplessly:"Please go back, everyone, we really don't need to embarrass each other like this, right?"

At this time.

A drunken figure came from behind:"What's the matter, what are you making a fuss about."

""Your Excellency, Sheriff."

When the members of the Hound family saw the newcomers, they immediately said respectfully,"These people want to go in and see you."

"Okay, I see. Go somewhere else."


Ignoring the Hound family members who left respectfully, Luo Ming set his eyes on Gallagher. This time, he could vaguely sense the chaotic aura that was spliced together from this person.

""Everyone, is there anything I can help you with?"

Gallagher said in a calm tone.

Ji Zi was a little puzzled:"Mr. Gallagher, from your tone, did you know we would come here?"

"Hahaha, Miss Jizi is too polite. You don't have to use the word 'you' to me.’"

"Mr. Gallagher still knows my name?"

"I know, how could I not know? You are the famous Starry Sky Train, the honored guest of the watchmaker."

Listening to Gallagher's words, Luo Ming nodded slightly in his heart.

As the train navigator who repaired the Starry Sky Train and made it embark on the journey again, Ji Zi actually has a very high prestige among the pioneers.

As a member of the former Pinocchio pioneer faction, Gallagher naturally would not be arrogant in front of Ji Zi.

And in fact, Gallagher is not the sheriff of the Hound family at all, and he doesn't know that the train has accepted the family's invitation to investigate the death that appeared in the dream soul.

That's why he said that: The nameless guest is also mixed up with the family.......Fate is playing tricks on people.

As a member of the watchmaker faction,

Gallagher naturally wanted to extend an olive branch to the train crew.

So he invited everyone to a secluded place to chat.

Because of the experienced sister Ji Zi's negotiation, Luo Ming was happy to relax. Just as he was about to follow leisurely, his head suddenly felt like it was hit by a hammer, and a slight pain like raindrops came.

""What's wrong?"

The closest Black Swan noticed his abnormality and asked in a soft and concerned voice.

"There seems to be something wrong at the real hotel. I'll go back and take a look. Sister, I'll leave this to you."

Luo Ming believes in Black Swan very much.���The strength in the memory domain.

Seeing Black Swan nod in agreement, no one noticed this side, and immediately stepped forward to hug her slender waist, burying his cheek in the breathtaking softness, and inhaling a deep breath of fragrance like an obsession.

Then he smiled and disappeared in an instant.

Black Swan shook his head, seeming to be a little helpless about Luo Ming's behavior, but the corners of his lips were raised with joy and pampering, and the whole person exuded a forbidden fatal temptation......

Real hotel.

On the sofa, Sanyueqi sat on Luo Ming, punching him like raindrops, muttering:"Why aren't you awake yet? Didn't this guy say that if there's anything, I should find him. The phone is about to smoke!" The phone on the coffee table not far away rang more and more rapidly.

At this time.

Luo Ming's eyelashes trembled, as if he was about to open his eyes at any time.

Sanyueqi jumped away from him like a rabbit, and her little hands quickly tidied up some of the messed up skirts, as if nothing had happened.

She said to Luo Ming who woke up:"Here, there's a phone over there. I don't know who it's for, and I don't dare to answer it."

Luo Ming touched his face and wondered:"Did someone hit me just now? Sanyue, did you see it?"


Sanyueqi opened his big pale blue eyes and lied.

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