The sudden change caught everyone off guard.

Shajin's face changed,"What did you do to me?"

Sunday's voice returned to normal, and he said calmly,"Under the light of harmony, all sins are exposed. I beg Him to send down His light and ask you a question on His behalf. Next,...You have 113 seconds to prove your innocence and gain my trust."

Sha Jin narrowed his eyes:"What if I refuse to answer?"

"Then give it a try and see if Tongxie will reject you."

Sunday has a strong desire for control, and Chaolu Mansion is more heavily guarded than warlord manors on other planets.

Now he seems to have called on the power of Tongxie's destiny, but in fact he is"lynching" Shajin, which is seriously inconsistent with the concept of Tongxie.

This is also one of the evidences that Luo Ming judged him to be a traitor to the family.

"Let me ask you: Do you hold the cornerstone?"

After hearing Sunday's question, Sha Jin knew that if he lied, his life would be in danger, so he nodded immediately:"Yes,"

"When you entered the country, did you hand over the cornerstone to your family?"...

Luo Ming no longer paid attention to the confrontation in the Chaolu Mansion.

In terms of the result, this was a win-win situation. Both Dust and Sunday got what they wanted.

For example, Dust used his own death to win the key to enter the dream of Pinocchio for Jade and Topaz who stayed in the real hotel.

Sunday, who seemed to be used, was actually more shrewd than Dust. He had long seen the purpose of Dust's trip.

There is no doubt that Dust needs a cornerstone and the power to protect it.

As long as Dust does not return any of his luggage, including the bag of jewelry that looks ordinary but is actually mixed with aventurine fragments, Dust will have no chance of turning the tables.

But Sunday chose to play along with the plan, with the goal of using Dust's plan to lure out the real murderer who killed the robin and allow himself to enter the real Pinocchio through reasonable means.

Thinking of this.

Luo Ming couldn't help but look at Gallagher, who was always staring at the screen.

In this competition for Pinocchio and the watchmaker's legacy, no force is a real fool.

"Hey, I've shown you something so exciting, are you really not going to give me a little bit in return?"

Hua Huo came closer, leaned forward, and looked at Luo Ming with an ambiguous look.

Luo Ming slapped her.

Hua Huo's body twisted and shook like a bubble.

"Ask your real body to come over. I don't mind having a good chat with you."

Luo Ming finished speaking, and suddenly became interested."Let me guess, whether you are a helper invited by the watchmaker faction, or you simply want to have a cosmic fun in Pinoconi, the game currently being played in Chaolu Mansion is very important to you."

"Spending a lot of effort to send your eyes into the mansion is a good proof. Doesn't that mean that your real body is very likely at the moment of morning dew, waiting for the game to end, and then providing help to the weaker party?"

Hanabi's expression showed no clues, and her voice was elongated with a hint of mischievous sarcasm:"Then, are you going to catch me at the moment of morning dew now, but it seems that there is not enough time?"

Luo Ming just looked at her.

Huo couldn't help but feel a little scared, and the smile on her little face disappeared completely.

Luo Ming sighed:"Although I know you did all this on purpose, congratulations, you succeeded in angering me, you'd better pray to find a safe enough place, otherwise, your end will definitely be miserable."

Xing came over at some point and asked curiously:"How miserable?"

Luo Ming didn't say anything, but his eyes looking at Huobi gradually became weird.

At this time, Ji Zi's voice came:"I didn't expect that Shajin was deceived by Sunday and Professor Ladio."

Luo Ming looked over and saw Sunday's cold tone:"What I just performed for you was the sacrament of harmony. You should have shown your loyalty under His light, but you insisted on your own way and lied, turning baptism into a judgment. I really have no reason to open it for you."

Black Swan explained softly:"Sunday used the family's research results on the star core as a bargaining chip to successfully win over Professor Latio. With his help, he opened the cornerstone box that only the company's senior executives and related personnel can open, and took the cornerstone out of it."

"Therefore, the answer of Shajin before, that his foundation stone was in the box, became a complete lie, and he was cursed by the baptism of harmony, and his life only had a short seventeen system hours."

At the same time, Sunday's voice continued to sound with a sure victory:"During these seventeen system hours, you can't leave the dream, and you can't participate in any companions. You only have two ways to go, and it depends on whether you can complete my test."

"If you succeed, you will be able to integrate into the harmony and be with thousands of family members. If you fail, you will bear the wrath of the infinite husband and fall into the abyss of no return, so I deliberately emphasized the word"temporary"."

Sha Jin held his forehead with his hand in some pain, as if he was cursed by something, and said in a painful voice:"Damn it, it sounds like my fate is the same anyway."

Sunday walked up to him with a pleasant smile on his face,"I really need a servant to help me find the evil lurking in the family from the outside, and I will purge it from the inside out and catch the real culprit within seventeen system hours."

"When the time comes, verify your findings with me. If our judgments are consistent, or if you can bring me more, then He will be able to give you the good news of love honestly and truly."

Shameless hypocrite, you confiscated all my things, and you still want me to tell you the truth? This is unfair. In your amusement park full of the smell of money, you can't do anything without money."

Sunday smiled and said,"This should be your personal move. You don't need the help of your family. Your luggage bag is there, please go ahead. I believe you can exchange everything for this bag of cheap jewels. This is what gamblers are best at, isn't it?"

Seeing this, Luo Ming didn't know whose acting skills he should give a thumbs up to.

In the entire Pinocchio, especially in the Moment of Morning Dew where the Oak Family is located, the power of harmony is everywhere.

The cornerstone is something that the ten Stone Hearts carved out from the Holy Body of Clipper with their own will, and it shines with a unique brilliance.

Even if Sunday had never seen the cornerstone before, he could definitely sense a hint of"disharmony" in the handbag. But he still returned the handbag to Shajin.

Shajin's schemes were one after another.

Sunday, who took advantage of the situation, was no simple character.


The picture disappeared.

Huahuo clapped her hands,"The show is over. Do you want to express your thoughts?"

"The gold dust only has seventeen system hours of time. I always feel that he will create a huge wave in Pinocchio."

Ji Zi muttered to herself and thought for a moment, then looked at Luo Ming.

"Luo Ming, how do you think we should deal with this next?"

"We can just wait and see what happens. As long as she is still with us, no matter whether it is the gold dust or any other faction, they will push the vortex towards us."

Luo Ming said, looking at Xing, and deliberately sighed,"You are really a sweet commodity, and everyone who sees you wants to take a bite."

Xing thought about it, rolled up his sleeves, revealing half of his smooth forearm, and generously placed it in front of Luo Ming,"Here, I'll give it to you to bite."

Luo Ming:"......"

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