Luo Ming had experienced what Pinoconi was going through, so he naturally understood the true power of the Deep Sea of Memory Domain better than Ji Zi and the others.

If a boat has a hole that cannot be repaired, it means that it is not far from the end.

"The Power of Star God......"

Ji Zi thought for a moment,"What if the Harmonious Star God appears?"

Luo Ming smiled and said,"Of course, once the Star God's mighty power is gone, Pinocchio will be restored to his original state in an instant, but this is almost impossible."

"Star Gods are mysterious higher beings that control different destinies. They use certain ideas to exercise their immeasurable power. To use the words of the ancient immortal boat, they are the embodiment of the laws of the great way."

"Although they are so powerful that they cannot be measured, they can only follow their own destiny. If they disobey, their destiny will backfire and they will die."

"Even the most generous patrol hunter Lan to the Xianzhou Alliance, who responded to the Xianzhou's requests again and again, was destroying the rich evil creatures that poisoned the lives of the people, which just fits the term of"his revenge""

"Furthermore, if Tongxie could really kill someone at will, do you think that with his great power, he would not know that there was a traitor in Pinoconi's family?"

"For the Star Gods, a mere planet or even a galaxy is not enough for them to cast their sights, or it is meaningless."

March Seven heard this and echoed,"It seems so. The breeding Star Gods were devoured by their destiny and disappeared completely because they stopped breeding and violated their destiny."

Ji Zi nodded and smiled,"This is a bad thing for the family, but it is actually a good thing for us, because it means that no matter how big this storm is, the threat that will eventually appear can only be at the level of an envoy. As long as we are careful, we can still get through it safely." Because of Luo Ming's existence.

The strength of the Star Train has unknowingly become almost as strong as top cosmic forces such as the Immortal Boat Alliance.

In today's Pinocchio, as long as it is not besieged by all factions, it can be said to be invincible.......

A few hours later.

On the wide street, Sanyueqi and Xing each had a candied haws, a specialty of Xianzhou, and ate them happily.

The former saw Huang Quan, who was chatting with Ji Zi at the front of the team, and suddenly thought of something. He slowed down and walked side by side with Luo Ming at the back of the team.

He glanced at him and asked casually,"Hey, you and Huang Quan were alone in the private room for so long just now. Did you do something bad?"

Luo Ming asked in confusion,"How do you know that Huang Quan and I are alone together? Have you been secretly paying attention to me?"

"Bah! Pay attention to you, you big head ghost!"

March Seven spat, pursed her rosy pink lips, and said disdainfully:"This girl just saw it accidentally"

"Don't change the subject, tell me the truth, did you do anything bad? I saw Huang Quan came out with swollen lips and messy clothes."

March Seven was getting angrier and angrier, he stopped walking and glared at me,"You pervert! We are all next door, how dare you do this secretly?......This kind of dirty thing is so filthy!"

Luo Ming looked at her and asked in confusion:"Do you have any evidence? You are slandering me. Believe it or not, I will ask Sister Ji Zi to sue you."

"Go ahead and sue me!"

Sanyueqi put one hand on his waist and puffed out his chest without any fear:"This is just the right time to let everyone see your shameless true face!"

"Okay, hurry up and catch up, Ji Zi and the others are all going far away."

Luo Ming put his arm around San Yue Qi's shoulders and continued to walk forward with her.

San Yue Qi snorted, but did not slap his stinky hand away. The two continued to walk side by side on the street like a couple.

After a while.

Luo Ming saw that San Yue Qi had returned to her previous silly look.

He immediately turned his head to glance at the candied haws in her hand and smiled,"Is it delicious?"

"It's OK."

Sanyueqi was eating a candied haws in his mouth, and his voice was a little unclear.

After hearing Luo Ming's question, he handed over the candied haws in his hand generously,"Here, I give you one, you can only eat one, you can't eat more."


Luo Ming agreed.

He then stopped and put his hands on Sanyue Qixiang's shoulders to straighten her confused face. Then he lifted her smooth chin and leaned over to kiss her soft lips.

The sweet smell of candied haws and the fragrance of the girl instantly filled Luo Ming's heart, and he almost floated up.

""Mmm~ You bastard, let me go~"

After a brief blank in her mind, San Yueqi finally realized that she was being taken advantage of by Luo Ming again. She immediately struggled hard, and her two pink fists rained down on Luo Ming's chest, but it was like tickling, and instead brought some inexplicable stimulation.

""Keep your voice down, do you want Ji Zi and the others to see it?"

Luo Ming reminded vaguely, and continued to savor the girl's amazing softness.

After hearing Luo Ming's reminder,

San Yueqi's struggle weakened, his eyes were tightly closed because of shyness, and his long and thick eyelashes could not stop trembling.

After a long time,

Luo Ming got the candied haws as he wished, and immediately nodded and praised:"It is worthy of being a specialty of Xianzhou, it is really sweet"


San Yueqi cursed breathlessly in his arms. Her pink cheeks were completely flushed, and her lips looked like they were coated with fructose, looking rosy and translucent.

Her legs were unable to support her body, and Luo Ming's arms held her waist, so she barely didn't fall to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"Yes, I am a bastard.

Luo Ming gently smoothed the hair on Xiao Sanyue's forehead.

After she recovered some strength, he continued to rush forward.......

"Walter, did Sunday not take the opportunity to embarrass you?"

On the quiet street, Ji Zi asked Walter who had just met���road


Walter shook his head:"The train has no ill will towards the family. On the contrary, it may become a helper, so Sunday did not embarrass me."

"He expressed to me the family's determination to find out the truth and make the traitor pay the price, and hinted that the train crew should be wary of the gold dust."

"Of course, all this is based on the fact that he didn't realize that I had looked through the files and the death list."

"Placer gold......"Ji Zi pondered for a moment,"As things have developed to this point, it can be seen that there is a deep logic behind all his actions. He may have been aware of the secret of Pinocchio from the beginning and has been constantly making plans to unravel it."

Walter nodded in agreement, and at the same time said with some concern:"In this case, the position of the Star Train in his plan is crucial. In the worst case,......He might use us to do something outrageous."

At this time, Xing looked at the street behind him, put one hand on his waist and said,"You finally caught up."

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