"Everything is dedicated to - Amber King!"

As the last sentence fell, the gold dust completely activated part of the power of the protection order, and the whole person looked golden and shining with the breath of endless money.

"Come on, let's see who will have the last laugh - the game begins!"

The war was about to break out. However

, Luo Ming had no intention of taking action. Instead, he looked at Xing holding the flame spear and rushed forward first.

The cornerstone comes from the holy body of the guardian.

It looks stronger than the flame spear that has only been glanced at.

But when it comes to the degree of stay, only the few real guardian envoys in the entire Interstellar Peace Company are qualified to look down on it.

And the guardian has never cared about this group of fanatical believers.

Tarafan, director of the building materials logistics department, one of the few confirmed guardian envoys of the company, a member of the seven-member board of directors, is responsible for the sacred task of transporting building materials to Klipper.

But before he joined the company, he had been given the authority of the envoy by Klipper.

The company believes in the guardian, but it does not mean that they are working for the guardian, and they cannot be equated with the behavior of the guardian.

Seeing that Luo Ming had no intention of taking action.

Huang Quan couldn't help but get closer and said,"Don't you really need me to do anything? They seem unable to deal with the gold sand in this state."

Luo Ming reached out and pressed her jade hand on the hilt of the knife, and said with a smile:"People always have to grow through battles. Otherwise, if they encounter a crisis in the future that can only be solved by one person, won't they just wait to die on the spot?"

"I understand."Huang Quan nodded, saying nothing more, and did not move the hand held by Luo Ming.

Every time Huang Quan drew her sword, it meant taking a step closer to the shadow of nothingness.

Luo Ming was too late to save her, so how could he watch her draw her sword again.

At this time.

The situation on the field changed. The first stage of the gold sand gradually could not withstand the siege of the train crew.

Xing switched to the power of preservation, holding a rolling flaming gun, shouting to charge, and rushed towards the gold sand without fear.

Ji Zi mobilized the rail gun and shot down a scorching beam of light from the sky, forcing the gold sand to stop attacking.

March 7's ice arrows followed closely, covering the entire battlefield like raindrops.

For a moment, the high-intensity energy fluctuations stirred up clouds of dust and fog, blocking everyone's sight, and the scene fell silent for a short time.

"Is it over?"

Sanyueqi tightly grasped the Ice Bow, staring at the center of the field without blinking, and his tone sounded quite nervous.

"Of course not, Cunhu is the most powerful thing besides abundance." As soon as

Luo Ming finished speaking, the dust and fog were all dispersed with a gust of wind, and Shajin's figure holding his forehead reappeared in everyone's sight, saying the most arrogant words

"Why—can’t we live more happily?"

"Playing strong cards slowly and posturing......"

He raised his finger and scanned everyone one by one:"You guys, I'm a little anxious."


Shajin laughed and flew high into the sky, like a golden star, releasing terrifying power fluctuations, allowing everyone in this bustling metropolis at the golden hour to clearly see his powerful figure.

"For the sake of having fun, everyone - I'm going to put all my chips on the line!"

"Only when we abandon rationality can we have a real game......"

He threw a glittering chip high into the sky, and the entire sky was instantly stained with brilliant golden light.

Then, countless huge golden chips slowly emerged, like golden stars, and in an unrivaled manner, they came to the ground step by step.

On the ground.

Xinghe Sanyueqi was somewhat unstable due to the impact of this tyrannical momentum, and tried his best to resist.

In the towering buildings and on the wide and prosperous streets, countless guests who came to this grand event star to play, at this moment, almost all looked at the sky in horror, feeling the breath of death so close.

Shajin used his own life to put everyone in the golden moment on the other side of the chip.

Either he died, or the golden moment was completely destroyed.

"Tsk tsk, if Krippo had any humanity, he would personally destroy this clown-like so-called interstellar"peace" company."

Luo Ming looked at the huge and boundless golden light curtain in the sky, without a trace of fear on his face, but instead showed a deep mockery.

"——You will definitely follow the bet, right!"

Boom boom!

Huge golden chips fell from the sky, constantly bombarding the prosperous buildings, bringing panicked shouts.

At this moment, countless buildings collapsed, and the wide streets were filled with rubble. Billowing smoke and dust followed the collapse of buildings, like waves that were about to submerge the entire city.

Hearing the sound of gold dust in the sky.

Luo Ming took a step forward, stood in front of the train group, and stretched out his hand to slowly press the black long knife at his waist.......

Chaolu Mansion

"The maze-like corridors and rooms are filled with traps and mechanisms everywhere.......The owner of this mansion is quite suspicious."

In front of the mural symbolizing the Oak family, Sunday heard footsteps coming from behind him. As if he had expected it, he turned his head calmly and said,"You are very humorous, Mr. Sheriff. I hope this sense of humor has helped you find the serial killer."

Gallagher smiled and said,"Just expressing my personal opinion. What, did it touch your sore spot?"

Sunday seemed to be really touched. He retracted his right hand that was elegantly behind his back, and his tone became a little colder:"Mr. Gallagher, I don't have much patience. I am passive and lazy.——"

He turned around suddenly and squinted at Gallagher:"It will only make me more suspicious that you are involved with the real murderer."

Gallagher snorted and smiled, and closed his eyes helplessly.

"rogue, hooligan, drunkard, gangster......I have heard too much of this trash talk, but I never thought that one day I would be considered an accomplice to a murderer."

He walked through the exquisite scale model of the golden hour and came to Sunday step by step.

"I take it back: Your problem is not that you are too suspicious, but that you are crazy, understand? Crazy"

"You - the family - broke the spine of this old dog, pulled out his fangs, and now you're accusing me of murder? You idiots who are drunk on Fenroda would go crazy over stray dogs on the street."

"What on earth is making you keep talking nonsense here? Compared to me, you should be more concerned about the foreign guests who are having a great time in the movie park."

Gallagher's voice had just fallen.

From far away outside, there were bursts of rumbling noises, and the earth seemed to be shaking. At this time, the sound of gold dust scattering chips and crashing into buildings was made.

Sunday's mouth corners rose slightly, and his tone was calm:"You don't need to remind me. As soon as the envoy left the mansion, I knew what he wanted to do. My"servants" saw it all. His little magic did fool me, but it doesn't matter. I am very happy to see the current situation."

Gallagher raised his head and glanced at a bird with dark purple feathers on the beam, which looked like a crow

"Why do you think I let him go, and why did I clear out the stage in that paradise?"

"Because my target has always been you, the Hound, and the more noise he makes, the more chances I have to make you and your real master pay with blood."

The shocking battle in the film and television park will cause the family to suffer a great loss, but Sunday, as the head of the Oak family, doesn't seem to care about it at all.

Gallagher shrugged,"If I were the murderer, why would you be so secretive? Ha, I forgot, you also have a master who is not easy to serve, the dream master of Pinocchio - they told you to ignore the bullshit murder case and concentrate on the Harmony Festival......"

"......Isn't it, 'gentle brother’?"

Zhou Ri chuckled lightly, without revealing any details on his face, and said calmly:"It seems that your disguise has helped you fully understand every detail of the family."

"Disguise?"Gallah sneered,"How can you tell that I'm a fake? Open your eyes and take a closer look.——"

Sunday's eyes fell on him,"Indeed, everything about you is real, the brown hair, soft and curly like Benny, the orange eyes, which remind me of Sir Whittaker's gaze, the strange scar, which is a medal of Woolsey......"

On Sunday, the names of the 52 suspected murderers were announced one by one.

"There is also a gray vest, a tie, a hound badge, drink-mixing skills, and the identity of a sheriff.......They are all real - from fifty-two loyal family members’"

"When they come together, countless tiny truths are woven into lies - you pick up a ray of cognition from each person, take them as your own, and"fabricate" a complete [Gallah]"

"Am I right, a minion of the Mystery?"

Fiction is one of the terms that the Mystery controls.

Gallagher smiled slowly.

Finally, it turned into a big laugh.

"Hahahaha! You're so brave! Okay, I underestimated you......."

Hearing his wild and undisguised laughter,

Sunday narrowed his eyes and took a step back.

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