"Of course not, the real show has just begun."

Luo Ming raised his palm, and an invisible and gentle force wrapped around Ji Zi and others, sending them to the huge knife mark in the sky that was torn by the power of nothingness.

"Eh? Luo Ming, what are you doing?"

March Seven felt like he was surrounded by a bunch of soft bubbles, unable to move, and could only let his body float into the air.

"I will send you to the original memory realm, the real Pinocchio."

After hearing his answer,

Ji Zi seemed to be thinking about something,"What about you, aren't you going with us?"

"There are still some things to deal with here, I will come to you later."

When the voice fell, figures walked out from all around the film and television park, including humans, Pipixi people, intelligent machines, and Tianhuan people.

All of them had no expression, but their movements were very orderly, as if they were a complete person when they were put together.

That knife opened the passage between the beautiful dream and the original memory domain.

At the same time, it also exposed the existence of a non-existent order in the beautiful dream world.

Luo Ming came to Huang Quan and handed her the black long knife.

Huang Quan took it with a calm expression.

"Did you know? People who come to the land of dreams for the first time will subconsciously stop and make sure they are still standing on solid ground, and then they will all look up at the sky."

As more and more people came, an old and ethereal voice came from their mouths.

Luo Ming narrowed his eyes and looked up at a dark crow standing on a high wall in the distance. Who would have thought that the dream master of Pinocchio, the adoptive father of Sunday and Robin, was actually the servant used by Sunday to monitor Pinocchio.

Then the scene that Fireworks showed them from the perspective of the dark crow in the mansion before is worth pondering.

And this plan to restore [order] to the world was mostly planned and promoted by Sunday behind the scenes.

"Whether in reality or in dreams, it is human instinct to look up at the sky. Since the day when the golden hour was built, it has always been there, watching over every night of debauchery."

"But now this piece of night sky has been ruthlessly cut off and stained with the shadow of nothingness, and this process......Just one strike."

Emotionless eyes fell on Luo Ming, and then moved to Huang Quan and the two long swords in her hands that exuded a terrifying aura.

Huang Quan's expression was calm, knowing that no matter whether she had struck the sword before, her identity as the Void Commander would be exposed in this dream.

"This event has gathered too many guests who should not be invited. Even though I am a harmonious and tolerant person, for the sake of peace in Pinocchio, I have to order some of them to leave......."

"The star of the grand event cannot tolerate empty puppets. People who live in the shadows should not step onto the bright stage."

Huang Quan's eyebrows moved slightly, and he said lightly,"In terms of living in the shadows, there should be no difference between us. At least when talking to others, you should show your true face........The dream master of Pinoconi."

The dream master laughed a few times, obviously not expecting Huang Quan to be so sharp:"There is one more reason why I can't let you stay."

"But whether you believe it or not, this is the real me’"

As they were talking, more figures came from all around, looking at the two people surrounded in the middle with no emotion in their eyes.

"Not only that, everyone is like this."

The words came from all kinds of people, but it still sounded like that old and ethereal voice.

Surrounded by such a strange scene, neither Luo Ming nor Huang Quan showed any fear, but said with interest:"This is what the family calls 'one heart and one mind'’?"

"My mortal body has long since dissipated. The 107,336 children of the Oak family are now my eyes, ears, and mouth. When necessary, I will spread harmony in this dream, and when necessary, I will......Banish sin from this paradise for me"

"So, you are going to expel us from Pinoconi?"

Luo Ming looked at the 'Dream Master' in front of him with a half-smile.

This Dream Master and Sunday will use the Harmonious Music Ceremony to usurp the power of the Qi Xiang Shi Ban, that is, the incarnation of harmony, 'Tong Yuan', and make the entire star field fall into Taiyi's dream, turning everyone equally into his puppet notes.

In this process, the existence of the Void Envoy will cause a flaw in this plan.

Order controls everything, but cannot affect the void itself, so the Void Envoy must be expelled from Pinoconi, no matter what the cost.

"It's not you, it's her, and that knife."

The dream master looked at Huang Quan and the black long knife in her hand.

Luo Ming is not a void master, the reason why he can mobilize the power of nothingness is entirely due to the long knife that seals all the power and memories of the previous life.

Huang Quan had a blank expression:"Do you think you can do it?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Um......I used a period, which is a statement. You are not the first person to show such maliciousness after knowing my identity, and you will not be the last. This situation has happened too many times. When faced with my inquiry, most people will ask why not."

"But the result is always no."

The dream master's voice was a little colder:"You are very confident, but please remember - the family is humble, but never weak, and the sound of the same harmony is spread all over the world. If you don't obey, as long as the long sword is unsheathed, you will never be able to escape the wrath of the infinite husband for the rest of your life."

"Before that, one hundred and thirty-seven people, these were the foreigners I had exiled since I became the Lord of Dreams. Some of them had broken my wings, and some had burned my body......."

"But today, I am still standing here, and I don't mind adding another number to this number."

Hearing the cruel tone of the Dream Master,

Huang Quan frowned and looked at Luo Ming beside him.

Even if she was the Commander of Nothingness, the Dream Master's reaction was a little abnormal, and he even did not hesitate to start a battle at the level of the Commander for this.

Even to the point of perishing together.

"Since the host family doesn't welcome us, let's leave here first."

Luo Ming said, looking at the Pipixi people in the front,"Do you really not need me to leave too?"

"The Starry Sky Train is the family's most distinguished guest, so you can continue to enjoy this beautiful dream world."

"I hope you won't regret it."

Luo Ming shrugged, then grabbed Huang Quan's hand, and the two of them almost disappeared.

The Dream Master watched Luo Ming quietly perform the method of the Rememberer, and his expression never showed any change.

Only the self-destructors of nothingness will not fall into Taiyi's dream.

No one else will be able to escape the coming eternal order.......

Reality Hotel

"Take a break first. I have contacted Black Swan. She will temporarily give up the cunning Masked Fool and take you to the Starry Sky Train parked outside to avoid the family's eyes."

In the bedroom, Huang Quan heard Luo Ming's arrangement and asked in confusion:"Train?"

"Yes, there was a person who was very helpful in breaking Taiyi's dream soon after."

"I understand.

Huang Quan nodded and said nothing more.......

Golden moment.

On the big screen in the street, a family notice was playing, explaining that the strange scene just now was caused by the equipment failure of the Clark Film Park. The family has immediately blocked the scene and no one was injured. Please rest assured.

A Pipisi saw it and swore loudly:"I dare to swear, that was definitely not a movie! So many chips fell from the sky, and I caught one, but it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!"

At this time, an ethereal and soft voice came from behind:"Excuse me, are you talking about the accident in the Clark Film Park?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?......"The Pipisi turned around and saw a girl wearing a luxurious dress and with a holy and dignified appearance. She was immediately surprised and said,"I know.......Miss Robin?! Am I seeing that right?"

‘Robin chuckled,"Don't be nervous. I'm sorry to have brought a bad experience to your dream trip. I am very concerned about the chips you mentioned just now. Could you please tell me more about it in detail?"

"Oh, that's it......The common chips, colorful, fell down like rain."

"And then the chips just disappeared, right?......Is this the dream simulation technology that the Iris family has been preparing for a long time?"

"Eh? Robin means......Are those chips just for show? But I clearly——"


"Can you keep this secret for me? Because this dreamy rain of chips was originally intended to be used in my performance."

"So that's how it is! That makes sense. As long as the Harmony Festival can be held smoothly, I will definitely cooperate with you to the fullest!"

‘Robin smiled gently:"Thank you! In exchange, I will give you a small gift."

As she spoke, she handed out a button gift box with exquisite packaging.

Pipisi guest happily took it, then noticed the button and asked:"What is this for?"

"Press it at some point during the ceremony, and you might get a surprise."

‘There was a hint of alluring temptation in the voice of the robin.

If Luo Ming were here, he would definitely touch his chin and say: You are worthy of it!

Then he would kick her naughty little butt hard with his boots.

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