"And the atmosphere here is completely different from the dream. People live very loosely. There is no manager like a family. The mental state is also a little bit trance."

Luo Ming nodded and was about to speak when a familiar figure appeared in the distance.

He smiled and walked over to greet him.

"Brother, why are you here too?"

Liu Ying came to Luo Ming and threw her sweet and soft body into his arms.

"Something went wrong, so I came in to take a look and find out some truth."

Luo Ming stroked Liuying's soft silver hair, and couldn't help but think of the three deaths in the script.

The first death brought her to this Liumeng Reef, the second death brought her to wake up from Taiyi's dream, and what about the third death?

But since he already knew all this, Luo Ming would certainly not let her take risks again, and it should be easy to break the Taiyi dream afterwards.

After Liuying left his arms, Xing smiled and stretched out his hand to greet her.

After introducing each other.

Liuying looked at Luo Ming and said,"During the time I've been here, I got a name you mentioned from the residents' words: Gallagher."

Walter touched his chin and thought,"It's this person again. He always appears at every critical place at the right time, which saves us the trouble of looking for people."

After speaking, he looked at Luo Ming:"Ji Zi and Sanyue have already set off. If they are in good condition, let's set off too."

"Walking along this alley, we will see an elevator that will take us to the center of the Exiled Lands."


Luo Ming nodded and motioned for Robin to follow. Led by Walter, the three of them headed towards the deep alley ahead.

On the way,

Liuying glanced at Robin, who was following Luo Ming obediently, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

Then she took out a small golden cone from her arms:"I'll give this back to you."

Luo Ming took the Demon-Breaking Cone in his hand.

He used to think that the so-called real dream, the land of exile, was a dangerous place, so he gave her the Demon-Breaking Cone that could bring real death.

Now it seems a bit unnecessary.

However, after Huangquan was expelled and the black long sword was taken away, the Demon-Breaking Cone now contains the last bit of the power of nothingness of the entire Pinoconi.

"The time scale of Liumeng Reef is different from that of reality. We must not let our guard down. Even if my brother has the ability to control the memory domain, we must not be careless or we will be completely lost."

Liuying whispered about the results of her exploration here during this period.

Luo Ming always listened with a smile on his face, and a compliment from time to time would make Liuying feel very satisfied.......

On the street, the group encountered many lost wanderers, including intelligent machines, humans, Pipisi and other races.

When talking to them, they could only get some inexplicable words, crying and laughing, which sounded like they were drunk and a little weird.

Finally, they came to the elevator.

Looking up, they could see a huge statue of a clock boy.

Walter said with emotion:"Such a huge clock boy, it seems that the watchmaker also left a strong mark in Liumeng Reef."

"Let's go to the elevator first."

Luo Ming stretched out his hand to open the two iron doors, then stepped aside to let Firefly and Robin enter, and then nodded to Walter.

Soon, the elevator stopped, and when the few people walked out, they saw a very prosperous metropolis in front of them.

"Unbelievable, out of the family's sight......There is a settlement of this size in the dream."

"But the atmosphere of this fortress seems to be quite different from the beautiful dream."

The robin looked at the dimly lit buildings in front of him, which looked like tall buildings of octogenarians, and couldn't help but express his opinion.

"Indeed." Luo Ming nodded,"Everywhere in the Dreamland looks colorful and full of vitality, just like the bright and dark sides of the sky."

Liu Ying also said,"When I first saw it, I was also surprised. The sky here is like......Reflections of the Twelve Dreams"

"What's even more strange is that this place is also divided into a trade area and a residential area. Although simple, it is very complete and it seems that a considerable number of people live here."

Walter pondered:"Although the two dreamscapes have different styles, the architectural styles are not much different. They look like the works of the same designer. The connection behind this similarity is also very imaginative......."

"Because these two dreams were built by the same person."

Luo Ming smiled, looked at Walter and said,"Let's go meet up with Ji Zi and the others first, maybe they have found a lot of clues."

Liu Ying pointed to the front and said,"Go past this road and turn right to the trade area, there are more people there, maybe someone knows where they are."

When entering this exile place from a beautiful dream, the location that appears is random, and the speed of time will also have some deviations.

So the locations of Ji Zi, San Yue Qi and the others are not quite the same at the moment.

In comparison, Liu Ying, who entered here earlier, is obviously more familiar with it than several people.

After speaking, Liu Ying looked at Luo Ming,"Brother, go find your train companions first. During this time, I will try to find Galaher. Various information shows that he has a great connection with the watchmaker and the truth of this dream."

"Okay, be safe, and contact me if anything happens."

Luo Ming touched Liuying's head with a smile on his face.


After the firefly left,

Xing was about to retract his gaze, but suddenly he saw something, pointing to two familiar figures not far away and said,"Look, Misha and the Clock Boy are actually there."

Luo Ming followed his gaze and asked puzzledly,"Where?"

The robin was also a little confused. Hadn't they all seen the statue of the Clock Boy before? Who was Misha? There was nothing in that direction.

At this time, Walter noticed something unusual, glanced at Luo Ming and the robin, and said hesitantly,"Misha, the doorman of the hotel, we met him when we first came to Pinocchio, why, didn't you know?"

Luo Ming's eyes were a little weird. Could it be that Uncle Yang still had a childlike heart?"

"Let's go over and take a look first."

Xing was the first to go over.

Misha, who was playing with the Clock Boy, saw Xing and said in surprise:"Hey, it's the previous guest, we meet again! And there are two new friends......I forgot to introduce myself. I am Misha, the hotel doorman.

Walter said politely,"Hello, Misha, my name is Walter, we met in the dream......."

Beside him, the robin glanced at Luo Ming, then quietly approached him and couldn't help but said:"Mr. Luo Ming......What's going on? Why are they......Talking to a ball of air?"

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