"So," the watchmaker turned around and looked at the others,"if you want to know what is left in this dilapidated locomotive that can be called property,......I guess it's just the things that are still burning in the engine furnace."

"You already know the current situation of Pinocchio. I certainly hope someone can help the world get back on track, but this decision should be made by you, because the road to success is never paved by others."

"So, I leave you with a story and two gifts......."

The watchmaker walked towards them and looked at the pocket watch on his waist. He said,"I want to give it to you: my pocket watch. It has accompanied me through a long journey, guiding that ignorant child to keep moving forward. I am fortunate to have come to this day with so many great people."

"And my hat, the one who guided me put it on my head, and from then on, I had an unrealistic idea: the journey of exploration will never end."

The watchmaker said calmly:"Next, it's your turn to make a choice. If you are determined, push open the door and walk into an old man's long dream."

The watchmaker turned around and faced the crowd. With the pursuit of the watch boy, the two quickly disappeared in the passage.

The voice came with the music:"I will be waiting for you at the end of this corridor of time."

After a while.

Ji Zi said,"Okay, everyone, let's make a decision."

After that, she looked at everyone,"But I think no one should have any objections, right?"

Xing shook his head and raised his hand and said,"I have objections!"

March 7 glanced at her helplessly,"You......Don't make a fuss at this time. We have come this far. Is there any other option besides moving forward?"

The current option is two to one. Ji Zi cast an inquiring look at Luo Ming.

Sanyueqi immediately put his hands on his hips and said,"Sister Ji Zi, don't worry about him. He is not one of us who will open up a new path for us. He is not qualified to participate in this vote!"

Luo Ming said seriously,"Sanyue is right. I will not get involved."

"ah......This."March Seven was stunned, pursed his lips, and said cautiously in a tentative tone:"You didn't take it to heart, did you? I just said it casually."

Ji Zi understood what Luo Ming meant.

He smiled and said,"In this case, let's go to the end of this dream together and tell Mikhail our choice."

The group walked through the corridor and then pushed open the dusty door.


The story of the old man was presented to everyone page by page in an immersive way.

In this story, Luo Ming and others met a former train navigator named Granholm. He was called the light-chasing child. He reached out to countless worlds and made the nameless guest a synonym for a hero from outer space. He was also the guide of the watchmaker. The hat left by the watchmaker before was the light-chasing child Granholm, who was passed down from Mr. Amundsen, the beacon of enlightenment, and then passed on to the watchmaker. Now it has been passed to Xing's hands.


The picture disappeared quickly.

The invitation letter regarding the watchmaker's legacy was exactly what the watchmaker had set up before he left, in order to disrupt his family's attempt to spy on the star core.

At the last moment, he told Gallagher that no matter what, he must send the invitation letter to the Star Train.

Open your eyes.

Luo Ming saw that March Seven, Ji Zi, and Xing all had tears in their eyes.

The life of this pioneer was greater than they had imagined. He conveyed the pioneering spirit to the younger pioneers whom he had never met without reservation and with great trust.

Luo Ming let out a breath.

Looking at a light gate that was about to dissipate in front of him, he said,"Do you want to witness his last journey?"

"Do you have a solution?" San Yueqi asked impatiently.

Luo Ming nodded, and seeing that even Ji Zi showed an expectant look, he stopped wasting time and slowly closed his eyes.

A power of remembering spread out, quickly covering the entire building.

Then, the scene in front of Ji Zi and others changed rapidly, and they felt dizzy. When the surroundings finally stabilized, the innocent voice of the clock boy sounded in front:"Misha! Where are you going?"

Then came the low voice of the watchmaker Chi Mu:"Well, clock boy, take me to Liumeng Reef......"

"Last night, I had a very long dream about the day we met. I wanted to record that dream."

"What is the purpose of recording it?"

"Just so I don't forget something, Clock Boy, do you remember how you got your name?"

"Of course I remember!" The Clock Boy said happily:"You told me that when you were a child you lived in the clock room, and those wall clocks and pocket watches grew up with you and were your best friends!"

"Hahaha, yes, but I didn’t tell you the story behind this......There was also a wonderful misunderstanding."

The watchmaker's tired voice was accompanied by a smile,"I was still a child at that time. In my memory, there was a special pocket watch. It always accompanied my grandfather, followed him on his voyages, and pointed the way for him in every adventure story."

"I also want to have such a pocket watch, and then, you appeared in my dream"

"Yes, every night, we would board the Compass and set sail together!"

The watchmaker couldn't help but smile again,"But you know, it wasn't until the day my grandfather gave it to me that I suddenly realized that it was not a pocket watch.......It's a compass."

"So your name should be Compass Boy"

"The watchmaker......It's the nameless guest."

Xing, who listened carefully to this, felt an electric current flowing through his body instantly. Isn't this the 'development in progress'? Everything seems destined.

Luo Ming saw tears in March Seven's eyes, and Ji Zi also lowered her head, as if she didn't want people to see her expression.

Therefore, the core of the entire Pinocchio is not harmony, but development.

Liumeng Reef, in front of the garden.

The clock boy looked at Misha and said,"We are at Liumeng Reef, then, where should we go?"

Misha walked step by step towards the wheelchair in the center of the garden, and said softly in a young voice,"Clock boy, I should......I won't go there again."

Standing under the moonlight,

Misha looked at the familiar wheelchair and said in a soft and tired voice,"I have come far enough. It's time to take a break......."

The clock boy smiled and said,"Oh, then wait until you have rested, then we will set off again?"

Misha shook his head and said,"No, I should stay here, and then......It's over"

"End?" Clock Boy spread his hands, seeming a little confused,"Misha, what do you mean? You clearly said that the pioneering journey will never end."

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