As a veteran fighter of the Star Core Hunter, Liuying stroked his chin and affirmed:"That's right, as long as we can threaten the Star Core, we have a chance to gain the upper hand in both negotiation and battle."

"But the problem is, how can we get close to the Grand Theater on the eve of the Harmonious Music Festival? The family forces will surely set up many defenses, and it is difficult to break through by force.......Even if it can be done, the risk is too high."

The scene was silent for a moment, even Ji Zi did not speak, thinking about the corresponding countermeasures.

After a moment, no one spoke.

San Yueqi hesitated and said:"Uh......No one is talking? Then I'll raise my hand! I know the answer to this question!"

Several eyes turned to her.

Luo Ming smiled and said,"The adults are discussing something, can some children please stop interrupting?"

"Who is the child?"March Seven put his hands on his hips and got angry all of a sudden.

Xing was quite surprised and said,"It's you?"

"What's wrong with me? Don't underestimate the bond between beautiful girls!"

Sanyueqi couldn't stand the 'suspicious' looks from the others, so he coughed lightly, straightened his chest and said,"It's like this, I heard that before the Harmonious Music Festival begins, there will be a talent show venue open to warm up for the festival, what's it called?......The audition for the Suleda (Tama) event is just around the corner.‘

"As long as we win the first place, we can win the title of superstar of the event and be personally received by Miss Robin, but this is not important. What is important is that we can enter the theater earlier than ordinary audiences!"

Liu Ying felt that this plan was feasible and asked,"The key is, how can we participate in the audition of this event? The Harmonious Music Festival is about to be held, and the registration has ended, right?"

Sanyueqi smiled proudly,"In fact, I got a few special invitation tickets from Miss Robin's fan group!"

Luo Ming praised,"You are worthy of it!"

This kind of thing can only be done by a lively and beautiful girl like her, or it can be said that only she can do it.

If it were the mature and elegant Ji Zi, including the battle-happy Liu Ying, they would not sneak into any fan group, chat enthusiastically with a group of strangers, and then get a few tickets.

Sanyueqi didn't understand the good and bad of the words, and thought Luo Ming was praising her, so she became more proud,"To be honest, I have been preparing to participate in this talent show, but now it seems that even if I can stand out, I probably won't have the opportunity to shake hands with Miss Robin."

"It doesn't matter." Luo Ming looked at her and said,"When the Pinocchio thing is over, I'll let Robin shake hands with you."

At this time, Gallagher said with some surprise,"So this thing is still going on.......Obviously, it was originally a gimmick that Mikhail deliberately created to attract attention, so it is worth a try."

Ji Zi made the final decision:"Just do as Xiao Sanyue said, Mr. Gallagher, will you go with us?"

Gallagher shook his head,"I'm afraid I don't have the time. As a fictional character,......I have completed my last mission. Whether Pinocchio can wake up from his dream depends on you."

Jizi seemed to have no idea what Gallagher meant by 'fictional character' and invited him,"If we can meet again, please come and sit on the train."

"Okay." Gallagher smiled and said,"I will add a few more to your train think tank."

"Then let's go, everyone."

The first stop Jizi came to Pinoconi was the hot sand time, so she was relatively familiar with it.

After returning to the golden time, they spent some time under Jizi's leadership and rushed to the hot water time at the audition site.......

Brilliant lights, powerful music, and a surging crowd filled the entire audition site.

The host's broadcast voice penetrated the waves and reached the ears of the few people who had just arrived:"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Hot Sands venue! This is a feast for challengers, a grand ceremony for dream chasers, and the center where the eyes of the entire universe gather!"

"As long as you have ambition, dreams and are willing to work hard - dear friend, the next Pinocchio star will be you!"

"" Wow!"

Sanyueqi's eyes lit up,"It's so well done! I'm a little excited!"

Xing narrowed his eyes and scratched his head, seeming to be a little interested in these.

The audition host's broadcast voice came again:"Look, here come five friends with high morale! Do you want to be the superstars of the ceremony?"

"Hey, are you talking about us?"March Seven counted and found that there were exactly five people.

""Yes! Do not doubt it, I see the potential of superstars in you!"

Beams of light were shone on several people.

The reporters waiting here came up excitedly, holding up the microphone and said:"Five contestants, what do you want to get here?"

There was also a calmer reporter,"As the last batch of contestants, how confident are you that you can pass all the challenges?"

The reporter with worrying performance begged:"Can you accept our personal interview? Just for a while!"

A hunting reporter wearing sunglasses and arms around his chest said in a deep voice:"The future is long and dangerous, and the flags cover the sky to compete for the championship!" The pure and beautiful Pipixi reporter jumped and raised her hands:"Sword and Rose! Protect the pure beauty! Pure beauty! Tall and majestic!"

The happy reporter laughed and said:"The knight is stubborn! Brother Lan is stubborn! You don't have to win the game! The fun can't stop!"

Luo Ming looked at San Yueqi, whose face was red with excitement. This audition seemed to be more grand than he had imagined. The silly San Yueqi was able to get a special invitation ticket. He must have some skills.

Seeing that more and more evil people were surrounding him.

Luo Ming took a step forward, and the invisible power spread out, separating the crowd from Liuying Jizi and others, and then said:"Don't stay here, go to the competition site first."


A somewhat old voice came from behind:"Ladies and gentlemen, please make way, make way!"

At the same time, the host of the audition broadcasted:"Walking towards us now is one of the top ten richest men in Pinoconi, the founder of the Suleda business empire - Mr. Aideen!"

Aideen was an old man, with a slightly hunched body. He looked at the few people and said:"Let me introduce myself. I am the director of the Suleda factory, Aideen Leda. Five friends, please introduce yourselves to the audience of the whole galaxy!"

"Huh? The whole galaxy?"

March Seven looked around and found a lot of live broadcasts, which meant that they were on TV!

Ji Zi hummed. Since she had decided to participate in the audition, she naturally had to follow the local customs.

She introduced herself gracefully,"Hello everyone, I am the unknown guest from the Starry Sky Train, Ji Zi, and these are my fellow travelers."

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