Pinocchio Theatre.

Sunday stood with one hand behind his back, quietly waiting for something.

The voice of the dream master came from behind:"Are you the only one here, kid?"

Sunday turned his head slightly and looked at the raven servant he used to monitor his dreams.

"That unknown guest is indeed a master. Our secret has spread among the family, and the company's starships are also gathering towards Asdena......."

"Now is the critical moment. Where is the Chosen One who can harmonize all the sounds?

The Chosen One of Harmony is the Robin.

Sunday turned around and said with a smile,"What are you talking about, sir?"

He stroked his chest with one hand and said,"Am I not standing right in front of you?"

The Dream Lord stared at him with his sharp purple eyes and said,"You know, in our plan, she is the protagonist of the Harmonious Music Ceremony."

"But plans have changed. As her brother, I know that singing for order is definitely not her original intention. I am enough here."

Ever since he realized that he could not reverse the differences with his sister and could not lead her to order, Sunday knew that their paths were drifting apart, but he would not force it or even bring harm to the robin.

The Lord of Dreams snorted,"You have been wise since childhood. You must understand what price you will have to pay for your actions at this moment."

Sunday's eyes were firm:"If you think this is a betrayal......There is no other sun in the sky. If necessary, I will shoot down the sun."

"Do you believe in retribution?"

"If retribution really exists, then everyone will have retribution - you have yours, I have mine"

"My retribution has nothing to do with you, Mr. Gopherwood."

The dream master laughed and said,"It doesn't matter. Since you are willing to sacrifice for her, I will help you."

Sunday was a little surprised:"The concession came faster than I expected. Why?"

"You are born to be the twins of order. It is destined that one of you will embark on this path and reach the end you deserve."

"......Is this also part of your design?"

"Of course." The dream master said calmly,"You are still as smart as when you were a child."

"The opening moment is approaching, go, child, steal the power of harmony, and reveal your retribution.

Sunday looked at him:"Sir, I have one last question"

"Why did you choose to bring order to Pinocchio? A world with no way out should be a better choice, but you still chose such a city where people dream of freedom. Why?"

"For fairness, my child, if we lose justice in our hearts, we will repeat the mistakes of Tongxie."

Sunday finally understood:"So, the person who uses the star core to control dreams is not you, but——"

"That’s all we have to say." The dream master interrupted him,"Let’s do it. The 107,336 souls of the Oak family have dreamed of this moment too many times......."

Sunday slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the light in his eyes became extremely firm.

Suddenly, he heard a muffled sound behind him, and turned around to find that the raven had fallen to the ground, its eyes were white, and there was no breath.

Looking back, there were countless raven corpses stretching to the end of his sight.

The price of activating the God's Day is the life of all members of the Oak family.

From this moment on, Pinoconi's dream master and the Oak family no longer exist.

Sunday sighed softly.

The voice was soft and solemn:"I will fly high into the sky and turn into the sun in the sky. All people will grow warmly in my light, and all sins will be exposed."......

In front of a wide, empty carpet passage.

Ji Zi looked into the depths and said to everyone,"This is the interior of the Pinocchio Theater."

Sanyueqi recalled how he got here before.

He said in a strange tone,"Although the feeling of being rushed to the sky by soda is quite exciting,......The Harmony Festival is about to begin, why isn't the venue open for admission yet?"

Ji Zi looked around and said in a serious voice,"Not only that, this theater is also strangely quiet. Not only are there no spectators, but there are no workers or performers to be seen......."

Xing sighed,"It seems that the box office of the Harmonious Music Festival is not good!"

Liuying thought for a while,"Maybe it's like the previous movie park. All the audiences were dispersed on Sunday to prepare for our challenge."

"Liuying is still clear-headed." Luo Ming praised Liuying, then looked at Xing,"Unlike a certain young child, who was born not long ago, but has so many messy things in his head."

Xing thought Luo Ming was praising her, and grinned with joy.

"Let's explore around first."

As the 'parent', Ji Zi arranged,"Be careful when moving forward, and if you find anything, immediately warn"

"No problem."

Several people nodded, and walked cautiously along the wide red carpet to explore. After walking for a while

, except for the footsteps of a few people, the whole venue seemed extremely quiet, without any sound, and it felt very weird and creepy.

March Seven rubbed his arms with goose bumps, swallowed his saliva, and couldn't help but move closer to Luo Ming to seek safety.

Not long after, the group came to the ticket office, where there was still no one.

March Seven peeked out from behind Luo Ming, and suddenly shuddered, almost jumping up on the spot:"Oh my God - why are there so many people at this ticket office?......Dolls?"

Tall and slender dolls were scattered everywhere, emitting a strange white light, as if they would come alive in the next second.

Xing's face changed, and he pointed at March 7:"March,......Behind you......"


March Seven was so frightened that he quickly jumped several meters away. After coming to his senses, he put his hands on his hips and complained:"It's already this time, don't scare people!"

Ji Zi thought:���Are these puppets stage sets? Even so, there is no one in the lobby, which is a bit too unusual."

"Let's go check out other places first."

Luo Ming checked these dolls and found no strange power inside them, so he walked through the curtain and headed to the next place.

Ji Zi and others also took action, carefully checking for possible abnormalities.

After a while, everyone gathered on the main road, and March 7 expressed his opinion:"I have a strange feeling, are we in the wrong place?"

"But there is no other big theater in this dream, right?"

After hearing what Ji Zi said, San Yue Qi guessed,"Is Sunday trying to trick us? We agreed to have a showdown on the stage, but why is there no one there?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

San Yue Qi's eyes widened in fear, and his mouth tightened as if he had been electrocuted.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Miss Sanyueqi."

Sanyueqi looked stiffly in the direction of the voice, her neck shrank:"You scared me!......Where are you talking from?"

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