"Okay, we're here."

Hinata Shinichi followed Nawaki to the door of his house, which was a classic Japanese-style building with a courtyard. It was surrounded by gray stone brick walls. You could also hear the bamboo tube in the courtyard pool filled with water and then poured out and hit the stone, making a dong sound.

"Grandma and sister, I'm back!"

Hinata Shinichi had heard from Nawaki on the way that she lived with her grandma and sister. Her sister had no mission recently, and her grandma didn't let her go gambling, so she stayed at home.

Hinata Shinichi took off his shoes and placed them in the entrance, followed Nawaki to the end of the corridor, opened a door and came to the living room.

In the living room, a kind old lady with red hair was sitting in the main seat with a teacup in her hand, looking at the two people who came in. There was also a blonde girl with a breast that had begun to take shape next to her, also looking at the two people. (Tsunade was born in the thirteenth year of Konoha and is now fifteen years old in the twenty-eighth year)

"Grandma, sister, this is a friend I met at school today. I brought him home to play."

"Hello, Uzumaki Mito-sama, Senior Tsunade, I'm sorry to bother you on my first visit. My name is Hinata Shinichi, and this is my gift."

On the way to Nawaki's house, when he heard him say that someone was at home, Hinata Shinichi thought that he should buy some gifts, but he didn't have much money at the moment.

He happened to see a meatball shop on the side of the road, and thought that it would be nice to give three-color meatballs, which would not make people feel too expensive and taste good, so he bought a pack.

He handed the gift over with both hands, and Tsunade, who was sitting next to him, took it.

When she saw that it was the packaging of three-color meatballs, Uzumaki Mito, who was sitting in the main seat, saw it and said

"Child, you are so polite. It’s just that I want to drink tea without any dessert. Thank you. Can I just call you Shinichi?"

"No, no, I am sorry to bother you. I am honored that Lord Uzumaki Mito called me by my name."

"Hahahaha, what a polite child, just call me Grandma Mito."

When Hinata Shinichi heard Uzumaki Mito ask him to call her Grandma, he was stunned for a moment, then he stood at attention excitedly and said

"Yes! Grandma Mito!"

Tsunade, who was standing next to him, heard Hinata Shinichi's name, and suddenly thought of something with a thoughtful expression, and pounded her fist on her palm and shouted

"Ah! I remember now, you are the genius of the Hyuga clan that Sarutobi teacher mentioned, who can open his Byakugan before the age of three."

"No, no, I just opened my eyes, I am not a genius, in other aspects, compared with senior Tsunade, I still have a lot to learn"

"Hahahaha, I like listening to you talk, unlike Shengshu who is stupid and boring. It's okay to call you brother Shinichi, right? Just call me sister."

"Yes! Sister Tsunade."

Nose Tree next to him didn't think anything of it when he heard his sister talking about him. He was used to it. What made him speechless was Hinata Shinichi's current behavior.

The sly look he had when he was with them before was completely different from the polite and good kid he was now.

"Okay, grandma, sister, I'm going to take Zhenyi out to play."

"Well, go ahead." X2

After Hinata Shinichi followed Nawaki, the two people in the living room also started talking. First, Tsunade said while eating three-color meatballs

"Grandma, what do you think of brother Shinichi?"

"I can feel that he really respects you and me. His respect for me is also expressed from the bottom of his heart. It is different from the villagers who respect me on the surface but are afraid in their hearts. He doesn't seem to be afraid of me, the human pillar."

"Is it possible that Shinichi's brother is too young and doesn't know about Jinchūriki yet?"

"I don’t know about that, but I haven’t eaten three-color meatballs for a long time, and I really miss the taste."

If Hinata Shinichi, who was following the rope tree, knew about the conversation between the two just now, he would definitely think in his heart that he must respect the two of them.

Uzumaki Mito is the wife of Senju Hashirama. In order to assist Senju Hashirama, he sealed the Nine-Tails into his body to make himself a Jinchūriki.

The Nine-Tails is a collection of hatred. Even if Uzumaki Mito’s sealing technique is strong, she will be more or less affected by the Nine-Tails. She persisted for decades. After Senju Hashirama passed away, she has been the Jinchūriki of Konoha, guarding the village established by Senju Hashirama.

Tsunade is a top medical ninja and has saved countless lives on future battlefields.

Before reincarnating from the modern era to the ninja world, Hinata Shinichi has always admired medical staff who save lives and heal the wounded. It was also because of them that during the epidemic, they disregarded their own safety and bid farewell to their families and rushed to the front line of the disease, so that so many people were saved.


Following the rope tree to a warehouse, Hinata Shinichi spoke

"By the way, Shengshu, what did you bring me here to see?"

"Hehe, Shinichi, do you know what I found in the warehouse before?

Seeing that Hinata Shinichi didn't want to guess, Nawaki didn't continue to hide it.

"Ding ding! It's this sword training manual! This is a collection of swordsmanship that my grandfather Tobirama collected in order to study swordsmanship! What do you think?"

At Nawaki's age, it is very cool to hang a sword on his waist and become a samurai or a wandering swordsman.

To be precise, every boy should have such a dream.

After listening to Nawaki's introduction, Hinata Shinichi's eyes were full of stars, looking at the sword training manual held high by Nawaki.

In his previous life, he also had a dream of traveling around the world with a sword when he was a child.

Until one day, he accidentally smashed the cauliflower planted in his hometown with a wooden stick, and his dream was smashed along with his butt.

"Sgei! Rope Tree, are you going to practice swordsmanship?"

"Hehe, that's right! I want to be the best swordsman in Konoha!"

"But don't you want to be Hokage?"

Rope Tree choked and regained his enthusiasm.

"This is not a conflict, I can be a sword-wielding Hokage! What do you think, Shinichi?"

""Yeah, very handsome."

Seeing Hinata Shinichi holding his chin with one hand and thinking seriously, and then giving a positive answer, Nawaki touched his head and said happily

"Hahaha, Shinichi, do you think so too?"

Nawaki didn't know what Hinata Shinichi was thinking just now. In fact, what Hinata Shinichi was thinking about was how handsome he would look after becoming Hokage with a sword on his waist.

In order to protect the village from countless ninjutsu attacks from the enemy, he drew a sword from his waist and swung it. All the ninjutsu attacks were destroyed with this sword, and then he said,"No matter how many ninjutsu attacks you use, I can break them with one sword!"

"Then Shinichi, do you want to learn it too? Oh, by the way, you are from the Hyuga clan, so you should practice soft boxing.

"You are about to become a sword-wielding Hokage, but I can't become a sword-wielding Hyuga clan member?"

"That's right, we will become the two great swordsmen of Konoha and protect Konoha together, it's cool just to think about it."

Rope Tree could clearly see that Hinata Shinichi was very interested in swordsmanship, and he was also in high spirits, so he didn't say anything more, and the two of them sat on the ground and leaned against each other to read the swordsmanship training manual.


"Come on, Shinichi, let's try it first"

"It's time to fight."

After watching a part of it, the two picked up the wooden swords in the warehouse and started to practice.

During this period, Hinata Shinichi could feel that he seemed to have a talent for sword practice.

With the insight eye, one of the abilities of the Byakugan, he could have a 360-degree field of view, and the ability of the perspective eye, which could see the opponent's meridians, acupoints, bones and chakra flow, and could observe the opponent's situation to make judgments and moves. (In the Demon Slayer world, it is equivalent to having an enhanced version of the transparent world)

However, after a few rounds of practice, the Byakugan was banned by Nawaki for being a jerk. When he was not allowed to use the Byakugan, Hinata Shinichi also felt that the wind attribute chakra in his body was very active, which gave Hinata Shinichi other ideas.

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