The birth of Uchiha Zuka should have injected a new vitality and hope into the family.

The two brothers should have grown up together, experienced every bit of life together, and grew up healthily under the careful teaching of their parents and grandfather, but all this was shattered when Uchiha Zuka was two years old.

Like Uchiha Fen, Uchiha Zuka also began rigorous training at the age of two.

However, his talent was far behind his brother, so he was scolded and constantly trained every day. Under the distorted education of Uchiha Setsuna, Uchiha Fen felt that his younger brother was his vassal. From the moment he was born, he served himself as the head family for his whole life, just like the branch family of the Hyuga clan.

Therefore, his attitude towards this useless younger brother was quite cold. Every time Uchiha Zuka wanted to come over, he would be ridiculed by Uchiha Fen.

The young Uchiha Zuka didn't know why his grandfather and brother didn't like him. He just thought it was because he always disappointed his grandfather and brother.

Once, Uchiha Zuka understood the meaning of his name from his parents, but he did not think there was anything wrong with helping his brother, and was determined to train hard to become his brother's most solid and reliable helper.

Later, Uchiha Zuka relied on constant gritting his teeth and working hard, and slowly reached the level that Uchiha Setsuna could accept, so he was not scolded after that day. Uchiha

Zuka felt that he was beginning to get the recognition of his grandfather, so he was happy for a long time.

Little did he know that in the eyes of Uchiha Setsuna, he did not need to be stronger than his brother, as long as he grew up according to the path he arranged. As long as he waited for his plan to be implemented, Uchiha Zuka would sooner or later become Uchiha Fen's helper.

Later, Uchiha Setsuna still focused on Uchiha Fen, who had a higher talent, while Uchiha Zuka enrolled in the ninja school.

He believed that Uchiha Zuka, who had just turned three years old, must be the strongest in the ninja school.

After entering the ninja school, Uchiha Zuka did not live up to his grandfather's expectations. He studied hard at school and continued to train when he returned home, wanting to prove himself.

A year later, in a competition, four-year-old Uchiha Zuka met a powerful opponent, a fellow Sarutobi who could use Water Style: Water Array Wall.

All the classmates thought that this person was the strongest student in this class, and Uchiha Zuka thought so too.

Because his proud Fireball had no advantage in front of the Water Array Wall, he tried his best but still lost.

Just when he was about to fail, he suddenly remembered his name"Zuko", and he was Uchiha Zuka who wanted to be his brother's helper!

So, he regained his strength and used his most powerful Fireball again, and the opponent used the Water Array Wall again.

The two ninjutsu collided again, but this time the Fireball was more powerful than before. Although the Water Array Wall blocked the Fireball, the field was also covered with mist formed by water vapor, making it difficult for people outside the field to see what was happening on the field.

The Sarutobi child in the mist thought that neither of them could see each other clearly, so he relaxed, but Uchiha Zuka on the opposite side could see him.

Because of his belief, he opened the double magatama Sharingan!

The Sharingan has powerful abilities such as observation, copying, and hypnosis, and its holder has extraordinary insight.

Relying on the Sharingan to see the opponent, Uchiha Sukeka relied on physical skills in the mist to catch the opponent off guard and eventually defeated the opponent.

Before the mist dissipated, Uchiha Sukeka's double magatama Sharingan was closed, and he didn't even notice that his eyes were open. All of this was seen clearly by Hinata Shinichi who was outside the field with his Byakugan open.

By observing the flow of chakra in Uchiha Sukeka's body and seeing that a special chakra was gathered in his eyes, he knew that Uchiha Sukeka had opened his eyes. Hinata Shinichi couldn't help thinking, he is only three years old and has opened the Sharingan, and it is double magatama, he is really a genius.

When the mist dissipated, it revealed the Sarutobi clan children lying on the ground with their faces covered and Uchiha Sukeka standing with his fists clenched.

"Uchiha Sukeka! Winner! Both parties make the seal of reconciliation!"

The teacher outside the arena announced the winner of this competition. The kind-hearted Uchiha Sukeka was not affected by the opening of his eyes. He reached out and pulled up the Sarutobi clan students on the ground, and they reached out to each other and made the seal of reconciliation. The students watching outside the arena all shouted

""Sukeka! Sukeka!"

After returning home, Uchiha Sukeka told his family about the competition that took place in the school today. Upon learning that his grandson had defeated the younger generation of the same clan as the current Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Setsuna praised Uchiha Sukeka for the first time.

It was just a sentence"Well done!", made Uchiha Zukao feel that he was truly recognized by his grandfather.

Uchiha Zukao, who won the victory and recognition, gained confidence and felt that he was the strongest in the ninja school. Later, he recruited many younger brothers in the school, including some of the same generation of Uchiha.

He was more determined to become a strong support for his brother.

From then on, Uchiha Zukao trained harder and his strength continued to improve.

In the following days, he continued to participate in more competitions, and each time he showed extraordinary strength.

Uchiha Zukao's reputation gradually spread throughout the ninja school, and his classmates' evaluation of him became higher and higher.

But he did not become proud and complacent because of this, but became more humble and hardworking.

Because he knew that he still had a long way to go, and if he wanted to be a helper for his brother, he needed to continue to become stronger.

Until that day, a shocking news spread throughout the ninja school. There was actually a student who planned to take the graduation exam early! He was only four years old!

This astonishing rumor instantly became the focus of the students' attention, and almost everyone, without exception, linked this student who bravely challenged the convention with Uchiha Zukao.

For a time, all kinds of blessings came like... The flood of people rushed to Uchiha Zuka, making him feel surprised and confused.

Faced with the enthusiastic blessings of his classmates, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed and completely confused.

Although he was very confused, after carefully understanding the situation, Uchiha Zuka still tried his best to explain to everyone that it was not him who took the graduation exam early this time.

After clarifying the misunderstanding, Uchiha Zuka decided to go to the examination site in person to find out.

With full of curiosity, he hurried to the examination place, wanting to see with his own eyes who was taking the graduation exam early.

Along the way, his mind kept emerging. There are all kinds of speculations and imaginations, who chose to take the graduation exam early? This mystery can only be revealed when arriving at the examination room.

When Uchiha Suke came to the examination room, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face, because the person who appeared in front of him and was taking the exam was actually Hinata Shinichi!

This was really unexpected. Uchiha Suke had never thought that it would be him.

What surprised Uchiha Suke even more was that Hinata Shinichi had finished all the written test questions not long after.

Looking at Hinata Shinichi's relaxed appearance, Uchiha Suke secretly sighed in his heart

"I didn’t expect him to be so amazing."

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