The Uzumaki tribe members nearby were all a little excited when they heard Hinata Shinichi's suggestion. After all, who wouldn't want to go to a safe place?

So everyone began to discuss it among themselves.

However, despite everyone's discussion, the village chief still seemed to have not made a decision.

At this time, a woman stood up, her voice was a little anxious and worried.

"Don't hesitate, village chief! My man is also a member of the patrol team. He gets injured every time he is attacked. If he didn't have some strength, I'm afraid he would have been killed long ago.……"

At this point, she suddenly stopped, as if she couldn't bear to say the terrible consequences.

Then, more and more people stood up and spoke.

"Yes, village chief, I heard from those patrolmen that the strength of the attacking enemies is uneven and they are obviously not from the same force. If we continue to delay, how can we withstand their continuous attacks?"

"Village chief, my eldest son has died in the hands of those people, and now my youngest son is still in the patrol team.���I don't want to see my children lose their lives again!"

The villagers expressed their true feelings one after another, and the village chief listened quietly, with a lonely and helpless look on his face.

He knew that these villagers were full of fear and anxiety, and as the leader of the village, he was indeed responsible for the villagers.

However, going to Konoha Village is also like living under someone else's roof. I have lived for so many years and have experienced many vicissitudes of life and seen a lot, but now I can only do nothing about this situation.

Thinking back to the past, all the previous village chiefs were able to make the Uzumaki clan live and work in peace and contentment in the Land of Whirlpools, but when it was my turn to be the village chief, I ended up leaving my hometown.

Alas, it seems that I have failed as a village chief! But it doesn't matter, it's better than letting all the tribesmen lose their lives.

In the end, the village chief let go of his obsession and made a decision for the survival of the Uzumaki clan. He slowly spoke

"Well, your name is Hinata Shinichi, right? How can you be sure that Konoha Village can accept us?"

The village chief asked this question because he felt that Hinata Shinichi could not represent the decision of Konoha's top leaders. If they just go to Konoha with their families, and Konoha does not accept them, it will not only put them in a dilemma, but also embarrass Lord Uzumaki Mito.

Although he believed that Lord Uzumaki Mito would find a way to take them in, the decision of Konoha's top leaders was not made by her alone. After all, the Hokage was the real ruler of Konoha Village.

In fact, when Hinata Shinichi proposed the suggestion of letting the Uzumaki clan move to Konoha, an idea emerged in his mind, and this idea happened to be what Konoha urgently needed at the moment.

"I naturally have a way to get Konoha Village to agree to your relocation, and the Hokage will definitely not refuse."

Hinata Shinichi answered seriously.

The village chief looked at Hinata Shinichi's determined expression, and still felt a little uneasy in his heart, so he said

"Then you should return to Konoha first and ask whether Konoha Village is willing to accept us, and then inform us about the relocation."

He hoped that in this way, he could ensure the safety and stability of the entire tribe and avoid unnecessary risks.

Hinata nodded.

"I understand your concerns, Village Chief, please rest assured that we will return to Konoha Village as soon as possible and discuss this matter with the higher-ups."

Then, he turned to the other Uzumaki clan members.

"Everyone can go home and prepare first. Once I get a reply from Konoha, I will come back to inform you immediately."

There was a low murmur in the crowd, but it soon quieted down. The villagers left one after another, with both expectation and a little uneasiness in their eyes.

Hinata Shinichi looked at the village chief, then at the villagers who left, and secretly made up his mind to promote this relocation and let the Uzumaki clan find a new home in Konoha.

The five people and the dog took Kushina away from Uzushio Village. On the way, Jiraiya curiously asked Hinata Shinichi

"Shinichi, do you really have a way to get the Uzumaki clan to settle in Konoha?"

Hearing Jiraiya's question, the others looked at Shinichi, waiting for his answer.

"Of course there is a way. Do you remember what Sister Tsunade proposed to Lord Hokage?"

"Are you saying that Tsunade suggested incorporating medical ninjas into the mission team and proposed setting up an institution to train medical ninjas?"

"Yes, the Uzumaki clan has strong vitality and chakra, which is very suitable for training into medical ninjas."

Because of the appearance of Hinata Shinichi, not only did Tsunade and Kato Dan get to know each other earlier, but Tsunade also proposed the importance of medical ninjas to the Hokage in advance.

But in the end, he was rejected by the Hokage. The reason for the rejection is clear. The village basically trains ninjas who can fight, and training a medical ninja is not only a cost issue, but also a problem of one's own conditions.

Some people's chakra is exhausted after a few palm senjutsu. When the chakra is exhausted, it is equivalent to losing combat effectiveness. Instead, a teammate has to protect them, which means that the combat effectiveness of the team is directly reduced.

And Konoha The village is currently lacking medical ninjas, and they are simply too busy to handle the war. Allowing the Uzumaki clan to settle in Konoha can perfectly solve the problem of the difficulty in training medical ninjas.

Of course, Hyuga Shinichi does not want all the Uzumaki clan to become like Karin and her daughter, allowing others to bite them to recover from their injuries, but rather to rely on the Uzumaki clan's physique that allows them to easily use medical ninjutsu.

It can be said that the Uzumaki clan are natural medical ninjas, and coupled with the clan's unique sealing technique, their combat effectiveness is not weak at all, so Hyuga Shinichi is confident that Konoha will accept the Uzumaki clan.

But Hyuga Shinichi and the others don't know Akatsuki, not long after they left the village with Uzumaki Kushina, several people of unknown origin suddenly appeared around the Uzushio Village.

They first performed a mysterious secret technique, instantly blocking the Uzushio Village's ability to perceive them, and then they began to secretly spy on the situation in the Uzushio Village.

They had learned before that the Konoha ninja had come to the Uzushio Village, so they wanted to understand the situation. By eavesdropping on the conversations of some villagers from a long distance, they learned some key information.

It turned out that the Uzumaki clan seemed to be planning to move the entire clan to Konoha Village, and for the early For them, who had already regarded the Uzumaki clan and the sealing techniques they mastered as their own, this news was like a bolt from the blue.

Seeing that the fat meat in their mouths was about to fly away, how could they give up? This group of people acted decisively and quickly evacuated the outer area of Uzushio Village, rushing back anxiously to report the situation.

Back on the ship of Konoha, Nawaki stared blankly at the country of whirlpools in the distance, which was gradually shrinking.

After properly settling Uzumaki Kushina and letting her rest in the cabin, Hinata Shinichi noticed Nawaki's unusual behavior and walked up to him.

"What's wrong? Are you in love with the Whirlpool Country? Or are you in love with someone?"

Hinata Shinichi said with a smile

"I...I didn't!"

"Hahahaha, you still say no. Look, you're thinking about others so much that you're almost dizzy, and yet you're still being stubborn, hahahaha."

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