Inuzuka Bones was sad because his daughter was getting married, and he thought of his wife who died young. He thought it would be great if she could see Otoko getting married. Inuzuka Mukuro was unhappy

, and he knew the reason very well. His mother died a few years after giving birth to him, and his sister Inuzuka Otoko had been raising him since he could remember. Inuzuka

Mukuro's view, his sister Inuzuka Otoko played a motherly role, and now that his sister was getting married, he couldn't be happy at all.

The witness began to preside over the wedding, standing between the two people who were looking at each other, and began to ask them if they were willing to be together for the rest of their lives.

Hatake Sakumo looked at Inuzuka Otoko affectionately and answered without hesitation.

"I do."

Inuzuka Oto's eyes sparkled with tears of happiness, and she replied without hesitation.

"I do, too."

After seeing his sister Inuzuka Otoko's happy face, Inuzuka Mukuro's previous melancholy disappeared, and all he wanted was for his sister to be happy.

Then, Hatake Sakumo and Inuzuka Otoko exchanged rings, and the witness announced to everyone present that Hatake Sakumo and Inuzuka Otoko were officially husband and wife. Hatake Sakumo and Inuzuka Otoko looked at each other affectionately, with only each other in their eyes. With the blessings of the guests in their ears, the two leaned in and kissed each other. At this moment, warm applause broke out from the audience.

Then, it was time for the bride to toss the bouquet. There were many unmarried women among the guests attending the wedding banquet, and they all came to stand behind Inuzuka Otoko, wanting to catch the bouquet thrown by Inuzuka Otoko, the bride.

Because The woman who receives the bouquet will be blessed with good fortune and will become the next bride. Hinata Shinichi, who was sitting at the Hyuga clan's table, saw that among the group of women, Tsunade was also among them.

Is Tsunade planning to get married? Hinata Shinichi couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he thought of his elder brother Kato Dan, who was on a mission outside and therefore did not attend the wedding banquet.

In another two years, the Second Ninja World War would break out, and there would not be enough time for Tsunade to complete the wedding.

Moreover, Kato Dan would eventually sacrifice his life during World War II, and it seemed that he died at the hands of Sunagakure.

In his own memory, Sunagakure not only launched an attack on the battlefield of the Rain Country, but also sent troops to invade the Fire Country twice.

At the time of the first invasion... It was around the time when Hatake Kakashi was born, but he was successfully stopped by Hatake Sakumo who happened to be in the village. Sasori's parents also died in this invasion. The second invasion was probably caused by Chiyo who withdrew from the Rain Country War. After returning to the village, she learned that her son and daughter-in-law had died in the invasion of the Fire Country, so she angrily launched another surprise attack.

And it was in this attack that Kato Dan lost his life. Thinking of this, Hinata Shinichi couldn't help but feel sad for sister Tsunade.

A war took away two people that sister Tsunade cherished. It is really lamentable!

Not only sister Tsunade, but everyone who participated in this war is the same.

They were happily together yesterday. The companions who used to chat happily, but were gone the next day, this is the cruelty of war.

Seeing Inuzuka Oto throw the bouquet into the air, the unmarried women behind him scrambled for it, and Hinata Shinichi came to his senses.

In the end, he saw that it was Tsunade who grabbed the bouquet. The excited expression, as if she was about to get married, Hinata Shinichi secretly decided in his heart that he would never let Nawaki and Kato Dan die in World War II.

They are not only the people that sister Tsunade cherishes, but also the people that he cherishes.

After the wedding ceremony, everyone began to enjoy the food. Hatake Sakumo and Inuzuka Oto toasted at each table.

After everyone had eaten and drunk their fill, they blessed Hatake Sakumo and Inuzuka Oto again, and then left the Hatake family.

"Grandma, I'm going to buy groceries now. You guys go home first."

"Well, let Shengshu go with you and help you carry your things."

"Grandma, no, just buy one fish. We still have a lot of food at home."

After saying goodbye to everyone, Hinata Shinichi came to the vegetable market alone.

He shuttled through the bustling crowd and finally stopped in front of a fish stall.

Hinata Shinichi squatted down and carefully selected the fish in the water tank.

At this moment, a cry suddenly came from behind.

Hinata Shinichi turned his head and found that it was Xiaochun who was carrying a basket of vegetables. Xiaochun showed a surprised expression on his face. Obviously, he didn't expect to meet Hinata Shinichi here.

Hinata Shinichi smiled at Xiaochun and said

"It's Sister Xiaochun, wait a minute, I'll pick a fish first."

After saying that, she turned back, looked at the fish in the tank, then reached out and grabbed a fish, and said to the boss

""This is it. How much is it?"

After paying, Hinata Shinichi followed Xiaochun to a nearby bench and sat down.

Xiaochun's face was always red, as if he was silently brewing something in his heart.

Seeing this, Hinata Shinichi had some guesses in his mind. He knew that Xiaochun probably wanted to ask something about Brother Dai.

In the past year or so, Xiaochun relied on her unremitting efforts and persistence, and finally succeeded in impressing Brother Dai's heart that only knew how to exercise, and the two got together as they wished.

However, due to Xiaochun's personality, she was too shy and introverted, which led to the slow development of the relationship between her and Brother Dai.

Whenever she encountered a difficult situation , Whenever Xiaochun has emotional problems, she always talks to Hinata Shinichi, and Hinata Shinichi always gives pertinent and practical suggestions, which often help Xiaochun solve the problem.

In fact, Xiaochun also has other people to consult, such as her grandmother.

But whenever Xiaochun thinks about talking about her boyfriend in front of her grandmother, she feels extremely embarrassed, so she has to turn to Hinata Shinichi for help, who supports her.

After all, in Xiaochun's eyes, Hinata Shinichi is just a cute little brother, so there are naturally not too many concerns about communicating with him.

After taking a deep breath, Xiaochun finally plucked up the courage and told Hinata Shinichi her request.

"Zhenyi, Adai and I are getting married today. I plan to cook a sumptuous meal myself in the evening, just as if it were a simple wedding banquet. Can you come to our wedding?"

"Well, holding a wedding, of course I would be happy to attend......"

Hinata Shinji, as usual, habitually stroked his chin with his right hand, preparing to help Sister Xiaochun analyze the possible problems as usual, and then provide some feasible suggestions.

But at this moment, he seemed to suddenly realize something, and he was stunned.

"Wait! Sister Xiaochun! What did you say? Get married!"

Hinata Shinichi wondered if he had heard something wrong. He suddenly stood up from the bench, staring at Xiaochun with eyes wide open in disbelief. Xiaochun blushed because of Shinata Shinichi's loud shouting, and people around him cast curious glances at her. She quickly reached out and covered Shinata Shinichi's mouth.

"Shinichi, please keep your voice down! Everyone can hear me. I am so embarrassed."

Xiaochun said shyly, and Hinata Shinichi nodded quickly, indicating that he understood, and Xiaochun let go of her hand.

"Sister Xiaochun, why did you suddenly decide to get married? This is progressing too fast! I remember the last time you asked me about holding hands with Brother Dai, how can I not be shy?"

Hinata Shinichi still asked with some surprise

" Yeah......It was proposed by Adai yesterday."

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