After Hinata stopped looking at her eyes, the blue tendons at the corners of her eyes dissipated, she closed her eyes for a few seconds, then slowly opened her eyes, and said: “There are two people in total, it looks like a sneak technique of Shui Duan, about a kilometer to the south, something is wrong.” ”

Sunset Red, Shino the Oil Girl, and Inuzuka Ya looked at each other.

For Hinata’s reminder, they do not doubt whether it is true or not.

After all, Hinata didn’t have to lie at all.

Sunset Hong’s expression became serious, and there was someone in ambush in front of him…………. This was beyond her expectations, after all, she and others came to the country of waves, and it stands to reason that even the three generations of Hokage did not know that this happened.

So how exactly did the two people who were ambushed in front know ?!

Could it be that there are internal leaks among the four of them?

That’s even more impossible……..

“Although I don’t know why there is an ambush in front, but since it may be an enemy, then solve them secretly!” They need to make a simple plan, remember not to let them see it. ”

Sunset Hong said with a solemn expression, although he didn’t know who the two were ambushing.

Wait a minute…….. Ambush?!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Xi Rihong’s mind, and he suddenly reacted.

This time, it was only she and Hinata and the others who came to the country of Waves.

Kakashi’s squad, who took over the mission of the Land of Waves, and seemed to escort a bridge-building man, wanted to ambush Kakashi and them?!

This possibility is very large, reaching a probability of more than 80 percent.

It is impossible to leak the whereabouts of himself and others.

So it can only be Kiki Kakashi them.

“So it is…….. Want to ambush Kiki Kakashi? No…….. It should be that I want to ambush that bridge building expert, it’s a little interesting, I remember that it seems to be a C-level mission, right? Then it should be the bridge expert who lied. ”

After analyzing it in her heart, she roughly understood the current situation.

The current situation is the same person who originally ambushed Kiki Kakashi.

Now it’s run into their squad.

In that case……..

Then help.

It’s also along the way anyway.


In a small puddle a kilometer away, two ninjas hide in the stagnant water of this small beach, they are both ninjas of the village of the mist hidden village, they are the middle ninja of the village of the mist hidden village.

Although in the Mist Hidden Village, the two of them are the kind that are more dish.

But it is also a ninja who has killed people and seen blood.

And they were people from the Blood Mist Age, and that was the one who wanted to be a ninja.

You have to kill each other.

At that time, the ninja of the Hidden Village of Domist ……..

All of them are very bloodthirsty and cruel.

“Assassinating an old guy, you actually need two middle ninjas, that guy named Cardo, isn’t he also a little too down on us ninjas?!”

Taking advantage of the fact that the enemy had not yet run over, a misty hidden village ninja sneered.

Another misty hidden village Shinobu pouted: “Listen to the guy named Cardo, that old guy went to Konoha Village and found a ninja to escort him over, but the escort mission is generally a C-level mission, at most it is a middle ninja, or a few lower ninja.” ”

“With the strength of the two of us, if there is one middle ninja, or a few lower ninja, is there still no way to kill them? That’s impossible! ”

The two of them have been here for more than an hour, but as ninjas, the last thing they lack is patience, so waiting for more than an hour, the two of them don’t really care.


After the two discussed a few words, they did not continue to speak.

After all, they are going to assassinate the enemy.

If only I had been talking here……..

If you are discovered, it will be troublesome.

As the time passes by minute by minute, I don’t know how long time has passed, it may be a few minutes or so, it may be about 10 minutes.

The two middle ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village are still waiting quietly here.

And then there was something neither of them noticed.

A deadly crisis has slowly struck.

A misty hidden village Shinobu hidden in the water of a muddy dirt road, suddenly felt that something was not quite right, he saw a strange-looking worm, suddenly crawled next to him, as if drinking water?!

Wait a minute, something is wrong,…….. Why are there more and more bugs?!

He was shocked to find strange little bugs.

It’s like seeing something delicious.

All crawled towards this side.

Soon this pool of stagnant water on the ground was surrounded, it looked very seeping, the number of these insects was at least hundreds, and the number was increasing, and I don’t know where they crawled from.

Just when he was a little shocked, a scream suddenly struck: “Ahhhh Damn it! These bugs have toxins!! Someone found us and we were attacked!! ”

The other Naka-ninja was suddenly startled, revealing a look of disbelief.

Himself and his companions hide so deeply.

Can this all be discovered?!

Damn it……..

“Hurry up, get out of this damn place, these bug problems! Hissy! ”

The screams of his companions creeped out his heart.

Hurriedly lifted the stealth technique.

A white mist rises.

His figure is revealed.

Then, at the moment when his figure was revealed, the astonished and surprised voice of his companion sounded: “Hey! What’s going on with you guy, didn’t you say that you want to ambush, you will be found out like this! ”

The voice of the companion was very breathless, not at all like the pain and discomfort just now.

This Nakato of the Mist Hidden Village was full of surprise.

What is the situation……..

Just now the companion is obviously very painful, etc…….. What about bugs?! Aren’t there a lot of bugs here just now? Could it be…….. Not good! I’ve fallen for illusion myself!

Just as he reacted, a kunai cut through the sky.

There was a sharp whistling sound in the air.

Ku Wu pierced his throat with incomparable precision and directly penetrated his throat.

It pierced through the back of his head and then slammed into the ground.

Blood flowed from the wound.

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