“Whew…….. Call…….. Call…….. This feeling of passing by the god of death has not been felt for many years since he became a Hokage, and if it weren’t for the speed just now, this immortal might have been seriously injured now. ”

Ape Fei Sun overflowed layers of sweat stains on his forehead, looking at the huge crater directly in front of him through the smoke and dust.

However, if he was not mistaken, it should have been kicked out by Liu Chen.

One kick can kick out such a terrifying hole.

This young man’s strength is a monster, right?!

Is this a humanoid tailed beast?!

If it weren’t for Liu Chen’s body and couldn’t feel any Chakra fluctuations, Ape Flying Sun Slash would definitely think that Liu Chen must also be a personal pillar force.

However, there is no Chakra fluctuation on Liu Chen’s body, which means that it is his own strength.

Human bodies alone can control such terrifying power.

This reminded Ape Fei Ri of his own disciple.

Senju Tsunade……..

“If the kick just now is hit, my old bones may have to be explained here, this young man, what a terrible speed!” That was thunder light just now, right? Something similar to the Flying Thunder God Technique? ”

Ape Flying Sun quickly analyzed the battle situation, and his thoughts were running extremely fast in his mind.

But the current situation clearly leaves him unable to think.

Because he felt as if he had been discovered.

Because he felt a gaze………….

Already looking over here!

Liu Chen’s domineering aura instantly captured a familiar breath, his gaze turned to the left side, slowly raised his right foot, and struck out with a whip leg.

A huge blue slash tore through the smoke and dust in an instant.

Arashi’s foot slash spanned a terrifying length of hundreds of meters.

Almost against the ground flew forward.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper instantly sounded alarm in his heart, looking at the huge slash that flew in, although he didn’t know what it was…….. But you can’t tell him not to be touched by these things, otherwise it will be a big trouble.

He made a seal at the fastest speed in his life and used a Tsuchi Ninjutsu.

“The Art of Earth Escape!”

When his body fell into the ground, Arashi’s foot slash almost grazed his scalp and flew over, if he had finished for a few milliseconds.

I’m afraid it’s not to fly over against the scalp, but to cut off half of the head.

Arashi’s chopping blow was missed though.

did not touch the ape flying sun.

But it still flew out to the left against the ground and landed at the foot of a mountain thousands of meters away.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking on the ground again.

The foot of the mountain in that place was actually struck by the Arashi foot, and a horizontal ravine was cut abruptly.

The depth of the transverse gully is at least ten meters deep!

I almost didn’t cut that hill bag!!

Sarutobi didn’t care about the condition of the mountain bag, because he didn’t have the time to care, although it was just a competition, he also had to play 12 points, otherwise it would be humiliating to be defeated.

Wrong…….. There is no shame in being defeated in battle.

The shame is that it will not last long…….. He was defeated by the other party.

“Tudun Heart Decapitation Technique!!”

Liu Chen, who was scanning the entire training ground with a domineering look, suddenly felt that his feet seemed to be caught by something, and then the ground under his feet became soft, and the whole person was pulled in.

The figure of the ape flying sun appeared on the ground, looking at Liu Chen, who only showed his head.

His forehead was already covered with layers of sweat.

He let out a slight breath and said, “Your Excellency Liu Chen…………. You’re missing a move, huh? What the?! ”

Before he could completely relax, his expression suddenly changed.

Because he felt the ground under his feet.

It’s shaking violently!

Or rather the ground of the entire training ground.

It’s all shaking violently!

The ordinary ground under his feet seemed to be hiding some flood beast, and by now that flood beast seemed to have begun to awaken.




The ground under his feet suddenly cracked inches, and one after another hideous huge cracks, with Liu Chen as the center, spread in all directions.

Even if he was pulled into the land, Liu Chen’s face still did not have any panic.

Instead, he showed a smile: “It’s not over yet, Miyome Hokage.” ”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper was shocked to see.

That hideous crack.

Almost spread half of the training ground!

And Liu Chen walked out of the land and moved his hands and feet: “I haven’t moved my body for a long time, I feel that my whole body is a little rusty, the third generation of Hokage…….. Next, I’m going to get serious. ”

“It turned out to be . . . There is nothing at all, won’t this guy get hurt?! ”

Ape Flying Sun secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit.

It feels like the situation is not generally tricky.

“Hey, hey…….. The young man is energetic, he broke free from the shackles of the dirt so easily, and the movement that made it easily affected half of the training ground, almost destroying this training ground start. ”

Although Ape Flying Sun Chopper was solemn in his heart, his tone was still relaxed.

He quietly distanced himself.

Feel a tingling in your scalp.

This feeling is as if you finally came out with four sets of god costumes, and when you just wanted to arrest someone, you found the person you arrested…….. In fact, it is a six-god costume, and you can’t even beat a block of his blood.

In the distance, the students and ninjas were stunned to see the ruined training ground.

“Well…….. It’s so frightening and destructive, I feel, do I need to go back a few hundred meters………….”

“This has already destroyed half of the training ground!”

“That little mountain over there was almost cut off!”

“Is this the battle of the strong? In less than a minute, the landslide cracked. ”

“I can’t believe it, is this still human?!”




PS: The natural Devil Fruit should be damaged to a certain extent before it will be passively elementalized, otherwise the natural Devil Fruit ability will not be …….. Even eating a meal and holding a chopstick, maybe the hands will be elementalized?

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