The villagers gathered near the gate of the village.

Takahashi Yong saw the villagers gathered near the gate of the village from a distance.

"What's going on, Gangzhi, have you informed the village that we are back?"

"Captain, how can I inform them? We have always been able to contact the village only through the Root Ninjas. I haven't seen any Root Ninjas for a long time."

Hinata Gangzhi answered Takahashi Yong's question, and a smile also appeared on his steady face.

The gratitude of the people is the best comfort for the frontline fighters, which makes them feel the meaning of fighting desperately. Takahashi Yong nodded when he heard Gangzhi's answer.

The Undead Corps has always been in the most dangerous place, either in the center of the battlefield or behind the enemy, and only the Roots who were under a forbidden curse seal dared to sneak in without any worries.

Due to the escalation of the intensity of the battlefield in the Land of Lightning, it has been a long time since we have seen the figure of Shimura Danzo's Root Ninja.

Now Danzo's Root is not a tool to satisfy his personal desires, but a group of warriors who love the village deeply and voluntarily wear various curse seals.

Takahashi Yong didn't think about it now, because they were almost there. Seeing more and more people gathering at the entrance of the village, Takahashi Yong couldn't help but be excited.

"Hero! The hero of Konoha!"

"Ah~ Lord Takahashi Yong!"

"That's our Uchiha, awesome!"

"That white-eyed sir is so handsome!"

The crowd gathered on both sides of the road, and noisy cheers filled the streets. Uchiha Shunji on the street couldn't help it anymore, and began to jump up and down and wave to both sides.

"Is this also Uchiha?"

"Uh... maybe..."

Uchiha Shunji's noisy actions made the other two cold Uchiha cover their faces with their hands in shame and anger. Shunji doesn't look like an Uchiha at all. Where is the demeanor of the Uchiha strongman? They tacitly sandwiched Uchiha Shunji, who was about to lean out to interact, and each held one of his hands to make him stop.

"I feel that Master Takahashi Yong's temperament is very creepy!"

"I have goose bumps."

The villager who said this just rubbed his arms and was gently hit on the forehead by a cane.

"You kid, the more Master Takahashi Yong is like this, the more the enemy will be afraid of our Konoha!"

An old man with a cane sprayed spit on the young man's face.

"Wrong, wrong, uncle, let's continue watching."

The young man who was hit on the head hurriedly supported the old man in front of him who was almost toothless.

"Humph, these young people nowadays don't know how to cherish at all!"

The old man supported by the young man stomped his cane.

"Yes, yes, uncle, don't get excited."

The young man who was taught a lesson by the old man could only smile beside him.

"Yong, you are the pride of our hot spring street!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Takahashi Yong looked at a group of acquaintances on the corner with joy.

Some of them still had flour on their hands, some were holding spoons, and most of them were wearing aprons. Without exception, they were all older. It was these neighbors in the hot spring street who took good care of Takahashi Yong after his parents died unexpectedly.

It was also because of their insistence that Takahashi Yong was not taken to an orphanage by Konoha. The house left by Takahashi Yong's parents was not "kept" by Konoha, and was not returned to Takahashi Yong until he reached adulthood.

Takahashi Yong quickly greeted the group of neighbors. Although it was called a hot spring street, there were actually not many hot spring shops, but there were indeed hot springs.

"Everyone, I'm back." Takahashi Yong smiled widely.

"Yong, why are you so haggard? You must have suffered outside." Some old ladies began to wipe their tears.

"If you ask me, Yong, you are not a ninja, why do you go to the front line? If something happens, how can we explain it to your parents?"

Feeling the care of the neighbors, Takahashi Yong was filled with emotion. Less than a year of battlefield experience made Takahashi Yong feel that he had lived another life.

As for the haggardness, Takahashi Yong looked at his height and body. Maybe his face looked a little vicissitudes?

"Hahaha, everyone, thank you for your concern. Come to my house later in the evening and let's have hot pot! Let's have a meal together."

Except for the remaining members of the Undead Team, Takahashi Yong's bond in this village is probably the group of neighbors who raised him.

The neighbors of Hot Spring Street were originally the first small group to come to Konoha, but they were all ordinary people, surviving in the cracks of the chaotic Warring States. This is also the reason why Takahashi Yong fought for Konoha, and now they don't owe Konoha anything.

"Okay, Yong, the house aunt has been cleaning for you, and our neighbors will clean up for you at night.

"Welcome and welcome."

When Takahashi Yong and the neighbors in the hot spring street were reminiscing about the past.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Mito Kado En came from the village road with many representatives of the ninja clan.

"Cough~" Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that the villagers around him were still talking together, and he couldn't help but coughed.

He even brought a trace of chakra to make his cough sound louder.


"Hokage-sama is here! "

The surrounding villagers made way for Sarutobi Hiruzen and his party.

Sarutobi Hiruzen led many ninja clan leaders or second-in-command into the circle surrounded by villagers.

Looking at Takahashi Isamu and his party, his heart skipped a beat.

The Uzumaki clan!?

Among them, the older Uzumaki Suirei and Sarutobi Hiruzen looked familiar. They had fought side by side in the First Ninja World War.

It seemed that they were sweating profusely!

One old, one young and two little ones, the red hair of the Uzumaki clan was too conspicuous.

Even some ninjas on the roof looked strange.

Uzumaki Suirei looked very complicated in the crowd, and her lifeless eyes might be thinking of the old country of whirlpools.

Also So full of energy, but now...

Konoha is really a group of ungrateful people!

Looking at Takahashi Yong who was laughing and talking with some middle-aged and elderly people,

'I hope my decision is not wrong. '

Uzumaki Mitsuki was not so bitter and resentful, but she couldn't suppress the bitterness on her face. The two red-haired kids were infected by the joyful atmosphere, and the depression of fleeing was diluted a lot. With the big round eyes unique to children, they looked at everything curiously.

The surrounding voices were suppressed by the momentum of Sarutobi Hiruzen and his group, until the surrounding villagers quieted down when they saw the Hokage was about to speak.

Only Takahashi Yong was still laughing there, talking about dinner with the neighbors.

"Ahem~Ahem! "Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed twice, trying to get Takahashi Yong's attention.

Takahashi Yong couldn't stand people showing off in front of him!

He wanted to continue to reminisce with the neighbors, but was still knocked down by the old woman who pulled his sleeve.

He turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen reluctantly.

"Ahem~ Today our Konoha hero has returned to the village,"

"I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third generation Hokage of Konoha, sincerely thank you for your sacrifice and contribution to Konoha!"

"On the battlefield, you are extremely brave and have carried forward the will of fire of your ancestors very well. Now, welcome home! Heroes."

The cheers of the surrounding villagers resounded through the sky.

It must be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen's face-saving project was still done well.

The surrounding villagers cheered, and the emotions of the Undead Team members also fluctuated.

However, what Takahashi Yong was thinking about was the face of wanting to reclaim his house when he was a child.

However, this is what I deserve!

Takahashi Yong was still happy.

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