The sky was full of tears, and the sky was full of tears.

"Heaven's Sentence Technique!"

As Orochimaru cast the spell, a white light with lightning rose from the talisman paper under his feet, covering Takahashi Yong.


"How should I get back?"

"Moonlight Gale is about to be born..."

Takahashi Yong hadn't finished speaking when a tearing feeling filled his whole body, and a dazzling white light exploded on the platform.

The white light suddenly disappeared with Takahashi Yong.

Orochimaru and Danzo looked at each other, and they also heard what Takahashi Yong hadn't finished saying, and Danzo smiled awkwardly.

"At worst, I can apologize to Brother Takahashi after he comes back. He will understand..."

Orochimaru licked his lips. Has it been almost a year?

The Moonlight Gale that shocked Konoha is about to be born. The laboratory is really a waste of time...

"Go to hell!!"

Holding the bone blade, the Kaguya Takeru stabbed the head of the tribe member fiercely. Even though the opponent had a layer of bone armor on his head, he was still pierced by the Takeru, and red and white splashed all over the face of the hero.

This disgusting scene did not make the Takeru feel sick, but instead aroused the Takeru's ferocity, dyeing his eyes with a more crazy look.

The human instinct to escape from danger is more like the fuel that arouses the madness of the Kaguya clan. Two Kaguya clan members with the same hairstyle, one on each side, flew to hug the Takeru to the waist.

Two sharp bone spurs pierced from the shoulders of the two!


"That's strong!"

The two people's bone spurs pierced two bloody holes in the warrior's abdomen. The warrior opened his palms, and a bone spur protruded from the palm of each palm.

He stabbed down fiercely, and the two tribesmen who were originally his family were immediately stabbed to the bone.

He didn't have time to pull out the bone spurs on his palms, so he broke them directly from the connection and pulled out his two ribs, like two scimitars!

He swung at the new challenger who was running towards him!

The two 'rib knives' directly blocked the opponent's 'spine whip'. After a short struggle, the warrior raised the two scimitars violently, blocking the opponent's hard bone whip.

His body sank quickly, and the two scimitars, one in front and one behind, suddenly rotated on the ground!

The scimitars slashed the opponent's chest one after another. Under the terrifying combat consciousness of the Kaguya clan, they only relied on the feel of the hand, and the two knives were combined as one, and the positions they passed were exactly the same.

Cutting through the bones under the opponent's skin one after another, the boiling blood poured all over the warrior's face!

He did not wipe off the warm blood, letting the bloody smell penetrate his brain through his nostrils, and the wound on his abdomen was blocked by bones.

The warrior stood up from the ground, his gray-white clothes stained red by the blood of his tribesmen, raised the double swords made from his ribs above his head, looked around, and shouted:

"Who else!"


A dazzling white light broke through the white mist left by Sakumo, and also attracted the attention of many Kaguya tribesmen.

Takahashi Yong was still in the white laboratory a second ago, and in a blink of an eye he was already on a tree trunk in the dense forest, dark and damp.

"Where did you get me!?"


The thick tree trunk could not withstand the force of Takahashi Yong falling from the air, and it was overwhelmed and broke directly, and Takahashi Yong also fell to the ground with the branch.

The dust was suddenly raised by the heavy object, and the mist left by Sakumo also dissipated with the dust.

Many Kaguya tribe members stared at Takahashi Yong who suddenly appeared...

"It's him! He killed the previous tribe leader!"

"Whoever kills him will be the new tribe leader!!"


Takahashi Yong looked at a group of lunatics who were more crazy than Uchiha, with red eyes, holding their own bones, or with protruding bones all over their bodies, charging at him desperately.

For a moment, he was confused...

"Have you always been so brave?"

Takahashi Yong kicked the Kaguya tribe member who was running in the front and kicked him away! He asked a question that went deep into his soul.

The protruding ribs on his chest were also broken, and he knocked down several sturdy trees in succession, and fell heavily to the ground without a sound.

Dark red murderous aura gushed out from Takahashi Yong's body, like a surging wave, drowning all the Kaguya people who were charging towards him!

Containing the negative emotions that Takahashi Yong had been fighting for so long, and even carrying the miserable wails of some enemies who died at his hands, like countless earthworms exposed to the sun, desperately drilling into the heads of the Kaguya people.

Takahashi Yong threw away the shoes that were pierced by bones under his feet, tore off his shirt, and looked at

The Kaguya clan, immersed in their own killing intent, motionless.

There is an inexplicable ominous premonition...

When did my brother's killing intent fluctuations become a control skill?

The Kaguya clan, a race dominated by the desire to fight all their lives, neurotic, fighting crazy, and can even kill their own clansmen.

The frenzied consciousness of fighting also makes them one of the few clans in the ninja world that is almost immune to low-level illusions, because their daily lives are like illusions all the time...

Even if they are hit by illusions and their consciousness is temporarily suspended, their bodies will fight for them!

Now, they are overwhelmed by the unprecedented negative will. They did not resist the invasion of this murderous will, but absorbed it as much as possible!

Kaguya Wuren, whose eyes were already red with blood and fighting, felt the true meaning of life in Takahashi Yong's killing intention fluctuations...

I have never been so comfortable in my life...

The bones in my body have never throbbed so much, as if the sleeping beast in my body has awakened! ‘


The bone spur broke out of his body at a growth rate he had never felt before, and it was even harder! And even sharper!

Wu Ren looked at the tribesmen around him, all of whom looked ferocious but excited, and he smiled strangely at Takahashi Yong who was ready to fight.



Hyuga Wu Ren rushed to the front, and the protruding bones on his body made him look like a white and dangerous hedgehog!

Behind him were all tribesmen with the same appearance as himself. Some young people who could not reach this level could reach this level under the cover of murderous intent!

Looking at Takahashi Yong who made the tribesmen transform, Wu Ren sighed silently in his heart.

‘I am afraid of the Hyuga tribe like this! ’

‘Goodbye! Strange enemy! ’

He opened his right hand towards Takahashi Yong, and a long bone spur quickly protruded from the palm of his hand!

“Go to hell!!”


Takahashi Yong threw a right punch, ignoring the bone spurs piercing him, and hit the cheek of the "madman" in front of him with his fist as big as a casserole!

The huge force directly caused the warrior to lose consciousness temporarily. During the flight, the protruding bone spurs on his body were shattered and fell off due to the residual force transmitted by the bone armor under the skin, performing a "scattering flowers" in front of Takahashi Yong.

Have they always been so brave?

Takahashi Yong once again had this question in his mind...

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