The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.


"Hehe... Hehe..."

Minato stood at the door of the conference room, looking at his cheap dad with a silly smile on his face. The sharp-eyed Minato caught a glimpse of the wound on Danzo's forehead.

He couldn't keep up the awkward smile. There was nothing he could do. It wasn't that he wanted to become the head of the Shimura family in advance.

But last night, when he was held in Danzo's arms, the beams were about to fall down. In a hurry, the Flying Thunder God mark that he had never sensed suddenly lit up in his mind.

When Minato came to his senses, it was already in the Flying Thunder God pre-point he had buried...

Besides, he went back again.

Dig Danzo's dad out from under the beams...

Why are you looking at me like that?

Danzo looked at Minato standing at the door with a depressed look. Minato mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique at his current age, and anyone who saw him would sigh "genius"!

He is simply the future leader of Konoha, the figure of Hokage!

But when did he become so disappointing?

Danzo recalled the "wind escape genius" Minato who taught by the river before, who was so sunny and sensible...

The will of fire was burning, not inferior to himself back then.


Danzo thought of the Shimura clan land, and the orphanage engineering team should start working...

I wonder if there will be any discounts this time...

Danzo stared at the face of Minato, the unlucky child, or sign a long-term clause. What did Brother Takahashi say before, insurance?

"Come in!"

Danzo felt the wound on his forehead aching.

Minato politely greeted everyone in the conference room, especially Uzumaki Suirei who helped him a lot.

Without the old woman Uzumaki explaining the seal of Flying Thunder God to him, he probably still hasn't gotten started.

"Minato, how well have you mastered Flying Thunder God?"

Danzo asked quickly after Minato said hello.

"Dad, I'm not very skilled, but I can perform it!"

Minato said a little embarrassedly, holding his hair, after all, it was such a coincidence last night.

"Can you bring someone with you?"

Danzo stared at Minato with his sharp eyes. If you can bring someone with you, I, your dad, will doubt your intentions!

"I should be able to, but I don't have enough chakra!"

Minato saw that the usually 'amiable' Danzo dad suddenly became so serious, and he told the truth.

Good, good!

You pass!

Danzo muttered in his heart, if you had enough chakra and didn't take Dad away last night, your dad would have to open a small account!


Danzo carefully looked at the unfortunate child in front of him...

Or maybe he should just find a new one, Yahiko is very spiritual, and he has yellow hair.

"Elder Shuiling, can you extract some of the Nine-Tails' chakra with the help of the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Danzo retracted his thoughts and turned to ask the person who might be the most proficient in the sealing technique in the world.

"Yes, it can be said that under the control of the Mangekyō Sharingan, the Nine-Tails can't make any waves in front of the Diamond Seal!"

"Very good!" Danzo ignored Tsunade's worried eyes.

"Do you need to prepare?"

"Let's arrange it a little bit and arrange a stable seal for Minato."

Uzumaki Shuiling knew what Danzo was thinking based on the conversation, and sealed the unconscious chakra of the tailed beast on Minato.

Let him carry out a large-scale transfer of people, and Konoha's White Fang has not returned yet.


"Minato! Find a seat and sit down, let's continue the meeting!"

Danzo invited Minato to take a seat, and rolled up his wide sleeves on the seat. Now those who stayed were all senior executives.

Don't worry about the surface work, these are all "tall guys", and Konoha's sky still has to be supported by them together

"Brother Takahashi's disappearance is a foregone conclusion!"

"The final destination is the Land of Water!"

"According to the last news from Brother Sakumo."

"Brother Takahashi should have taken many adults from the Kaguya clan and left the Land of Water by boat."

Danzo sorted out the information in his hand.

The head of the Nara clan in the conference room had already raised his right hand, and Danzo nodded to indicate that he could speak freely.

"And the last feedback that Yuma said was in the southwest of Konoha."

"Then it is reasonable to guess that Lord Takahashi should have taken the wrong route and went around to the Land of Wind!"

Danzo and everyone in the conference room nodded. It was very reasonable. Getting lost was really a big deal for Takahashi Yong.

Too normal.

"Then, it is very likely that Lord Takahashi met with an accident in the Land of Wind..."

The head of the Nara clan only said this, rubbing his temple, with a puzzled look on his face.

"What means can this Sand Ninja use to make Lord Takahashi get into trouble?"

"Stop talking!"

Uchiha Hanako raised her head with red eyes.

"You will know after you kill him!"

Danzo looked at the Uchiha who attacked him last night from the upper position. He was impulsive, specialized in illusion, and emotional.

This is also another typical Uchiha. If it weren't for the fact that this woman was Takahashi's subordinate, you would have taken away your Mangekyō!


Danzo looked at Kenichi, who calmly resisted Hanako last night, and opened his Mangekyō, but he was not as impulsive as Hanako and did not lose his mind.

As expected of a clan that even teachers have to guard against, Danzo now feels that the Uchiha clan is more and more difficult!


But if we regard these two people as subordinates of Brother Takahashi instead of as members of the Uchiha clan, we will feel much better.

"Orochimaru, how is the experiment of offsetting the side effects of Hashirama cells on the Mangekyō?"

Now Konoha has four pairs of Mangekyō, it would be a pity not to use them, and Danzo couldn't help but get anxious.

Tsunade and Nawaki heard the name of their grandfather and looked up tacitly. Danzo stretched out his hand and pressed it down, indicating that he would explain it later.

"The theory is complete, and the finishing touch is just a step away."

Orochimaru flicked his hair back and looked at Fugaku sitting steadily, the meaning was self-evident.

Hanako and Kenichi also knew what Fugaku clan leader said at the Uchiha clan meeting. As early as a month ago, several three-magatama voluntarily went to the laboratory.

Fortunately, no major damage was caused, and the ninja career was preserved, but most of the time every day, the Sharingan needed to be opened to suppress the Hashirama cells in the body.

Orochimaru also promised to continue research and solve the problem one day.

Kenichi and Hanako were about to speak, but were stopped by Fugaku.

"Let me do it!"

"Patriarch, you..."

Hanako looked at Fugaku in disbelief, the weak patriarch promoted by Shunji and Yashiro.

"Since you call me the patriarch, I should be the first to come!"

Fugaku's image suddenly began to grow taller in the eyes of Hanako and Kenichi. Only Shunji curled his lips. Don't think he didn't know about Orochimaru's "Izanagi" plan.

Shunji had seen through Fugaku's face a long time ago. He just pretended to be confident!

"Very good!"

Danzo and Orochimaru exchanged glances. Orochimaru nodded gently and also signaled to Danzo that the laboratory had begun mass production of other things.

"I will disperse all the spies of Konoha later, and wait until Minato brings back Sakumo and his Anbu team!"

"Wait until you Uchiha solve the side effects, and all the troops of Konoha will set out directly!"

"Even if we have to turn the ninja world upside down, we must find Brother Takahashi!"

"Except for Minato and Nawaki, everyone else will be the person in charge of the front line!"

"Everyone! This is the biggest crisis in the history of Konoha!"

"Our highest combat power can be missing!"

"So don't make excuses for me, and prepare for war!"

Danzo silently prayed for Takahashi Yong in his heart.

Brother Takahashi, you didn't meet an alien...

(I'm very sorry, there are guests at home, and there will be another update later.)

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