The two of them were very angry, but they were still fighting.

"Leave three people to protect our fellow ninjas!"

Takahashi Yong looked at the angry people in front of him, and after Takahashi Yong added his words, they looked at each other with hostility.

No one wanted to stay, everyone wanted to make a big fuss!

Seeing that the angry people were about to fight, Takahashi Yong quickly said:

"The weak ones should stay, what's there to fight about!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Kaguya people who were still restraining themselves suddenly fought together.

No one wanted to admit that their strength was the weakest in the group...

Takahashi Yong slapped his forehead, it seemed to be worse to say this.

He simply used his dark murderous aura to link their light murderous auras, and directly divided them into small grids so that they could not touch each other.

If they started fighting, it would take several days for Yong to reach Sand Village. He was not sure whether the flow rate of the ninja world on both sides was the same.

Takahashi Yong turned his head and looked at Saran who fell to the ground.

"Give us some clothes, and you can wait here."

"Since you have been involved, you are still ordinary people, I, Takahashi Yong, will take you back together."

"This is my promise to you!"

The seeds stimulated bone spurs in the Kaguya gangsters, and they didn't even have time to take off their clothes. Now they are all beggars.

If they are taken out to kill people like this, they will be laughed at...

Saran looked at Takahashi Yong in fear and nodded silently.


"Brothers! What is our goal!?"

Takahashi Yong and the gangsters changed their clothes and stood on the high sand dunes, shaking their fists and shouting.

"Catch that bastard!"

"Catch the captive!"

"Then kill him!"

"No! Kill his whole family!"

"No! Kill him in front of his whole family! !"

"What are you talking about!? Kill his whole family first, then kill him!"

The Loulan costumes are brightly colored, and all have Loulan's characteristic patterns, as well as exquisite waist guards.

Worn by the ruffians, they did not change their temperament at all. They stood under the sand dunes one by one, responding to Takahashi Yong's shouts.

"No! Damn it, our goal is to go home! "

Takahashi Yong wanted to imitate Brother Danzo's style of doing things and give a pre-war encouragement, but the answer from the Kaguya clan made him a little nervous.

Do these reckless people really need encouragement?

Forget it!

Fortunately, he still had the map seized from the Sand Village outpost. He asked the people of Loulan and marked the location of Loulan. Takahashi Yong was able to determine the location of the Sand Village.

Takahashi Yong waved his hand, and he was also wearing exquisite Loulan royal clothing. The murderous aura linked the reckless people who were obviously a little out of character.

Heading towards the direction of the Sand Village, he began to charge!

As long as I face this direction, I will keep Keep running, climb over mountains and build bridges over rivers, and you won't go wrong!

Ah Fu took the other two unlucky guys and watched the dust they stirred up with tears in his eyes.

'Ah Fu, if the residents of Loulan are harmed in the slightest, I will feed your bones to Simba! '

The warning of Boss Takahashi still echoed in his ears, making his restless heart seem to be drowned by heavy snow.

Although he didn't know who Simba was, he must be a top-notch strong man to be mentioned by Boss Takahashi...

"Queen, the clothes we gave you all have the logo of Loulan and are all Loulan's characteristics."

"Will there really be no problem with this?"

The queen's personal soldier whispered in Saran's ear.

Saran also twitched his mouth and stroked the remains of the Loulan tower, which had a deep scratch on it.

"It doesn't matter, this is not our original world anyway. ”

“I’m afraid that Loulan in this world has been destroyed by war a long time ago…”

Saran’s voice became smaller and smaller. Since Loulan in this ninja world has been destroyed, then Lord Takahashi can at least make the people in this ninja world remember Loulan deeply!

It doesn’t matter if the reputation is a little bad, at least Loulan will be remembered by many people…

“Mom! ! ?”

An unbelievable voice came from the edge of the ruins of Loulan. Under Ah Fu’s murderous gaze, a young woman wearing Loulan’s clothes rushed over here.

Seeing that she was an ordinary person without chakra, Ah Fu suppressed the bone spurs in his palm.

“Mom! !”

“It’s really you! I’m Sarah!”

Saran looked at Sarah who was running towards him. Although she was unfamiliar, the intimacy from her face and blood could not be faked.

“Mom! Am I dreaming?”

“That’s right…”

“Loulan was destroyed by war so much…

After a long time, although all the people survived, how can my mother be resurrected? "

Sara had her memory sealed by Minato, so she knew nothing about the dragon veins being able to travel through time.

Queen Saran accurately captured the words of her daughter, whom she had never met, 'All the people survived'.

Suddenly looking at the dust in the distance stirred up by Takahashi Yong and his party...

Loulan! Danger!


The temperature dropped sharply at night in the desert, and the cold was pressing.

The stars were like dust, dotted in the dark night sky, and below were the curves of the sand dunes showing a silver luster under the moonlight.

At this time, the desert became quiet and mysterious.


Takahashi Yong kept running wildly on the sand, with 58 murderous tentacles behind him, and the dust raised was more like a sandstorm.

The Kaguya gangsters were like kites, dragged high by Takahashi Yong's speed Flying high, the cold wind of the desert night and the sand raised by Takahashi Yong mercilessly hit them.

However, this did not affect their sleep. To say that they could build ninjutsu, they had to be the Kaguya clan, whose skin was covered with a layer of bones.

After blessing the [wave seed], they became the little strong men in the ninja world.

Some of the thick-skinned ninjas even began to snore...

Takahashi Yong braked and braked the small sand dunes in front of him into two gaps.

The ninjas who were released behind him fell to the ground because they had no power, and smashed dozens of small pits in the desert.

Takahashi Yong took out the map from the small package behind him and glanced at it in the white moonlight.

"It shouldn't be..."

"According to my speed, we should have arrived long ago! "

Did I go the wrong way again? Of course, Takahashi Yong still didn't have the nerve to say this in front of so many younger brothers.

Kaguya Taketo climbed out of the sand pit, shook his head that was a little dazed by the fall, shook off the sand on his body, and walked behind Takahashi Yong.

"Brother, why did you stop?"

Seeing that Takahashi Yong didn't answer, Taketo blinked and looked at the distance in the direction they were heading. There was a very obvious boundary between the desert and the land.

There were even shadows of continuous mountains in the distance.

"Brother! We seem to have walked out of the desert! "

Wu Ren patted Takahashi Yong's broad back and pointed to the distance and said excitedly.

Takahashi Yong looked at Wu Ren unhappily. If he didn't see it, could he brake?

Why is he looking for Luo Sha after running out of the Wind Country!

No, it's not Luo Sha. He Takahashi Yong doesn't hold grudges. His goal is to find Minato and send them home!


Takahashi Yong rolled up the map and stuffed it into the small package behind him.


Takahashi Yongmeng clenched his fist!

Gao Qiaoyong couldn't bear this breath and turned around!

Boom! Crack!

The thunder from afar shocked the reckless people. Gao Qiaoyong squinted his eyes and looked at the extremely distant mountains.

There were several lightning bolts rising from the ground behind the mountain and scattering towards the sky.


A fishy downhill wind blew past everyone, making Lou Lan's clothes rustle.

This lightning...

Why is it so familiar~

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