The three generations of the ... Bang~

The third generation Lei exerted a little force under his feet, like a light flying bird, stirring up only a thin layer of dust, and even the small stones under his feet did not shake.

For the first time, Takahashi Yong's eyes showed shock, his pupils shrank sharply, and the sturdy figure not far away disappeared in an instant, as if it had never existed.

And in the original place, only a trace of residual electric light remained, flashing a faint light.


A sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in Takahashi Yong's ears, and the sound was so fast that he had almost no time to react.

This sound was as fast as lightning, and it approached him in the blink of an eye.

No time to react!


It was just like Takahashi Yong bullied the third generation Lei for being in poor condition and used the speed to punch him in the abdomen!

Takahashi Yong only felt a huge force hit his abdomen fiercely!

Takahashi Yong's whole body was bent like a shrimp, and a huge fist appeared in his abdomen!

He endured the pain and reached forward with both hands, but found that he only grabbed a handful of numbing electric light, which made his palms feel a tingling pain!



A heavy breath sounded behind him, as heavy as a bellows. Along with this heavy breath, there was a dull sound like thunder:


As this sound rang out, a pair of thick arms like battering rams were raised high, the palms were clenched into fists, and then they were smashed down heavily!

With a loud bang, the fist hit Gaoqiao Yong's hard head fiercely!

Bang! !

Gaoqiao Yong used [Unbreakable Perseverance] to hold on desperately, "enjoying" the dizziness in his brain, and he didn't shake at all!

Since his body couldn't react, Gaoqiao Yong moved his mind and protruded the materialized murderous spikes from various parts of his body!

Can't fall into the rhythm of their attacks!

Gaoqiao Yong turned himself into a hedgehog like a member of the Kaguya tribe!

Of course, he didn't want to use the murderous spikes to resist the high-speed attack of the third generation of thunder, but to feel the vibration of the sharp spikes!

If the third generation of thunder hadn't reduced its own weight, these two attacks would have been enough to make Gao Qiaoyong drink a pot!

But with the reduction of its own weight, even with the speed blessing, how heavy a punch can you, the third generation of thunder, hit?

Buzz~ Buzz~

The tiny tip of the spikes on the body felt the pressure of compressed air and was shaking slightly!

Right waist!

No martial ethics! Kidney shot! ?

Gao Qiaoyong was startled and quickly lowered his center of gravity to keep stable.

He swung his right arm hard, drawing a semicircular trajectory, and quickly rose from the bottom, uppercut! !

The third generation of thunder was surprised that Gao Qiaoyong could react so quickly, but his many years of fighting career gave him rich experience!

The fist originally aimed at Takahashi Yong's waist suddenly changed its tactics, turning the fist originally aimed at Takahashi Yong's waist into a hand knife, and chopped down, directly meeting Takahashi Yong's hook punch!

"Thunder level!!"

"Earth escape! Increase the rock technique!"


The third generation of Lei's body shook, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

A terrifying force burst out from his hand, and the hand knife that chopped down was as heavy as a mountain!

Takahashi Yong only felt that his fist was hit by a steel knife!

Looking at the two people who were already "stuck" together, he felt very tricky!

Is this treating my buddy as S4's Madara?

Bang! !

The murderous aura on his body suddenly exploded! The dark red murderous aura continued to gather on the stalemate fist, and the veins on the forehead of the third generation Lei were also bulging, and sweat was overflowing.

Ohnoki was behind him, and saw that Takahashi Isamu's fist was getting darker and even began to emit a dangerous aura, and he kept mobilizing his own chakra!

"Earth escape! Super·Heavy rock..."

Ohnoki's technique had not yet been completed, but

However, at this moment, the Third Raikage suddenly made an unexpected move.

He took the initiative to unload his strength, making his strength disappear instantly, while bearing huge inertia.

With a heavy body, his right foot softened and he fell to the ground diagonally backward!

Takahashi Yong's punch that was ready to be thrown suddenly missed, and his hook suddenly swung upwards, and then under Takahashi Yong's strong control, he turned the direction again, with powerful momentum and strength, and swung towards the two people who fell to the ground like a flash of lightning!

"Earth escape·Super·Light and heavy rock technique!"

The Third Raikage was still "fighting" with his heavy body, and suddenly his body shook, from being as heavy as a mountain to being as light as a feather!

Following the fist wind from Takahashi Yong's fist, he "floated" to the back!

"What's going on!? Reckless man!"

Onoki was panting heavily, and several consecutive top-level secrets of earth escape had a great consumption of his chakra and energy.

"Big Nose! You want me to die!"

"There's something strange about his body! He won't waver in the face of external forces!"

"If you had added weight to the rock again, my hands would definitely not have been able to hold it!"

The third generation of Lei tiptoed lightly on the rocky ground, and he felt that his body was about to float up.

The tone of the third generation of Lei was so solemn that Ohnoki couldn't help but reduce his breathing frequency.

After wrestling again, the third generation of Lei's body inevitably fell into a state of weakness. He carefully felt the speed of his strength recovery and couldn't help but sigh:

"If I were ten years younger, I would definitely fight him for three days and three nights to decide the winner!"

"Don't fart! Without me, you can't even survive a face-to-face encounter now!" Ohnoki was quite disdainful when he heard this.

"Who caused it!?"

"Anyway, the ninjas who died now are not from our Kumogakure!" The third generation of Lei retorted.

If he hadn't been designed to surround and kill him, would he be so embarrassed?

"You!..." Ohnoki finally managed to catch his breath, but he was almost choked by the stupid words of the Third Raikage.

Takahashi Yong waved his hand to disperse the dust that was kicked up by his punch. He felt very exhausted.

Looking at the Third Raikage who was obviously older than the last time they met, Takahashi Yong couldn't help but sigh at the horror of physical aging.

If it were the Third Raikage in the original world, he would definitely fight to the end with that hand knife just now!

Even if it means breaking his hand!

Isn't the purpose of a physical ninja to fight for his life?

If you don't even dare to fight head-on, how can you move forward?

Although the timing he found was indeed a bit bad, these two old people were not in their peak condition...


"What year is it in Konoha now?"

Takahashi Yong lowered his hands, and several murderous tentacles sprang out from his back to check the status of Kaguya's brothers.

The Third Raikage and Ohnoki looked at each other.

Ohnoki yelled tentatively:

"At the end of Iwagakure 48, Konoha should be 49!"

Both of them had some guesses about the year that Takahashi Yong specifically asked about Konoha.

"The Third War hasn't ended yet, right?"

Takahashi Yong was a little confused about the year, and continued to ask with his hands to his mouth.

The tentacles behind him also touched the Kaguya warriors. Except for one who was seriously injured, the others were still in good condition.

Takahashi Yong tied them up and put them at the foot of the mountain. The enemies had all fled, so why kill them.

"It's not over! Who are you!?"

Onoki hid half of his body behind the third generation of Lei, only revealing his head, and asked tentatively.

"It's not over, which means Minato hasn't taken over yet, fortunately..." Takahashi Yong silently calculated in his heart, and then replied:

"Me? A passing fighter!"


The rock surface under his feet instantly shattered under the powerful impact, making a crisp cracking sound.

Countless pieces of rubble flew everywhere, as if a rain of stones fell from the sky.

A huge force pushed him forward, raising a cloud of dust and smoke!

Since you are not at your peak this time, I will beat you half to death!

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