The more the shovels were shoveled, the more they saw.

"We dug it! We dug it!"

Some bone monsters were holding their fan-shaped shoulder blades, and accidentally shoveled a piece of soft, warm blood that dyed his white bones red.

After a closer look, they found that it was a hand, but a deep gap was shoveled out by the sharp bones.

"Feel it quickly, is there a pulse!"

This group of Kaguya scavengers was extremely efficient, and they dug a big pit out of the gold sand that was trampled by Takahashi Yong's war.

"It's almost broken by the shovel! Still touching it!"

"Dig it quickly!"

The scattered Kaguya people gathered together immediately and started the "rescue" excavation of Luosha.

"Boy! Hold on!"

"Don't die!"

"Your grandpa Kaguya is here to save you!"

Takahashi Yong's mouth twitched when he heard this. If you didn't know, you might think you were saving people. He turned away from the group of mentally retarded children and cast his eyes on the three people who were hesitant on the plain.

He waved his hand, signaling Minato and the other two to come up.

Minato and Ohnoki Sandai Lei looked at each other.

"Let's go, he shouldn't fight now."

Ohnoki boasted that he was still very accurate in judging people, and patted Sandai Lei's shoulder, attracting the dark-skinned old man's attention.

I think we are a little ambiguous...

Ohnoki put one hand on Sandai Lei's shoulder, and Sandai Lei was like a light swallow, and he jumped a long distance in two or three steps.

Minato was much more relaxed, spinning the Flying Thunder God Kunai, throwing it forward, constantly flashing, approaching the mountainside.


The golden flash lived up to its reputation. It was launched later but arrived first. Takahashi Yong only felt a flash of yellow light in front of his eyes. Minato had already pulled out his kunai and stood in front of him.

The third generation of Lei fell lightly beside Minato, and his eyes could not stop glancing at Minato. The Flying Thunder God Technique was so fast, although he did not use his full strength.

How did Kinkaku and Ginkaku kill the Second Generation of Raikage and then die together with the Second Generation of Hokage who was also proficient in Flying Thunder God?

Tsk, my son lost well, he was really fast!


"You seem to be familiar with me?"

Minato said to Takahashi Yong with his signature smile on his face.

His eyes kept glancing at the Kaguya people digging behind Takahashi Yong. Ohnoki and the third generation of Lei also pricked up their ears to listen.

"Familiar? You are my good nephew, but you just don't know it."

! ! !

The three were shocked. The third generation of Lei had already begun to secretly accumulate power under his feet. You, Minato, are actually on the same side as this naked man!

"But I am an orphan, and I don't know you." Seeing that Takahashi Yong didn't seem to be joking, Minato frowned and said.

Takahashi Yong asked the Kaguya team to bring the clothes on the top of the mountain over, and took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai picked up in Loulan from it, threw it forward, and said to Minato unhappily:

"You have sealed your memory once, I don't know if you can still unlock it. If you can't unlock it, I will explain it to you later."

Minato hurriedly took the broken kunai and carefully looked at the Flying Thunder God mark on it. Because it was broken in half, he couldn't sense it.

Confirming that it was his mark, Minato frowned and thought hard with the kunai. It might be that the seal he made was too decisive.

Minato could only confirm that the memory of the Loulan mission was missing, but he couldn't find the interface of the seal, so he had to give up.

"No, it can't be solved, but I think something too serious must have happened at the beginning..."

Minato said, while in front of Takahashi Yong, he glanced at Ohnoki and Sandai Lei who were eavesdropping with their ears erect.

Takahashi Yong smiled. Was this asking him to talk alone in the future and not reveal information to Ohnoki and the others?

Ohnoki and Sandai Lei's faces turned black. Minato didn't look that young and honest.

Takahashi Yong waved his hand and said to Minato with a smile: "Okay! Give me a kunai to avoid losing contact."

Minato is the key to their return home, so it's better to take some countermeasures.


"Dig it out!"


The shouts of the warriors rang in the ears of everyone, accompanied by the sound of sharp blades piercing the flesh.

Takahashi Yong's face turned black. Is he really whipping the corpse?

"Kill them if they're still alive, cut off their heads if they're dead, scrape off some of their flesh and hair, and burn the rest. Really, don't be so perverted, okay?"

Minato and Ohnoki also forced a smile after hearing this. What you said is quite perverted...

Takahashi Yong turned his head and realized that he had wrongly blamed these Kaguya idiots. He had just completely cut off Rasa's severed hand and was still bandaging Rasa.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you planning to keep him?"

Wu Ren gave Takahashi Yong a thumbs up. He was indeed the elder brother, and his ideas were the same as theirs.

"Brother, we are planning to take him back to Loulan and let him run again. Maybe we will go back again!"

Okay, okay!

It was a reenactment, right? Takahashi Yong closed his eyes, not wanting to talk to these mentally retarded children. He used a long sword with murderous aura to directly cut off the head of the fourth generation Kazekage, Luo Sha.

Although Luo Sha's life was taken away, Takahashi Yong suddenly felt that he was doing a good deed...

Minato and the other two watched Takahashi Yong kill a shadow casually, and their hearts trembled inexplicably. They silently distanced themselves from Takahashi Yong.

"Let's go, Minato, go back to the village!"

Takahashi Yong didn't care what Minato thought, he patted his 'thin' shoulder, and made him stagger.

"As for the two of you..."

Before Takahashi Yong finished speaking, Ohnoki quickly spoke:

"Let's go to Konoha with you, so that we can discuss the matter of ending the war."

Takahashi Yong was suddenly stunned when he heard such a stupid thing. How soft is Sarutobi Hiruzen? If he were in the original world, even if Ohnoki had a few gallbladders, he would not dare to say that he would go to Konoha Village...


It means that we can see the demon form of brother Danzo, um~

It's difficult~

But Takahashi Yong is still very confident that he can gain the trust of brother Danzo in one encounter!

That's right!

Takahashi Yong grabbed Minato's neck! Minato was so scared that he almost flew away with Thunder God.

"Where's Brother Sakumo?"

"Did you guys frame him to death?!"

Takahashi Yu's tone became a little excited, and he came to his senses after he finished speaking. It was already the end of Konoha 49, and the Third War was almost over. Brother Sakumo should have become a skeleton...

It seems that in this new ninja world, he, Takahashi Yu, will stay for a while longer!

Put down Minato, regardless of how shocked they were by Takahashi Yu's straightforward words, and clapped his hands.


The Kaguya scorpions who were getting dressed looked at Takahashi Yu, who was a little depressed.

"My brother, your second eldest brother, is dead!"

? ? ?

Takahashi Yu stepped on his feet.

"Of course only here!"

The Kaguya scorpions understood at once.

"But I'm still very unhappy!"

"What do you think we should do?"

Takahashi Yu shouted at the fifty or so bone warriors.



Takahashi Yong waved his hand to stop their shouting, and said calmly:

"Fighting and killing all day long is uncivilized!"

This is not the original world, Takahashi Yong will always go back, and killing people is irresponsible and immoral.

But to make Sarutobi lose face and infamous, and trample his corrupted Will of Fire hard on the ground,

that's enough... right?

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